The wedding day

A few months passed after what happened with Cell

And without realizing it a very important day was incessantly approaching in the calendar of all the Z Warriors

The wedding day between Broly and Bulma!

And our dear and almighty boyfriend was very very nervous for some reason

"Fuck ... fuck ... what do I do?"

The weeks before the wedding are usually a time of great stress for the bride and groom, a stress that can originate for multiple reasons

Concern about the cost of the wedding and the demands of the bride for that day...

Doubts when asking yourself again and again if getting married is a good decision

Doubts when meditating if that person with whom you are about to marry is really the love of his life

Anxiety seeing yourself in the future with the responsibility of taking care of children that you still don't know

Fear of change, commitment and opportunity cost in general

However, Broly's concerns were different, he was an unusual person and therefore his concerns were at a level above normal boyfriends.

His great concern was ...

"Darling, when will you send your wedding invitations?" Bulma said as she prepared her wedding invitations

"Soon, baby, soon ...

[FUCK… WHO THE FUCK DO I INVITE TO MY WEDDING?!]" Said and thought Broly as his face darkened in a dramatic and even overactive way

That's right, that was his biggest concern ...

And it was understandable, since ...

[I didn't think about it until now, but all the people I know are also known by Bulma, even before I met them ...

Technically they are her friends, since I knew them when I got together with her ...

If I don't bring friends out of this relationship...


They will think that I have never had a social life or that I gave it up when I got together with her


He was incomprehensibly concerned about the opinion of others right now, although only for this matter

[What should I do?

Before appearing in public the only people I knew were Tights and Jaco

And obviously those two don't count…


One is the older sister of my future wife and the other is that useless one that we just want to see him for interest...] Broly thought, as he walked around in his room while Bulma looked at him trying to pretend that she hadn't realized that he didn't know who to invite

[The others are Kami, who has unfortunately died ... technically ... Mr Popo ... and Dende ...

But they are also known to Bulma's group] Another body of Broly thought, which had gone to visit little Kami ... for some matter ...

[The alternatives I have left are Shin and Kibito ...

But not…

These guys have to appear in a few years, and if they come to my wedding the surprise will be screwed...] Another Broly thought in the Desire Realm, who was observing various important figures from the different universes with some magical espionage devices ... and by default also to Shin and Kibito ...


No, that one even less ...

He cannot appear yet and besides he would come without a partner, since Beerus is sleeping

Besides that if he discovers how well I cook now, he'll be all fucking day at my house scrounging while I try to have fun with Bulma...] Another Broly thought, who was in Gohan's urbanization preparing everything related to the wedding with his disciple ...

[With Bados it's exactly the same, but I also have to add the problem that she would come with Champa and that moron is 100% capable of screwing up my wedding ...

I can't risk it ...] The Broly from the surveillance room in Desire Realm thought again, who was checking how Champa was actively looking for the Super Dragon Ball

[My only option is ...] Another Broly thought in the Desire Realm, who was having a picnic with his more normal and less busy subordinates, when suddenly he found himself without many alternatives

"What's wrong Broly, why are you looking at us that way?" Obito asked, who didn't like how Broly was looking at him with his three eyes.

[My only alternative is to ask or force my subordinates to attend ...

Fuck, but that's fucking pathetic] Broly thought as he internally debated not if what he was thinking of doing was right or wrong, but if it was fucking pathetic to have to resort to this

"I'm sure it has to do with his wedding ...

He has been talking about the same thing for weeks…" Najimi said, who used one of her almost infinite abilities to know exactly what was happening, although she didn't explain it to the entire audience.

And meanwhile Broly was thinking of other possibilities apart from coercing his lackeys [Wait!

I can always create beings who think they are my friends

I just have to create life, make false memories ...



However, that option was even more pathetic than the previous one, and everyone noticed that

"If you want us to go to your wedding, you just have to ask us ..." Said Froese, the best person that Broly had abducted and therefore decided to do a charity work for him.


Doesn't it bother you?" Asked Broly, who hadn't yet completely ruled out the idea of creating fake friends to attend his wedding.

"Not at all

We owe you a lot, even if you are a tyrant and pain in the ass sometimes

You organized our wedding, the least we can do is go to yours so that people think you have friends" Kumagawa said, who sympathized with Broly in a certain way, since like him ... he doesn't have too many friends either.

"Besides, it's better to volunteer now than to wait for you to force us later ..." Rin said, who could somehow predict what would end up happening

"Thank you very much!

You will only need to pretend a few hours, you know, don't say anything suspicious that they shouldn't know yet" Said Broly as he began to write a list of taboo topics

"Don't worry, our lips are sealed, we will pretend to be your friends from another planet whom you saved once.

