Tenka'ichi Budōkai Part 1

On May 7, the day of the tournament finally arrived

Except for Yamcha, who had to take care of his children ... Ten Shinhan and Chaoz who were continuing their training in hermit mode ... and C-16 and C-17, who had stayed in the urbanization to control the situation ... everyone else had gathered on Papaya Island to participate in or observe the World Martial Arts Tournament

And since everyone had had contact for the last six years due to Broly's barbecues, that many worked in the same place, that Broly had brought the information age to the planet through Capsule Corp, that Goku hadn't died and the Saiyan families made their children play with each other because they feared that with their super strength they would accidentally kill normal children ...

It wasn't necessary to make an epic reunion, so everyone went straight to sign up, drawing undue attention in the process and watching the child matches

Matches that Broly rigged for Goten and Vegeta Jr (this pairing was Vegeta's request) fight in one of the semifinals and for Bra and Zingiber (the daughter of Ginger and Roshi) to fight in the other semifinal

In fact, one of the matches had already ended ...

"And the winner of this incredible fight has been Vegeta Jr!


This has been the best match I have seen in over a decade!

I hope all the World Martial Arts Tournament will be like this again

It is a pity that all our cameras have been damaged and we haven't been able to record this great fight" Said the famous referee and announcer of this series (we still don't know his name), that was living with great emotion the resurgence of the World Martial Arts Tournament of yesteryear, where supernatural beings with powers beyond the human condition fought each other


Combats where absolutely anything could happen

Like for example... that from the stands a huge, muscular guy with a third eye and an ape's tail hit the head to a green alien with snail antennae.

"AAAHHHHH my head!

Why the hell did he do that to me?

It hurts much!" Piccolo protested against Broly's unjustified and painful attack, his head hurt so much that he even had a hard time remembering things he did yesterday

"I have never raised you to destroy private property like this Piccolo

Poor cameras…" Said Broly excusing his surprise attack into something akin to youth vandalism

Something that earned Piccolo's energetic and deserved protest "You never raised me!

In addition, you have manipulated the election process so that the kids could fight together in the semi finals

You have no right to criticize me!"

"They did what?!" Videl yelled very upset by what she had just seen and heard

The more she knew about Gohan's strange group, the more surprised and scared she become...

But she especially less understood

"Nothing Videl, they haven't done anything ..." Gohan said quickly, trying in every possible way since he introduced her to pretend some kind of conventional normality.

"Too bad Kakarotto

Looks as though my son comes from better stock" Yam said with great pride upon see that his family had finally won something over Goku's for the first time in the history of this novel.

"And not only that Kakarrot

This is a premonitory combat of what will happen between us" Vegeta said with 200% pride seeing that the exact copy of him had defeated the exact copy of his rival...

He couldn't wait for history to repeat itself

"Yeah ..." Goku replied without giving much importance to anything

On the other hand, Ginger and Muten Roshi weren't happy at all, unlike the rest of the cast. "And now it's my little treasure's turn …

I am so worried…"

They were extremely worried and the origin of that worry seemed to be the next match

The fight in which their precious daughter Zingiber fought against ...

"Tell me Gohan ...

Bra is… like her father?

She doesn't have a third eye, it's obvious, but… you know, she has a tail… and his genes" Piccolo whispered worriedly to Gohan as he saw Roshi and Ginger's worrying reaction.

They were so worried that they even started praying to Dende to protect their daughter.


If their last hope was pray to the weak god of planet Earth they must be very desperate


Let's say…

She is the perfect combination of her two parents ... although luckily her S cells aren't as mutant as Broly's" Gohan replied, trying to reassure his friends butn't lying to them.

An answer that didn't reassure them too much

However, it was better than what they would hear next

"Hahahahaha !!!

Don't worry, I have instructed her so that things don't get out of hand.

She won't devour a solar system like I did at her age or something like that.

Or she will be punished..." Said Broly trying to relax the atmosphere by promising that he had forbidden his daughter to create the apocalypse from a fight between children


One moment…

If he had forbidden it

That meant ...

Was she capable of doing it?

"Oh shit ..." Almost everyone answered at the same time (except Roshi and Ginger, who already knew about Bra's strength, since both daughters were super friends) reflecting on their faces a great terror

The terror of knowing that a second Broly had been born

Although the person who seemed most affected was Videl, who for the umpteenth time that day her world fell into the toilet "What !?

Devour a galaxy!?

Is this a joke, right Gohan?" That had to be a joke, a silly, exaggerated and disgusting joke, however "Guys…

Why are you so pale?

It's a joke, right?"

