Seven years later

It's been 7 years since the Cell incidents

Seven years in which no type of planetary or universal threat occurred

Everything was in perfect tranquillity and harmony...

Gohan's family business materialized, becoming a great success thanks to the magnificent facilities that were created with the cutting-edge technology that Gohan used, the excellent advertising campaign and the contacts between the higher echelons of Bulma and her family.

That and the great security of having almost all of the strongest guys in the world in one place made the waiting lists to enter the urbanization "Son and associates" become extremely large, either to get a permanent home in the urbanization, attend the guided safari, hotels, amusement park and many other events ...

However, despite this great economic success at a young age, Gohan had to continue studying (his mother forced him and he needed academic certificates) ... and today one of his bodies was returning home after his second day at Orange Star High School

"Hello! I've already come home" Gohan said, even though many of his bodies had been there all day, busy with paperwork, research and development and many other chores.

"Hello Oni-chan!

Have you finished playing super hero?

You can play with me?" Said Goten, who was born and raised in the same way in the official version

Although with many more friends because he was the son of the owner of an urbanization inhabited by people, with more luxuries, with a father ... even if he's Goku ... with better training and with many Gohans to play with ...

"I'm not playing superhero, I am.

Also, do you want us to play again?

I've been playing with you almost all morning ...

When you finish your homework I will play with you, but not before" Gohan said fulfilling his role as a responsible older brother, severe but kind at the same time.


I'll do my homework…

But then will you take me to the amusement park?" Goten replied, who was raising the price of his playtime with his brother knowing that he would have to do something he hated before.

"Yes, but that will have to be after your daily training ...

It is very important to practice every day or you can get rusty...

By the way ... where is dad now?" Gohan answered and asked, even though he could tell by locating his Ki, but from time to time he wanted to pretend to have a normal life and family

"He's with C-17, C-16 and Krillin in training ground number 4

Mom told me not to go near them while they train if I am not in front of her "Goten replied as he pulled some books out of his backpack without much enthusiasm due to the unpleasant task that he would have to do now.

Although he also resented that his mother didn't let him play with the grown-ups ... and that she forced him to study ...

"Ok, thanks Gotens

See you later" Gohan said as he observed that his little brother was starting his homework ...

And he was teleporting where his father, friends, partners and employees were playing after a long day at work.

"Oh hello!

Gohan, how is your student life?

Have you already got a girlfriend?" Krillin asked, asking the typical sympathetic but somewhat irritating uncle question.

And Gohan responded, to the first question naturally "Pretty good ..." but not so much the second, which made him quite upset "EHHH ?!

W-wh-what the hell are you saying Krillin?!"


That means there are some…" Krillin said suspiciously seeing that Gohan seemed to overreact… he had even blushed a bit…

"Krillin!!" Gohan protest against this intrusion of his adolescent private life

A typical cliché scene that amused all who witnessed it, despite that none of them had a typical adolescence "HAHAHAHAHA !!!"

"We were already leaving here, today we have a family meal and we cannot leave everything in the hands of women," C-17 said, reminding his brother-in-law of their commitment.

"Yes, it's true, otherwise C-18 will drill my head

See you tomorrow Goku" Said Krillin saying goodbye to his best friend and also boss

"And your C-16?" Goku asked, who saw with sadness that his friends stopped playing with him

"I'll go watch the safari animals

One of the advantages of being totally mechanical is that I don't need to sleep" Replied C-16, who had found his life's work and also had completely forgotten all his hatred and adversity towards Goku thanks to the reprogramming of Bulma

"OK, see you tomorrow…

It seems that we are left alone Gohan

What do you say? Do you want a little fight with me?" Goku asked while he warmed up, since he knew perfectly what the answer is

"Yes, of course" replied Gohan, who had come with his combat uniform to fulfill one of his daily routines.




And after a few minutes of fighting in a place far enough away from the urbanization so as not to cause damage or scare the neighbors with the sounds of missiles exploding near their house...

The pre-dinner workout was over


AHHHHH !!!!!!!

You have become even stronger than before!

Even without using the True Saiyan transformation, Antithesis or the KIEN I cannot defeat you

You have become very strong Gohan" Goku said very excited to see once again that his greatest challenge (Broly doesn't count) lived with him and that he could fight with him every day

And Gohan wasn't in a better state than he was ... although ... it seemed that there was something else that worried him


Thank you, although I have been on the verge of losing on several occasions ...


This ... dad ... do you have a moment?

I would like to ask you about something ...

About what Krillin was saying…" Gohan said, somewhat uncomfortable trying to discuss a certain topic with his father…

But still, he felt he needed to do it, especially with him.

However it wouldn't be easy ...

"Yes, of course, whatever you want ...

But what did Krillin say?

I didn't understand what he said" Goku replied, who laughed at the joke earlier without having understood it.

This was a challenge, however Gohan didn't flinch or give up despite adversity


There is a girl that I like ... well ... I think that ... and I would like your advice...

How can you get a girl to like you?