We'll have to come up with a convincing story" Said Obito, who thought that after spending half his life pretending to be another guy it wouldn't be so difficult for him to be friends with Broly for a day…

"Perfect Obito, I withdraw everything bad I said about you and your absurd plan to take over the world.

Now I just need to convince a few more

Many people are going to come from Bulma's side, and only the three of you is very little" Said Broly excited about the idea of getting guests he doesn't have to force ... although they were still his lackeys and technically they were forcibly attending

"Okay, we will try to find others as well, although your options are limited.

Here there aren't many very normal people, fewer couples ... and fewer normal couples ... " Acacia said while pointing to Orochimaru, who had possessed Cell's body and Kabuto, who was trying to mutate again to resemble his new precious lord Orochimaru ... Mayuri and his artificially created daughter ... Dio and his slave Vanilla Ice ...

"Yes, the truth is that I can't be very exquisite" Broly said as he watched the squad of degenerate monsters that he had formed

And once again, as at the beginning of the chapter, the Broly who had just been asked by Bulma returned to take the leading role in this part of the chapter.


I already have the list ... although it is short.

Many of my friends cannot come that day" Said the Broly as he handed out a list of invitations… quite short…

"Yeah… I know…

Whatever you say…" Replied Bulma, who didn't discuss that obvious lie so as not to hurt the feelings of her imminent future husband.


In this way the days passed until the appointed day was reached.

The wedding day!

And that day Broly was totally paranoid, watching at all times in case something unexpected could happen

Anything was cause for concern and immediate intervention

"Damn it, again!"

Especially if it was a hysterical scream from his girlfriend a few minutes from the start


"IS SOMETHING WRONG HONEY!?" Said Broly, who forcibly entered Bulma's room by breaking the window, while Bulma stunned by this unnecessary entrance was adjusting her wedding dress in front of the mirror.

"Broly, it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding" Bulma protested as she continued fixing her dress, without turning to look at Broly and the mess he had created

"It brings even worse luck that your bride is angry about something during the wedding

And your anger is lasting and terrible

What's happening to you?" Broly asked as he approached her, so they could talk face to face, even if it was through the reflection of the mirror

"It's my dress and bra, they have become small again, just on the wedding day" Replied Bulma, who pointed the upper part of the dress and finally turned around considering that since at this point that absurd tradition was already broken

"Don't worry, it's the side effects of pregnancy

You know, breasts grow" Answered Broly, the future father who used that argument to avoid offering other alternatives that could ruin that beautiful day

"I am only from two months, it is impossible that they have grown so much, almost every week they get bigger...




Broly ... do you have something to do with this?" Bulma asked, whose sixth sense to detect the strange ploits of her husband was activated very violently


NOOO ...

Of course not!

Why would I want your precious tits to be even bigger?

It's absurd…" Broly replied as he tried to tear his eyes away from Bulma's tits and eyes so as not to reveal his guilt in his plan to enlarge Bulma's breasts.

Plan that he postponed until the first pregnancy to camouflage his intervention in some way

"Mmmmm ...

Fix my bra and dress and we'll discuss my breast enlargement later" Replied Bulma, who didn't want to fight as it was on the wedding day, even though it was evident that her constant breast enlargement was Broly's fault and ... because she liked her new breaths

"Yes ma'am" Broly replied as he adjusted Bulma's bra and suit with his magic

And while he helped her put it on and assist her with everything else he asked with some nervousness "...

For real, do you want to marry me?

You know, this is your last chance to back down"

"What is this question about?

Do you have insecurities at this point? " Bulma asked, very surprised and dismayed at seeing Broly's somewhat insecure expression.

"I don't, but you know ...

I am someone very weird ... and I am not exactly the best man in the world ...

It's not impossible that at the last moment due to panic you decided to fly away" Answered Broly, who despite seeing the future and verifying that this wasn't going to happen… this was still a scenario that terrified him

And Bulma, seeing that her future husband was delirious about an absurd hypothetical scenario, responded with humor "I have a magnet for strange people

It's no wonder that I fell in love and married the weirdest of all, right?"

"Said like this ...

Besides, I have all the exits controlled, no bride or Vegeta can escape from here" Broly replied, covering his nervousness with humor as well... although he was serious ...


And speaking of extrambotic things ...

You haven't prepared anything weird for the wedding, have you?

Nothing that is physically impossible, planetary scale or higher, that can cause a heart attack to someone not knowledgeable in magic or something similar?" Said Bulma, to make sure everything was normal in this wedding ... since she had received some quite worrying tips from someone

"Nooooooooooo ...

Of course not, none of that ...