However, while some uninformed adults tried to assimilate that another weapon of mass destruction was between them and Gohan tried to convince Videl that all of this was a joke

The fight between Bra and Zingiber had been announced by our dear referee… and both looked at each other and chatted before starting to hit each other.

"Bra ...

Please don't overdo

We are best friends, have some mercy" Said Zingiber, who had lost all hope of victory from the beginning and she just wanted not to be humiliated in front of everyone

"Don't worry, it will be quick and painless ...

Well ... almost painless...

I have to save energy to fight your cousin

My dad has promised me a reward if I humiliate him a little ... you know how ...

Hehehe…" Bra replied as she cracked her knuckles, showing by her facial and body expression that she wouldn't be overly merciful to anyone.

Something that worried Zingiber and rightly so, who added more conditions to his surrender "Don't go overboard with him please ...

And don't hit me on the head, I'm studying"

"Okay, don't worry," Bra replied, who lowered her fists and stopped showing so much hostility and bad intentions towards her best friend.

A friend who regained hope in life and half human beings "Thank you very much Bra, you know… you always..."



However, instantly Bra teleported in front of her and with a single punch to the face sent her flying towards the stands.

"Never get distracted in combat

Especially when it hasn't even started" Bra said as she posed victoriously like a Joestar, repeating verbatim one of the great lessons from her father that she learned in the same way that Zingiber had just learned now

"Wow… this has been faster than I expected…

The winner of this match is Bra!" The announcer said with enthusiasm upon see that there were more monstrous children, something that would guarantee the future of this competition

Although, unlike him, everyone was concerned in their own way to see that a 6-year-old girl could be very hurt

"Zingiber! I'm coming, hold on!" Shouted Roshi, who went to help his precious daughter who was still stretched out among the rubble of the stands.

"Uish ... that had to hurt..." Goku and the others said upon see this humiliating defeat and powerful punch that will surely leave some kind of temporary sequel



That poor girl…" Videl said terrified upon see what had just happened and its possible consequences

She really believed that that poor creature could have died at the hands of that monster in the form of a girl.

And for the umpteenth time that day Gohan tried to reassure her "Calm Videl

Surely nothing has happened to Zingiber

Right Brol..."

Although …


IN HER FUCKING FA…" Broly said like a violent hooligan who asked for blood and guts ... until he realized that everyone, especially Gohan looked at him with some hostility, more than normal "This ... I mean ...


Too bad, you shouldn't hit your friends so hard...

I've never taught you that..."

[Don't listen to me, dad is proud of you] Broly said telepathically to his daughter so that she wouldn't be confused with contradictory messages

And after a few minutes in which Zingiber was treated, who had only suffered a small ematoma, minimally repaired the stands and reassured the audience

The competition continued

"Then we move on to the final

Vegeta Jr vs Bra" The announcer said as he pointed to the young participants to come at the ring

"No hard feelings right Vegeta?" Bra said as she offered her hand to Vegeta Jr in an act of apparent sportsmanship


No hard feelings…" Vegeta replied, without shaking her hand… just in case.

And while the two opponents talked about that and the other, the referee began to announce what could be the best final in the history of this tournament so far, despite the fact that the participants were elementary school children "¡It's time for the Junior Division final round!

Will the victor be Vegeta Jr-Kun?

Or will it be Bra-chan?

Both contestants have fought their way here with overpowering strength!

And what's more, both of them are good friends!"


Very good friends…

Hehehe…" Bra said as she pounded her knuckles and laughed in an incredibly suspicious and malevolent way as she carefully observed Vegeta JR, who seemed unfazed ...


"We would now like to present the World Martial Arts Tournament Junior Division Final!


GO!" The announcer shouted to start the best final in this tournament history

A final in which two little children would flying, show an unusual martial ability and physical qualities, using magical skills and divine abilities that go beyond the most crazy imagination.

A final that would be engraved on the retina of all the spectators!

A final that would break the limits of the world in which the audience believed they lived and would open their minds to new possibilities!

In a nutshell

An event that would make history ...



"I give up" Vegeta Jr said as he came down from the stage

Or that was the idea ...

"WHAAAT?" The announcer yelled in disappointment upon see that one of his greatest illusions had been shattered

"WHAT?!" The public yelled in disappointment due to having paid to attend a final that wouldn't be held

But above all ...


Why do you surrended?

COWARD!" Bra yelled in great indignation as she pointed accusingly at Vegeta Jr and kicked the ground furiously.

"You were thinking of lowering my pants in public right?!

Thanks, but I have a reputation to uphold.