For example, how did you and mom fall in love?" Asked Gohan, a teenager raised in the mountains with hardly any company, especially female company who had recently started a new life and felt attracted to a girl for the first time.

No one, not even Broly had prepared him for something like that, so he needed some help with this matter

He needed the advice of someone close and sincere, with experience in this stage of life and who could guide him in this matter so delicate and unknown to him with success.

A success like the one he got

And who could advise him better than his own father? The man who conquered his mother and responsible for his birth thanks to that

There was no one better to fulfil this role than Goku!

"Well ...

It is easy!

You just have to kick her pussy, then she will force you to marry her in a few years even if you don't know about what marriage is

Years later you have to hit her really hard in a martial arts tournament, she will ask you to marry again and you just have to accept"

Or… maybe not?


Ehhh ...


Thanks dad, I think I'll go ask Broly for advice

[Or Piccolo ...

I know he reproduces asexually, but still I think his advice will be more useful]" Gohan said and thought with great disappointment as he teleported to another place


Capsule Corp

The emblematic circular mansion belonging to the richest family on the planet, where the founder Dr Brief worked slowly next to his animals, where Panchi his wife prepared dinner with a big smile, where Bulma the youngest daughter and family heir worked in the laboratory in one of her new inventions with her husband Broly, the most powerful being that has been born in this universe

But in addition to them now there was another person who inhabited that house

Well ... right now two more ...

"Dad, Gohan-chan has come to see you" Said Bra, the daughter of Broly and Bulma, who hung around Gohan's neck as if she were a koala

An adorable seven-year-old girl who was practically the same as her mother when she was little, except that she has a bluish ape's tail, the same colour as her hair ... and that she is very hyperactive

"Oh hi Gohan what are you doing here?

Do you want to stay for dinner?" Bulma said as she got up and grabbed Bra for her to stop bothering Gohan

"Have you come to make you a good superhero costume?

Maybe something cooler than simple fabrics?" Asked Broly, who had previously expressed how little he liked the superhero costume that his student had designed to hide his identity while fighting crime in high school and wanted to make him some Iron-man or Zet-man style arrangements

But Gohan, who really thought his suit looked cool, ignored that question and replied "Hi Broly-sensei, hi Bulma-san

No thanks Bulma, my famili wait for me at home for dinner

I just came to ask Broly for a… little advice"

"I see…

Bulma, Bra, could you just leave us for a moment, I think he wants to ask me something embarrassing

You know honey… he's at that age…" Broly said with a mischievous smile, since he read the mind of his poor student and didn't try much to hide it or to hide the reason for this visit

Something that provoked Gohan's immediate protest "Broly-sensei! Don't read my mind!"

"Oh I see, you have inherited your mother's genes in this matter…


Bra, let's go to the dining room, I think they need a little privacy" Bulma said with the same mischievous smile of her husband as she took her still innocent Bra with her so she wouldn't hear inappropriate things for her age

"Ok mom ...


Can you bring Goten tomorrow so we can play?" She asked Bra to Gohan before her mother led her away from a conversation that seemed funny

"Yes, no problem…

I think it would be good for him "Gohan said as he watched as mother and daughter left the room ... and seeing that they had moved far enough away not to hear them he asked his question ... more or less ... "Well ...

Since you've read my mind...

Do you have any advice?"

"Well ... possibly, although you have it very easy Gohan

You may not have realized it because in some ways you are the same as your father, but that girl is very interested in you

She is even more interested in you now that she knows about you87r powers, that your father is the previous world champion and that the leather belt you always wear is actually your tail.

You just have to show yourself as you are to her and you will conquer her

This is normally shitty advice, but in your case will work" Broly replied somewhat disappointed and happy at the same time

Disappointed that it wasn't a great challenge that required his invaluable help to make elaborate, incredible and somewhat absurd plans for both of them to go out together... and happy to see that he wouldn't need to work for free

"Really?" Asked the incredulous Gohan, that couldn't believe what Broly was telling him

Normally Videl behaved quite aggressive, bossy and tried to "annoy" him… and although she showed interest in him he didn't know if that was good

"Of course, in fact, the classes that she has proposed to do tomorrow so that you can teach her to fly will help you.

Show her everything you know about Ki and the art of fighting, so you will spend a lot of time with her from a position of respect and admiration in a physical activity that releases large amounts of dopamine, especially in combat, which involves the risk of death

Why do you think so many women fall in love with their dance, aerobics, Zumba or kickboxing teachers?


I don't think so

So this is my second tip

Never trust those guys" Said Broly revealing one of the secrets of the chemistry of the fucker, reminding readers that we are a mass of hormones and that we shouldn't be calm when our women go to play sports with a young good-looking teacher

"I see…

Thanks Broly-sensei

I knew talking to you would help me

By the way, what do you advise me about participating in the martial arts tournament?

Should I participate?" Gohan asked showing obvious concern.

A concern so obvious that Broly didn't even need to read his mint to know what he was thinking.