Although that will make the wedding not so legendary

Just… grant me two licenses please…" Broly replied as many of his other bodies de-scheduled certain rather questionable events of the wedding planning.

"… Mmm…

Okay now go fix yourself

See you in a few minutes "Bulma replied as she kicked Broly out of the room through the window, as the bridesmaids were about to enter through the door.


Minutes later

The wedding ceremony began, everyone was in the chapel created by Broly, in which there were many sculptures of Broly and Bulma, works of art and even the windows to represent biblical passages interpreted by Broly and Bulma

And on the main stage were the bridesmaids Chichi, Tights and Jaco (who was forced to dress as a woman by Broly) and also Gohan and Piccolo, the groomsmen.

In addition, of course Broly, who was waiting for the bride with his mother-in-law Panchi

"You are very handsome today Broly

Don't be nervous, everything will be fine" Said Bulma's mother, who was getting too close to Broly while she reassured him

"Yes, I know…

Everything will go perfectly… I can see the future…" Said Broly, dressed in an Armani suit like a normal person as he tried to reassure himself

"Hahaha what a joker you are ..." Replied Panchi, who didn't believe that his son-in-law could see the future

And apart from the groom, the mother of the bride, the bridesmaids and the godparents ... on that main stage there was also the priest who was to direct that ceremony ...

And that role corresponded to...

"Are you sure that marrying you is one of my obligations as Kami?

I don't see much sense in this rule" Said little Dende, who suspected for more than obvious reasons that Broly was scamming him

Yep, it is, believe me, I discussed it with your predecessor before he died and he agreed ...

I would have forc ... asked the Supreme Kaioshin to do so...

However, he's a useless motherfucker that might even ruin my day

But with you it's different Dende, I fully trust you" Said Broly lying about the authenticity of his responsibilities while being sincere in praising Dende, the first non-useless Kami who at the same time didn't cause problems

"Thank you ... I guess ..." Replied Where, so flushed with the compliment that he almost forgot that Broly was lying him.

"Dende, don't believe anything that…


DID YOU SAY THE SUPREME KAIOSHIN!?" Piccolo said, very disturbed by everything he was hearing and experiencing right now

"Piccolo don't yell..." Gohan said, trying to put order while his mother unnecessarily combed his hair in the middle of the stage.

"I can't believe my little Broly and my little Bulma are getting married in the end.

It seems like it was yesterday when they were kindergarteners and I wanted them to get together…" Tights said as she tried to hold back her tears upon see that the perfect couple that she imagined so many years ago were about to start a family.

"Yes, nightmares do come true..." Replied Jaco, who didn't know how to express how extremely humiliated he felt at that moment.

But not all happiness was concentrated around Broly, from the stands the excited public commented second by second everything around them

"I find it strange to see Broly in a suit, he almost always ends up destroying them with his muscles" Said Ten Shinhan, who also felt uncomfortable wearing a suit and tie

"I think he likes to show off..." Said Yamcha, who was accompanied by his monthly flirt, which was excessively obsessed with his favorite baseball player and being at a wedding made her even more crazy about him

"So you are Broly's friends ...

Blink twice if he has kidnapped you or something like that…" Said Oolong, who turned to speak to Obito and Rin, Kumagawa and Najimi and Acacia and Froese… the only guests 100% from Broly's side, who obviously interested all the attendees , even more than the wedding itself


In my case it wasn't technically a kidnapping, but… " Kumagawa said with his usual porcelain doll face as he prepared to divulge prohibited information.

Conversation that was quickly interrupted by Obito and Acacia with a nudge "Kumagawa ... remember your role ...

Don't say anything unnecessary"

"I knew we shouldn't have brought him ..." Froese, Najimi and Rin said at the same time as they peeked at the antisocial and troll minus.

"These friends of Broly ...

They don't seem to be very friends with Broly ...

I think he has hired them ... or threatened them to come and thus make us believe that he has more friends than us..." Said Muten Roshi, who had experience in this matter, since before to attend couples events he sometimes hird actresses so that he could pass for his girlfriend

"Possibly, but they seem strong!

I want to fight with them" Said Goku, who couldn't stop looking at Acacia, since of Broly's three male friends, this one seemed the most powerful in terms of combat.

He wanted to fight him asap

"Goku, remember the rules ...

No fights before Broly says so" Yam replied about the rule of not fighting until tournament time… although she was unable to look away from Najimi, who for some reason made her hair stand on end… without transforming into Super Saiyan

"Shhhhhhhh !!!

Shut up! Bulma is going to come in any minute!" Shouted Ginger, who didn't stop looking towards the door, waiting for the expected appearance of the bride in her beautiful dress

Dress that she wanted to see herself in one day

"You're very into this Ginger ...