I prefer to allege that I was injured from the previous fight and that is why I have surrender instead of losing uselessly in a humiliating way" Said Vegeta Jr as he left the ring with elegance

"What!? How did you know !?

Can you read minds like my dad too?" Bra asked very shocked to see that her infallible and original plan had been discovered

"No, my cousin told me that you were planning something ... and knowing you, I knew you would try something like that.

Better luck next time, although I don't know why you always have to lower my pants ...

Pervert…" Vegeta Jr replied, before leaving the stadium to go eat his sandwich

"Damn Zingiber!

You have betrayed me!" Bra yelled as she pointed accusingly at Zingiber, who was in the stands along with Goten and Chichi, Bulma and other combatants with an ice pack on her cheek



You deserve it!" Zingiber yelled with great rancor and satisfaction seeing that her revenge had been successful… in some way…

"I'M GOING TO…" Bra yelled with her fist raised as she swore revenge

And while, among the Z Warriors there were certain complaints and doubts regarding the combat of the century, as well as in the entire stadium ...


WHAT ARE YOU DOING, VEGETA FIFTH!" Vegeta yelled, outraged to see that his son had given up before even fighting.

"What happened here !?

Hasn't your son inherited your stupid and convenient pride?" Shouted Broly, outraged to see that Bra hadn't been able to defeat Vegeta's son in a humiliating way.

And for the first time, although for different reasons, something magical happened

Vegeta and Broly agreed on something

However, Yam wasn't at all upset, rather she was proud of her little one's decision. "If I have learned something over the years thanks to you, it is that a withdrawal on time can also be considered a victory.

That is what I have taught to my little Vegeta Jr"

"FUCK!" Broly protested with great indignation and sadness

"[Certainly, from the expression of both it seems that Vegeta Jr has been the victor ...

You can be proud Vegeta, you have finally won Broly, even through your son and through a surrender] Piccolo thought with great happiness, rarely could something like this happen and when this happens it should be enjoyed to the fullest

But while our heroes argued the rest of the world kept moving ...

"That surrender has been something unforeseen and anticlimactic

But The Junior Division has a Champion!

And now, following such a tense match, it's time for a delightful attraction!

We will now have Bra-chan, the winner of the Junior Division, take on the World Champion, Mr Satan!" Said the announcer, announcing a small bonus as a reward for the junior winner

Have the opportunity to greet the world champion

That was surely the dream of every child who practiced martial arts

Although for the champion in question ... this would surely be the greatest of his nightmares

Although because he couldn't see the previous fights and there was no fight in this final, he didn't know what he was facing.

So the winner of this edition is an adorable little girl?

She reminds me of Videl when she was young

This will help me be even softer

I wouldn't want to harm a toddler" Said Mr Satan with the great confidence that characterized him as he advanced towards the ring while the entire state applauded and cheered his entrance



"World Champion!"



And as expected, he continued to play his character with great enthusiasm to motivate the public "WOOOAAHHHH !!!

Now who is this youngster who challenges the world champion, Mr Satan ?!

It's you, then !?

I hope you're ready!"





However, not all the public was equally motivated

"Well, how about we start getting back?

I think the preliminaries should be over by now" Said Krillin, who had no interest in seeing a 999% assured defeat

"You're right, let's go see ..." Said Goku, who wanted to arrive as soon as possible to gorge himself on the restaurant before starting the fights.

An unusual decision that once again shocked the new member of the group

"Hold down!

That child down there is one of you, right?

He's about to fight Mr Satan!

Aren't you going to watch that first?" Said Videl, who didn't understand if these people were bastards who didn't care about which would surely be the most important fight of that child... or were insulting her father

"Yeah! Yeah, we are!

You never know, it may turn out to be a good match" Gohan said, almost begging his friends to act more or less like normal people in this situation

"Well, we'll see you later then..." Said the others, as they left to the restaurant, ignoring what they had been told.

Except for someone ...

Although that someone had also gone with them

"Don't worry, I left a clone here ...

For nothing I would miss a fight of my little angel

Besides, this is going to be fun…" Broly answered as he divided himself in two and materialized a bag of popcorn to enjoy even more what was about to happen.

"A clone!?

And where did you get this from!?" Videl asked as she felt her brain implode upon seeing two Brolys and that one of them could make food appear out of nowhere.

The poor Videl didn't understand what was happening as how something like this was possible

This had to set off all of Gohan's normal alarms and ask Broly to stop doing strange things that could cause mental problems in front of his flirt

However, it wasn't like that, since there was something that worried him even more


WHAT IS BRA GOING TO DO!?" Gohan asked, extremely worried about what that mischievous little demon might do to his crush's father.