BROLY!!!" Kibito and Shin shouted with great terror upon see that suddenly and without warning one of the most dangerous beings in the universe appear in front of them

They were so scared that they even fell on their ass to the ground and hugged each other out of self-reflex to feel more secure

"Yes, the same" Broly replied proudly without caring the least that two people looked at him as if he were a monster that was about to devour them.

A situation that gave enough information to those who saw this picturesque scene

"I'm not sure who they are ...

But there is no doubt that Broly traumatized them in the past…" Ginger said, which she knew this first hand, since she also went through a similar experience

"Gohan, is this friend of yours dangerous?" Videl whispered to Gohan, she had never seen someone so scared of another person and that's considering that she beat up villains in her spare time


Well ... maybe yes" Gohan replied, not knowing exactly what to say to defend his teacher.

"What ... what are you doing here !?" Kibito and Shin asked as they tried to regain some of their dignity, although it was being difficult for them

"How cruel North Kai is, he tells you about Goku, his location, but he didn't say anything about me

I feel left out…" Broly replied pretending to be somewhat offended, although he was the one who prohibited North Kai from spreading information about him and his whereabouts to other annoying deities.

"Oh! Conceis to North Kai?

Are you his friends?" Goku asked somewhat surprised

[How did he know about all this?!] Kibito and Shin thought in panic as they saw that their entire plan was being ruined and that Broly was even more terrifying than before.

"No Goku ...

I think it's more complicated than that "Piccolo answered, instinctively deducing that the relationship between them wasn't that simple.

There was something about them, specifically Shin that made him think that

"What the hell is happening?"

Dad, do you know them?" Bra asked, that she along with the other Saiyan children had gone to the cafeteria with the adults to gorge themselves and followed them to the tournament with some hidden intention


Bra, we adults have to talk

Take this money so that you and your friends can have fun, buy what you want within the facilities

But don't get into trouble

Or I will confiscate those 10 million that you are about to receive and what is worse, I will tell your mother

Remember that I watch you closely" Broly said as he handed a purse to his daughter and warned her of the consequences of what she and her friends were thinking of doing.

"O… Ok… dad

We will behave well

Don't tell mom ..." Bra answered with some fear but at the same time gratitude with her dear father… he had given her a lot of money


HE HAS A DAUGHTER!?" Kibito and Shin shouted surprised and terrified upon discovering that a little monster like the Broly of yesteryear was wild in the universe


DOES THE UNIVERSE ALLOW A BEING LIKE HIM TO REPRODUCE!?] Kibito thought, who saw a potential threat in the established order if Broly's genes kept multiplying like normal humans

Normally when a being was excessively powerful the universe limited its reproductive capacities to maintain a balance

But… in a few decades he had already had a daughter?

This is a very worrying thing!

So worrying that should be consulted with the Hakaishin just in case

"Yes and very often in addition, but at the moment we don't want a second child at home…

We are waiting for Bra to be a little older and calm to deal with another little troublemaker at home" Broly replied with some embarrassment and excitement as he explained in more detail his family plans

Fascinating and even cute information, but what impressed the poor Kais was another piece of information, which scared them more than before [What !?

Has he read my mind !?

Wait ... he had that ability when he was little!?]

"Yes, I can read thoughts

I have learned many things in these years while you didn't do anything as usual ...

By the way…

What are you doing here?" Broly asked, even though he already knew perfectly well why they were here, either by reading their minds or having seen Dragon Ball Z

"[Oh shit ... don't think about anything ... don't think about anything]

Well ... nothing special ...

We just… wanted to exercise a little…" Shin replied, who was trying to blank his mind at the same time that he lied very badly.

Too obvious lie for Broly "Oh ...

So… the Supreme Kaioshin and his lackey have come to my planet and signed up for a martial arts tournament for mortals and want to meet a strong, pure-hearted guy to do… nothing?"