What happen?

Is there a reason why weddings get you so excited?" Krillin said with some sarcasm as he pointed towards the door with his Capsule Corp digital video camera

"And you Krillin?

You even brought a video camera with you" Ginger replied with the same sarcasm that Krillin used earlier as she looked at C-18 next to her.

"This is a very special moment, of course I am not going to miss a single second" Replied Krillin, who despite catching the hint wasn't ashamed or gave in to Ginger's insinuations

"You mean Bulma's entrance to the church?" Asked C-18, who didn't understand why Krillin was so excited about recording the entrance to the church of another woman's wedding

And trying to hold back his laughter, Krillin replied "No ... pfff ... something much better ..."

And from there there was silence, as the heavy and luxurious doors of the newly built cathedral were opened.

And behind that main door, a certain person entered the cathedral slowly but firmly ... marching down the red carpet towards the altar, dazzling the entire audience who couldn't take their eyes off that precious and angelic white dress, to which ...

Did they point the finger and laugh at him?



And with all the reason in the world, since that person was Vegeta, who was selected "democratically" to carry out the almost forgotten tradition of the flower girl, which advanced to the stage throwing petals in the way that few seconds later the bride would walk

"You're so pretty Vegeta ...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Broly said as he wiped the tears from his eyes after attending one of the funniest and most beautiful moments of his life


WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME DO THIS!?] Vegeta yelled telepathically at Broly as he was embarrassed to levels never imagined upon see that everyone laughed with him and in a very justified way

[Have you forgotten that your stupidity almost cost everyone their lives during the Androids invasion?

Did you think your punishment would end just with me being a butler?

Nooooo ...

You are going to suffer much more] Broly replied telepathically, who still had even more ideas designed to humiliate him this year

[And why isn't Yam doing this with me?

She did things wrong too!] Vegeta protested seeing that all the punishments were directed at him while Yam, who was just as guilty, always skipped all the punishments

[Because that wouldn't be funny ...] Broly replied while still laughing at Vegeta

"Grrrr ..." growled the poor prince of the Saiyans whose pride had been destroyed that day ... he would never be the same person…

But that fun had to end, since ...

"Stop laughing, she's coming in!"

Accompanied buy her father, who between tears entered with her, to guide his lovely little daughter to the altar as tradition dictates.

And before the attentive gaze of the whole world, Bulma came to where Broly has been waiting some minutes or years, which received her with a face of love like never seen before, so much so that his third eye was spinning uncontrollably

After that, Gohan, his godfather, gave him the rings, since Broly only trusted him or Piccolo for this task.

And with the rings in hand Dende started the ceremony, avoiding a useless and stupid sermon that nobody wants to hear "Broly, you promise to be loyal to Bulma Brief ..."


For the umpteenth time!

I hate fucking harems

It should have been clear years agó!" Broly said, interrupting Dende's question and giving more information than necessary ... and quite out of context.

"¿?" So out of context that only those who saw the chapter in which he went to the world of To Love Ru understood that reference

Nevertheless, Dende, who was already warned by Piccolo and Mr Popo of the possible outbursts of Broly at his own wedding, continued as if nothing had happened "... love her and respect her..."

"That shouldn't be even asked, I loved and respected her since before I was born" Broly interrupted one more time, once again providing information that was quite complicated to understand for those who didn't know the truth.

But that didn't discourage Dende, who continued with his script "... In prosperity and adversity ..."

"We are the richest in the world and the universe if I want

The adversity doesn't have to be named, I am not a useless man like others in this room" Broly interrupted once more to report something that this time was in the public domain

And Dende, who no longer even bothered to pause briefly to process that information continued "... In health and illness ..."


We can't get sick thanks to my abilities" Said Broly, showing off his many powers, as he always did when he had the chance, even now.

"Until death do you part?" Dende said concluding the longest question he had ever asked

And of course Broly had to respond duly "We are immortal!

It is impossible that..."

"SHUT UP AND KISS ME!" But this time it was Broly who was interrupted, by Bulma, who took off her veil and rushed towards her husband and kissed him passionately in front of everyone, partly because of the emotion of the moment, the love they had for each other… and above all for him to shut up once ...

And Dende seeing that Bulma had skipped several steps of the ceremony, he concluded as he could "… As Kami of this world I declare you husband and wife…

You can kiss ... well ... that ..."

"LONG LIVE THE COUPLE!" They all shouted happily (except Vegeta and Jaco) upon see that in one way or another they were already married.

"And now Bulma will throw the flower bouquet!

