Tenka'ichi Budōkai Part 2


WHAT IS BRA GOING TO DO!?" Gohan asked, extremely worried about what that mischievous little demon might do to his crush's father.

And meanwhile in the ring...

The combat had already started

"Good little one, come to me whenever you want" Mr Satan said to Bra to attack him, since he was 1000000% sure of his victory

A victory in which he had planned to teach that girl two or three things about the art of fighting, as he did with Videl when she was little.

"Ok sir, but first… I would like to ask you something…

If you don't mind…" Bra replied pretending to be a shy and somewhat embarrassed girl as she awkwardly indicated to Mr Satan to approach her to whisper something in his ear

And Mr Satan didn't see why he shouldn't listen to a simple request from such a pure and innocent little lady like Bra "Oh, of course little girl, do you want an autograph?

Don't worry about it I..."

However, when he got closer...

Bra's expression changed...


Everything in Bra changed ... that wasn't the expression of a sweet and innocent girl...


And the aura that she gave off too!

[Ehhhhh !!!!!

What ... what is this feeling ...

It is as if I were naked in the middle of a blizzard… a blizzard made of poison

Don't tell me that…] Thought Mr Satan, who could barely move due to the sinister KIEN of Bra, which overturned all the frustration of the combat that a few minutes ago she couldn't carry out

And then Bra pounced on Mr Satan, but not to hit him, but to hang around his neck like a Koala to strangle him

"Oh ...

It seems that Bra-chan has tricked Mr Satan into pouncing on him and strangling him!

What a clever girl" The announcer shouted, who described from his point of view what was happening in the ring

And that was also what the public perceived, which encouraged Bra despite the fact that in principle that was foul play


Well done little one!"

"Cheer up, you can!"

"Only you can beat Mr Satan


Although not all the public believed that version

"Mmmm ... I'm afraid Bra is planning something ... and no good ...

Well ... as long as she doesn't commit a crime it doesn't matter" Bulma said, that once again tried not to worry to much about what was happening

"Pay attention…

Today I haven't been able to lower my friend's pants in public, so I am very angry and I may not be able to control my strength with you" Bra said with a very intimidating tone of voice as she tightened and loosened her choke so that Mr Satan understood that she was in full control


What the hell is this girl?

This is not normal…

She must be using some trick to make me shit with fear] Mr Satan thought, that understood perfectly and very quickly that that girl was from another world

"You are very weak compared to us, so much so that I would only need to squeeze a little to destroy your neck…

Do you feel it right?

You see I'm not kidding right?

Do you already understand that I can beat the champion with a single blink?" Bra said with an even more sinister and threatening tone than before as he squeezed Mr. Satan's neck harder and for a longer time, which not only found it difficult to breathe, but also to move any part of his body.

[This is not possible…

How can a six year old girl be so strong?

This is not a trick…

I'm drowning] Mr Satan thought as he struggled between life and death and recognized that he could do nothing against that monster that inhabited the body of a girl

"But that wouldn't benefit me much, while it would sink you ...


How about we make a deal that benefits both of us?" Bra said in a kinder way than before as she loosened the strangulation so that her poor victim could breathe and even speak

And the first thing her poor victim could say was… "What!?"

And Bra obviously clarified his doubts, proposing with great kindness a win-win plan… even though some benefited more than others "Letting you beat me would be humiliating for me, so you think…

You make it look as if I had won after giving you a slight blow to the face

That way I would keep winning, but everyone will think that you let yourself win to brighten the life of a little girl

So you would still be the champion

It's not a bad deal is it?"

"No, it is not…

Bra-chan ...

Ahhhh ...

Bra-sam " Mr Satan replied, very happy to hear a proposal like this

Would that demonic girl really not just let him live?

She would also let him remain the world champion?

Fuck! Of course he would accept!

Until a few seconds ago he believed that that little monster wanted to devour his soul

This deal was so much better...

"Well, you see, my family is very rich, but they control my finances to make me learn to value of money...

And believe me they have succeeded ...

The price to save your honor will be only 10 million zenies, 5 million less than the first prize in the adult category

As you can see, I am being very generous to you by letting you keep part of the prize that belongs to me.

Don't you think?" Bra said that if it weren't for her sinister expression and that she was strangling and extorting someone like a mobster she might even seem like a charitable soul by giving such a generous offer

But at first Mr Satan didn't find it charitable at all "WHAAAATTT!?

Ten million…"

"Ohhhh ...

That is a no?" Bra asked as she squeezed Mr Stan's neck harder than ever.

And after loosening the grip a bit ...


I agree! I agree!" Mr Satan replied, who magically changed his mind after fearing that his neck would be split in two

That was an answer that satisfied little Bra, who stopped squeezing the punished neck of his victim and told Stan what she had to do now that he had accepted "Good ...

I'll wait for you after the tournament ...

If you don't bring the money you will regret it, but for a short time, you already understand me


Now try to free yourself from my strangulation, I will let you"

And so it happened, Mr Satan got rid of Bra's strangulation and she separated from Mr Satan, adopting a combat stance to continue facing the champion

"The situation seemed dangerous, but Mr Satan has managed to free himself from Bra's dangerous neck lock!" Shouted the announcer, who broadcast to the entire stadium the logical version of this combat

"You have been very smart girl!

You almost caught me


But that wasn't necessary, it was going to give you an advantage from the beginning" Said Mr Satan, who despite having been about to die and being in front of an inhuman monster didn't interrupt his performance

So, the public overreacted, like always

"Hahaha !!