Supreme Kaioshin" Shouted the ex-god Piccolo knowing that he was in front of his former supreme boss

"Do you really expect me to believe that some ninis like you who don't move from their planet have come here to fight?

Spit if you don't want me to interrogate you again like I did when I was a todler!" Said Broly, threatening the two gods to repeat what he did in volume 3 to extract information from the two angel brothers and the fat cat destroyer.

A very traumatizing and humiliating event that the two useless gods didn't want to suffer a second time.


Wait! We will tell you everything!

NOT AGAIN!" Shin and Kibito pleaded between tears



CAN I KNOW WHAT WE HAVE DONE TO YOU?]" Piccolo said and thought, outraged, astonished at Broly's infamy towards all existing deities

Although somewhat relieved to see that he had only played half-innocent jokes on him, they seemed not to have been so lucky.

"Gohan, this guy is definitely very dangerous." Videl said, that despite not fully understanding all the context, she began to see Broly as a some kind of yakuza from another dimension

[I begin to believe that his stories as a child were no exaggeration ...

It's disturbing] The ones that had the opportunity to hear Broly's anecdotes on some occasion... especially when he fought with various gods who falsely accused him of some intergalactic crime

Everyone now believed in the veracity of that story by having the victims of that anecdote in front of them

Victims for whom Broly didn't have much compassion "Good, but sum it up!

These people have to get balls out of a box and I have to make sure that my daughter is not so interested in Vegeta Jr and what is under his pants"

"WHAT!?" Vegeta and Yam yelled upon hearing that last somewhat disturbing phrase that involved Broly's and Bulma daughter with their son

And Shin seeing that would be impossible to hide the truth with Broly in front of him said everything he knew in the way that Broly had asked him "Ok, I'll summarize it as best I can.

We have come to this planet because millions of years ago an evil space wizard named Bibidi accidentally created a terrible monster.

A majin called Buu who only destroys, kills and devours everything around him...

He was so powerful that he killed four Kaioshins at once...

He was terrifying, so terrifying and powerful that Bibidi couldn't even control him, which is why he frequently sealed him in a sphere.

Until one day he sent it to Earth, which was the next world to destroy ... but fortunately I was able to kill Bibidi before he opened it again

When I killed him I believed that everything was over, that no one could revive Buu...

But we recently found out that Bibidi had a son, Babidi ... and he is now trying to revive Buu

And we have come to prevent him from achieving it"


I mean it?" Videl asked Gohan whispering in his ear

Certainly this was an absurd story

If she had listened to him before meeting Gohan and his friends she would have thought this guy was crazy

But now she ... she no longer knew what was absurd madness and what not ...

"It seems so ..." Gohan replied with great seriousness as he was aware that peace in the world could be at stake once more.


With this you have shown us that you are weak because you cannot even kill a sealed monster...

Also an idiot, since you left a monster that could destroy the universe in the same place where the bad guys were supposed to have left it… and unguarded in addition

And of course a careless incompetent for not investigating well if there was someone who could revive the monster of which he knew exactly its location due to your stupidity

And that you also don't know how to summarize, it has been a very long explanation" Broly said making a good analysis of the situation that left Shin and all the gods of the franchise in a bad place, as usual


I have no excuses…" Shin replied lowering his head, since he knew that everything said was true.

"Ok, I think I got it, but ...

What are you doing here in a tournament instead of looking for that wizard?

And why did you want to meet me?" Goku asked, who didn't understand what he and this tournament had to do with the mission of the Kaioshin and his lackey.

"To revive Buu, Babidi needs a lot of energy.

And it turns out that two of his lackeys, whom he has bewitched and manipulated with his evil magic have entered the tournament with the intention of stealing the energy of the strongest fighters.

Our intention was to let them absorb your energy and then follow them towards their base, where the sphere of Buu and Babidi should be.

But it seems that this will be more difficult now" Shin replied, revealing the reason why they were here and his plan without fissures (sarcasm)

"So you need to locate Babidi's base and stop Buu from resurrecting…

I will overlook the fact that your plan included gifting Buu our energy that could make him resuscitate more easily, because it is an emergency situation.