"Are you so worried about being paired with her and having to choose between wining her or letting her win?

That whatever the result, are you afraid that the hyper competitive Videl, the daughter of the world champion, will be angry that you have been condescending to her by not using all your power or by defeating her?

Don't think about it so much, I will manipulate the pairings so that it is only possible to see you in the final

And whatever happens if you both reach the final, although I doubt it, don't dare to let yourself be beaten

That would make her very angry" Broly said, explaining to his young and unsuspecting student how contradictory and complicated human females are.

"Oh, I see, thank you very much for…

Wait, why are you so doubtful that Videl will make it to the final?

She is very strong, more than her father and if I trains her she will be even better" Gohan asked, very surprised by the curious answer of his teacher.

"You haven't heard, have you?

Yam plans to participate in the competition and has also forced Vegeta to participate ...

Not only that, Ginger is also going to participate, she wants her victory in the same tournament that her husband won years ago ... you know, couple bullshit

This year they give a lot of money to the participants, even if you aren't one of the top three" Answered Broly, explaining why the scale power of this tournament was no longer human.

Something that greatly concerned our son of original protagonist that the editors of Toriyama didn't allow him to become the true protagonist of Dragon Ball Z after the death of Goku in the Buu saga "Really!?

This is bad…"

"Yes, so if you were you, I would spread the word among all our friends so that they participate as well.

We cannot allow Vegeta to be happy" Said Broly without any shame or qualms about masking his true intentions.

"Hahahaha ...

[He really wants us all to get together ...

And curiously, my father's advice wasn't bad at all ... more or less ...]

Ok ... I'll tell dad and the others ...

Will you also participate Broly-sensei?" Gohan said and thought as he mentally prepared to hear the answer to that question

"No, neither I nor Bulma will participate, I don't want to be a bully

But we will go to spend the day with the whole team and cheer on Bra, who will participate in the children's tournament with Vegeta Jr and Zingiber

Why don't you sign up Goten too?

They sure have a great time together" Said dady Broly, who wanted his daughter to hang out with children his age who had similar powers to avoid unnecessary accidental deaths ...

Also, the more children he added, the less presence of Vegeta's son would have in that group

"Ok, I'll tell everyone

Dad will excited about the idea

Thank you very much, see you all on May 7 at the tournament then

[He will not participate, what a relief…]" Gohan said as he wiped with great relief the beads of sweat that ran down his forehead.

"Yes, of course

Good luck with Videl and don't forget to use protection ...

Remember you cannot wear a helmet in the tournament, put on a mask that is not ridiculous or something

But above all ...

Don't even think about making ridiculous poses when you play super hero, you will not look cool, but pathetic" Said Broly giving great advice to his student, advice that no one should forget under any circumstances

"Yes, I know…

Every year we have a two-hour class about that since I was 8 years old ...

And the truth is that they have been a monumental waste of time ..." Gohan answered, remembering with distaste those repetitive, ridiculous, absurd and semi-military classes in which Broly made him embarrass himself to incredible levels.

"Believe me, they haven't been" Broly replied, happy to see that all that time wasted had been worth it.

But Gohan didn't feel like arguing about that matter again, besides, his dinner would be almost ready, so he said goodbye "Whatever you say Sensei

See you later"

Gohan left the same way he came, teleporting away and leaving Broly alone in the lab, so ...

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no one around, he pressed a button that he had hidden among some books that no one used anymore because the internet existed in this world thank to thim...

By pressing that button a secret room appeared between the shelves and in that room among other very suspicious items was a calendar

A calendar with several marked pages and the closest mark was precisely that of May 7 of this year ...

Day Broly stared without even blinking ...

It was as if he was possessed by something ...


The moment I've been waiting for over 30 years is finally coming


HUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAA HAHAAAAAAAAA !!! " Said Broly like a fucking psychopath addicted to meth as he laughed madly in an extremely exaggerated and loudly way

So much so that he could be heard throughout the mansion

"Mom ... why is Dad laughing like one of those crappy villains on TV?" Bra asked, somewhat concerned by the strange laugh of her father, whom she had seen do very strange things until now, but this was new to her

"I don't know honey, but whenever he has done that something strange has happened

He must be planning something ... and something not good ...

Anyway ... let him know that dinner is ready" Said Bulma, who after many years of marriage with Broly she had adopted the mental defence mechanism consisting of not worrying too much about his crazy plans and his various eccentricities

"Ok mom ...


DINNER IS GOING TO COOL!" Yelled Bra as if it were a human megaphone to avoid moving from the sofa as much as possible, since she had found her ideal posture



IN ANY CASE IT IS GOING TO HEAT UP!" Shouted Broly with the same voice cadence as his daughter from his laboratory



COME!" Bra replied, not getting up from the couch yet

"I meant for you to get up and go to the laboratory to tell him that...

Well... I'll have to love them anyway" Said Bulma, who was beginning to find that these somewhat chaotic behaviors between father and daughter were a bit cute...