It's a shame Bra, it was a good move!"

"You almost fool me Mr Satan!

You're a great actor, it seemed like she was really strangling you!"

"Come on Bra, show what you are capable of"

"Mr Satan, don't be too severe"

And then he continued with the strategy of showing that he had allowed himself to be defeated.

"Oh? Mr Satan has stuck out his face, as if to say…


Such poise!" Said the commentator upon see that Mr Satan was letting the Bra hit him in the face

And Bra, who wanted her money as soon as possible and to go with the adults was quick and concise "Oki ..."




Quick and concise with a powerful punch that took Mr Stan out of the ring as happened with Zingiber

A daunting image that was etched in the retinas of the entire audience, who momentarily gasped upon see that their great champion was stamped against the wall.

"DAD!" Videl screamed terrified and stunned to see that her father, the great champion, could have been killed by a six-year-old girl.

"You devil!

Why did you hit him so hard!?" Gohan yelled as he saw that one of his biggest worries became true.

"The first millionaire extortion of my little girl ...

Mfff ...

They grow so fast" Broly said excited and proud as he wiped the tears from his three eyes

Tears of emotion that every father has dried at some point when verifying that his offspring were successfully advancing on the long and difficult path that life is

And luckily for Gohan and Bra too Mr Satan didn't die and continued with his performance


You got me! You sure are strong

This old man has lost!" Said Mr Satan as he pretended not to need to go to a hospital immediately


What's this?

Bra-chan you have won!" The locator yelled in a rhetorical way for the public to draw their own conclusions

Conclusions that seemed more than obvious to the inexperienced eye

"Hey, he did that on purpose!"

"That's our Satan!"

Nice going, World Champion!"



However, those cheers didn't help to heal his pride and nearly broken jaw.

[Shit! Shit!

This cannot be happening!

Where did that demon in the form of a girl come from ?!

What kind of monsters could have raised such an abomination !?] Mr Satan thought as he retreated to the dressing room trying to avoid everyone

And on the other hand Bra was received by her little friends, Goten, Vegeta Jr and Zingiber, who came down to congratulate her

"Hey Bra ...

Are you still angry?" Zingiber asked, who didn't want to be upset with her best friend for snitching, even though she deserved it.

But fortunately for her and also for the universe, Broly's daughter wasn't spiteful, especially after a good payday "No, don't worry, I just got rich

We are going to eat something at the restaurant with the older men

I invite!"

"GREATTTTTT!!!" Celebrated Goten and Zingiber, who loved to eat above all other things, especially if it was free

"One moment…

Wasn't the food free for the fighters?" Vegeta Jr asked upon detecting a certain contradiction in Bra's invitation.

"Yes, but I invite you to go" She replied while sticking out her tongue and winking.



Later ... not far from here ...

"The food back here's so good!" Goku said after gorging himself like a pig before a fight, something that no doctor or physical trainer would advise

"You didn't eat anything.

Are you on a diet of something?" Gohan asked Videl, believing that she was the weird one

A comment by Gohan that the casanova of the series couldn't ignore "Gohan, such things mustn't be asked a young lady

Your father never told you…

Ok, I didn't say anything"

"By the way Broly, what are you doing here?

This is an area only for participants" Asked Vegeta, who despite not caring about the rules he wanted to see Broly as far away from him as possible

"Don't worry, this body is only visible to you right now, others cannot see me, hear me, smell me or touch me ...

Much less savouring me" Broly replied as he continued to accompany him.

"Gohan ... are these things he says for real or not?" Videl asked, which she no longer knew what to believe about Broly

Everything got very weird and confusing when that guy was around

"I'm afraid so

But don't worry… If you hang out with us more you will get used to it" Gohan replied, giving the standard advice that was given to anyone who asked that about Broly.



At that moment something stranger than Broly caught his attention

Well ... maybe no more strange, but more rare to see for them

Since two people with a not very earthy appearance were standing in their way

And one of them ...

"H-Hey, that guy's floating in mid-air" Videl said pointing to the mysterious short, lilac character, dressed in an unusual way and with a Mohican hairstyle that floated in front of them

Both were very suspicious and strange, but quite polite, since the first thing they did when they saw them was to introduce themselves "Good day.

You are Son Goku-san, are you not?"

"H-how did you know I was?" Goku asked, that he didn't know who he was or that he knew him

It is true that he had saved the world on several occasions, but he didn't think that would make him famous.

"I have heard some rumours concerning you about some friend

I wanted to try my hand against you in a match

I too have managed to qualify in the preliminaries

If things go well, I hope we may end up competing against each other

Of course, I don't believe I have what it takes to win

I would just like to know how strong you are

By all means, if I could shake your hand…" Answered the strange young man with lily skin replied, who despite appearing educated, humble and powerful... under that mask was hiding a rather informal and arrogant personality (at least up to this point compared to mere mortals)

"Ah, good to meet you" Answered Goku without giving more importance to that speech, shaking hands with that strange boy


I see.

As the rumours said, you truly are a pure soul" The young man said with satisfaction after verifying that the information about Goku that he had obtained was true and that thanks to that he could continue with his plan

However, as always… the gods laugh while mortals make plans

And when the gods make plans... the one who laughs the most is Broly

"How long Useless-chan and Sidekick-chan

Do you also want to shake my hand? " Said Broly, which undid his partial invisibility to appear in front of his dear friends whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

And they were also very happy to see him



If by "happy" we mean "shitting themselves"