We cannot let another monster of unknown origin threaten the peace of the earth again" Gohan said with great seriousness, which stopped trying to hide the true to Videl so as not to scare her and decided to take action.

Right now he wasn't the teenage Gohan eager to flirt, instead he is the serious and competent savior Gohan that he was years ago.

Only that this time… he was better prepared!

Even with a case of capsules, from which he took one out and threw it on the ground

Clash !!!

And from that capsule a ...

A tablet appeared?

"What is this Gohan!?" Almost everyone asked

And Gohan obviously answered them while operating his device to no waste time "After the events with Cell and company I realized that it wasn't enough be stronger to keep the planet safe.

So I created an extensive system of satellites to monitor both the exterior and the interior of the planet in case something ever invaded us from space or new Cells appeared ...

Although I am surprised that my system hasn't been able to alter me that a magician from space has arrived here"

"It seems your tracking system doesn't take into account magic teleportation ...

You still have to learn Gohan" Said Broly suppressing his urges to make magician jokes that he would only understand

"I don't know if I can be more surprised than I am now ..." said Videl, who had accepted until now that Gohan and all his friends were extremely strong and mystical.

But she never imagined that her crush was also a technological genius with so many resources

"Are these two guys Babidi's underlings?

I intuited it because they are the most suspicious of all participants… excluding us" Gohan asked Shin and Kibito while he showed them on the tablet Yamu and Spopovich, who were waiting a few meters from here

"Yes, they are" Kibito affirmed, those extremely hormonal guys with an M on their heads were without a doubt the bad guys.


I have them located

If I consult the recordings of my satellites I will be able to see all their movements in the last days

In the same way that they had to return to their base to deliver the stolen energy, they also had to be at the base at some point to know where to deliver it ...

I just need…


I think it is here, this place is incredibly suspicious" Gohan said with enthusiasm, which thanks to logical reasoning and technology had managed to locate a wizard's lair

"That's how it is!

That's Babidi" Shin said with great enthusiasm for the simple and risk-free way they had used to locate the great threat.

"How ugly ... and it doesn't seem like a big deal" Yam said highlighting the obvious when seeing the recording of when Babidi went outside his spaceship

"Yes, he uses formidable magic, but he isn't particularly strong himself" Shin said to justify his danger despite his appearance and ki

"Well, since we know where it is ...

Let's go, we have to solve this" Said Gohan, who didn't want to leave this matter unresolved for another second.

He wouldn't allow another tragedy to happen because of his group's lack of initiative.

"Then will you come to help?" Shin asked, quite relieved that they were willing to help him do his fucking job for free.

"A wizard and a monster that kill Kaioshin easily

Sounds fun!" Goku said enthusiastically

Finally strong new people to fight and have fun with!

"It will be a good appetizer before our fight Kakarot" Vegeta said, who was practically thinking the same as his rival

Something that worried everyone who remembered the antecedents of these two too much

"Take it seriously!

Don't you remember what happened last time!?" Gohan yelled to remind them that because of their past negligence the world almost came to an end and that with that attitude they were about to do the same mistake

"Yes, I'm sorry ..." Goku said somewhat regretful to his son, while Vegeta averted his gaze to hide his guilt.

"Wait, more or less I understand that something strange is happening, but ...

Are you going to go?

And what about the tournament?" Said Videl, who reminded everyone that they were still registered and that there was less than an hour to start

If so many participants were missing it would be a big problem and as the champion's daughter this situation also worried her

"Don't worry Videl, I promised you that I would participate and I will, so I will leave one of my bodies here for

Those henchmen of Babidí are still here, it would be dangerous not to pay attention to them" Said Gohan who divided his body in two, one with 80% of his power and the other with 20% just in case.

And since he was in crisis mode he didn't realize he had done something highly shocking in front of Videl

"I withdraw what I said ...