The single woman who catches it will be the next to marry whit the couple that she has brought to the wedding!

Broly's unilateral mandate" Said Dende, which with this concluded his first and last unpaid job as wedding officiator.

And all the single girls who attended, which were Ginger, C-18, Yam, Tighs and the girl madly in love with Yamcha that Yamcha had brought to the wedding went to catch the bouquet

Some with the clear intention of not catching the bouquet, such as Tights

Some with little interest at the moment like C-18

And others with excessive interest

"Ginger, aren't you overly motivated?" Yam said upon see that her sister was even doing stretching to reach it first

"Me? Why?

The most excited of all seems her" Ginger replied as she pointed to Yamcha's flirt, whose eyes were bloodshot and didn't even blink as she stared at the bouquet in Bulma's hands

[Please god, let Ginger jump for the bouquet with all her might] Yamcha prayed to Dende crossing his fingers, hoping anyone but his new flirt would be the one to get that fucking bouquet

His single life couldn't end now, much less with a flirt he met four days ago ...

"Catch it!" Bulma yelled as she threw the bouquet

Bouquet of flowers that was only being fought by Ginger, Yam and Yamcha's flirt... although the poor thing had no chance of getting it since she was competing with two very powerful hysterical crazy women with the ability to fly

Something that amazed and saddened her at the same time ... but that made Yamcha very very happy.

Even if it was only momentarily ...

[Hehehe… here is my second intervention]

Since Broly teleported the bouquet of flowers directly into that girl's hands

"I cannot believe it

I took it darling!

This, I mean… Yamcha, I've caught it!

When do you want us to get married my love?" Yamcha's flirt shouted with joy as she rushed towards him to kiss him in front of everyone

"What ... what a joy… this… honey…

[Oh shit…I don't even remember her name]" Yamcha replied, greatly contradicting his words, thoughts and expressions.

"Whoa whoa !!

Congratulations Yamcha!

[Did you want a single life?

To go from flower to flower?

Not in my presence, you will marry, get fat and stop fucking… something that will not happen to me, but to you

HUAHUAHUAHUA]" Broly said, greatly contradicting his words, thoughts and expressions as well.

"And now comes the moment that you have all been waiting for

Go for Broly's gourmet canapés" Shouted Bulma, that as always she was the life of the party, especially at the parties set up in her honour

"GREAAAAAAATTTTTT!!!" Absolutely everyone shouted, since most had come to that, eat until they burst

"And then you can enjoy your stupid fighting tournament

That goes for you Goku" Said Bulma, that knowing how some of his guests were, had scheduled a fighting tournament after the dance, so that everyone could be happy.

"GREATTT!!" Goku yelled, doubly happy

"Broly has given me permission to beat you up, don't worry, I won't leave you any irreversible damage" said Acacia, who after being challenged throughout the ceremony also wanted to have fun with the famous Goku, his artistic grandfather from Shonen Jump

"Vegeta, you are forbidden to change your clothes

Even to fight" Said Broly when he saw that Vegeta pretended to wear clothes according to his sex and age

"DAMN!" Vegeta yelled extremely furious for obvious reasons

And while everyone went to eat, Bulma and Broly notarized their marriage


Finally we have married, just as you have always dreamed

What will you do from now on?

This will change your life in some way?" Asked Bulma, who signed the document at the same time that she grabbed his butt affectionately

"Meeting you already changed my lives forever" Answered Broly, who also grabbed her butt while signing with his tail, something that surprised the notary

"Oh come on, save some for tonight" Said Bulma, who for some reason was playing innocent despite being the one who started first.

"Not much will change, not now or ever ...

At most I will become more calm, serious and responsible since I already have everything I wanted in life" Broly replied, getting quite sentimental to find himself so spiritually satisfied today

"Everything?" Asked Bulma surprised, since she knew how greedy her husband is

"Well, almost everything…

And one of those three things will come to us in 6 months and 9 days" Broly replied while touching Bulma's belly, which contained the fruit of their love, whose name has already been indirectly spoiled in this chapter.

"Oh… thank you for spoiling my own pregnancy.

And what is the second?" Asked Bulma quite blushing, since possibly he was referring to that he wanted more than one ...

"The second…

You will see it in 9 years

As for the third ... we will have to wait a little longer

But let's not talk about that anymore...

There are five Saiyans and two Gourmets in that room, if we don't go we will be left without eating" Replied Broly spoiled in an optional chapter important parts of the next volume and the one that will precede it.

"You'll never change…

But you know that only three things don't seem enough to me" Said Bulma, sealing the end of this chapter with a second kiss and a fairly direct hint for our protagonist.

His future son or daughter wouldn't be an only child