I can still be surprised…" Videl said with her eyes and mouth wide open as he reevaluated her opinion about Gohan.

However, Gohan had a good idea

In this way it would be possible to have fun in the tournament and against the magician

And Goku loved the idea of dividing part of his power "Then me too ..."

But not everyone thought the same, such as Vegeta "Don't even dream about it, I want to fight you with everything we have, a fight between portions of power is not worth

Besides, later we could lose against one of them..."

"I would enjoy it" Piccolo and Krillin said, who have dreamed of defeating these Saiyans many times.

"Guys, Guys ...

You can fight whenever you want later, now the important thing is what Gohan said!

There is a world to save!

But don't worry, the great Broly will help you this time" Said Broly, who was unexpectedly too excited to help this time…

Something that surprised, excited and worried everyone


"Is… is it really going to help?

Really help? " Krillin asked, that he couldn't believe what was hearing

Broly had never actively helped until now since the elimination of Frieza and his father ...

He had only manipulated or influenced them so that they would fight better as if they were his henchmen.

Would he once again use his tremendous power to eliminate the threat?


"Yes, I haven't fought against things for a long time ...

Also, I don't trust you ... I promised my little girl that I would take her to the amusement park if she won ...

If there is a monster that starts destroying things, it may destroy the park and make my daughter sad

I can't allow that!" Broly said showing that he was a somewhat a great dady


He loves his daughter very much…] Kibito and Shin thought ... it was difficult for them to imagine the terrifying child that tormented them years ago being a father and taking care of other living beings.

But even though this was good news, Shin was still worrying about the whole matter, especially if Broly got involved "Wait Broly, I know you're very strong but ...

Babidi can control certain types of people and…"

But Broly didn't care at all about Kaioshin's poor excuses "Che che che ...

There is no discussion ...

Those who want to come with me to the lair of the bad guys, raise your hand"

And obediently Gohan, Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo and Krillin raised their hand

"Ok, so we go

If we do it quickly, we may even have time to come back before the tournament starts.

I have placed my bets and I would need you all to be present" Broly said before snapping his fingers

[So that was the reason for his strange participation in this mision...] Everyone thought before being teleported


"They have…

They have disappeared… "Videl stammered, amazed once more that day.

"Anyway, it's my turn to bring the money home again…

Now I understand Chichi ...

I hope Vegeta Jr learns from Gohan…" Said Yam, since she had children she put aside her most irresponsible side… sometimes… and only to fight… sometimes for money


I understand you…" Said C-18, the most materialistic woman on this show by far (the others were millionaires, she wasn't)

"No, you don't understand me, yours works of his own free will and not because you force him to be financially responsible" Yam protested, who like Chichi suffered the consequences of marrying a pure Saiyan who only thought about fighting and training.

"Roshi-chan, why haven't you gone with the other boys to play?

Does the idea of me winning the same title as you a hundred years ago bothers you so much?" Ginger said to her husband with obvious ulterior motives

"No thanks, I leave the monsters to my students

And it wasn't so long ago that I won it for the last time!

What bothers me is not the idea that you win the same title as me… it's that you will be constantly reminding me that…" Roshi replied, who couldn't allow Ginger to win the same as him.

If she also had the same title of what impressive anecdote, what he could boast in front of his daughter that her mother didn't?

"Videl-san, are we going inside?" Gohan said to Videl, who was still dumbfounded looking at a fixed point, reflecting and trying to analyze everything that had happened so far

"Yes… I guess so…

But after the tournament we have to talk seriously ...

About you, your family and your friends… especially about the guy with three eyes…" Videl said very seriously as she walked with Gohan into the establishment.


At that moment…

In the middle of the open field where important fights always occur…



Followed by a sound similar to that of a nuclear explosion that knocked down a door and everything around it… and caused a small earthquake


WHAT'S GOING ON!?" Shouted Babidi, scared by that commotion