Get out of my house! (part 1)

"What the hell do you think you're doing, fucking shitty bastard castrated cat!?" Shouted Broly, who was squeezing Beerus's arm tightly, as if it were a lemon…

Staring at him with bloodshot eyes due to the heinous act he was about to commit against his beloved Bulma.

He did this once on the original show, but not here, not on his guard!

[Also, stopping this hit at the last second has made me look incredibly cool.

Tonight I fuck for sure] Broly thought as he sat Bulma in her chair using his tail

But apart from his questionable plan to keep the passion of marital life at bay, something else had just happened.

A mortal dared to insult and assault a Hakaishin!

A Hakaishin already enraged from before that!

"Fucking cat?

HOW DARE YOU… "Beerus yelled as he tried to break Broly's arm with the same arm that he was grabbing with, but… [What the…]

He could not perform the aikido technique that he had planned to perform…

Broly was holding him perfectly and with an enormous force

"See dad, the ugly fucking cat is screwing everything up" Bra yelled while pointing to Berus

She and his friends following Gohan's advice went to warn Broly that someone was ruining his event / barbecue

One of the worst deadly sins in that house, planet and universe

"UGLY FUCKING CAT?" Beerus yelled, even more furious as he killed Bra with his eyes upon see that this family seemed to have an open bar to insult and attack him

"BRA! Be careful with that vocabulary!

It doesn't cost a fucking shit to speak well, fucking dammit!

And you!

Stop looking at my daughter! You are talking to me now!" Shouted Broly, giving a great lesson in good manners at the same time that he prevented Beerus from looking badly at his foul-mouthed little angel

Who was to blame for Bra having a small flaw?

Surely because of her mother...

"Ahhh ...

Luckily Broly is here" Krillin shouted, who miraculously was not dead… today… yet…

"This has gotten interesting" Whis said as he continued to eat non-stop

Since he started training him, he hoped Beerus and Broly would fight one more time, although he didn't predict it would be on such bad terms.

Although perhaps thanks to that the combat could become more passionate

"Out of respect for Whis I will let you ask me the question you have come to ask me, but after that YOU will get out of here ...

Whis can stay and eat as much as he wants, which will be extremely delicious because I made it.

However, at most you would only be able to hear how wonderful it is or see the dishes and reactions in InstaBroly (yes, Broly has created Intagram in the Dragon Ball world as well, and many other businesses such as Brolyzone, Brolybook or Broogle)

Have you got it?"

"It seems fair to me" Said Whis, happy to hear that he was not being punished in a collateral way

Unlike Beerus he always behaved well

But Beerus didn't think it was fair at all, on the contrary, it was insulting "HA!



Do you think that…"

"I think you still have time to ask your question ...

If you don't want to, you can go right now to shit in your litter box" Broly said threateningly, opening the box of bad cat jokes, a box that he had been waiting to open for a long time.

"Grr ...

I will play your game

For the moment…

Answer my question

Are you the Super Saiyan God?

Otherwise…" Beerus said threateningly just like Broly

He wanted to destroy him and this entire planet as soon as possible for the bad treatment he had received, but first he had to get the answer to his premonitory dream

He wanted to fight against that entity called Super Saiyan God, but above all to demonstrate to Whis and himself that his premonitory dreams sometimes come true.

"If you are asking if I know the transformation of the Super Saiyan God ...

Yes, obviously I know it and I can also use it

And if you are asking if I am the God of Super Saiyans ...

Also, obviously there is no one more suitable for that position like me" Broly answered while with his magic he repaired everything that Beerus had destroyed and healed everyone he had damaged ...

Except Vegeta and Yamcha, for some reason ...

"Super Saiyan God?

Is that a new transformation that Saiyans have?

Was there another transformation besides the True Saiyan?

You bastard heal me too!

Super Saiyan God… it sounds powerful…" The four Saiyans adult Saiyans said at the same time

And that was great news, so much so that even cheered up the wrathful Beerus a bit, who could finally fight against his prophesied self opponent, destroy him, destroy his planet and possibly go back to sleep. "Great!

I finally hear what I want to hear


"So I have already answered your question

Now get out, the food is going to get cold

The rest do not have to bear that you are a fucking madman that ruins everything

Guys, Girls, Vegeta, Whis… everyone go to the dining room" Broly said as he turned his back on Beerus while indicating to everyone except Beerus to leave that area

The great feast would be served in a more elegant and special place than the garden

"Cool! I've held back to taste that

Where is the dining room dear Bulma?" Asked Whis, who had integrated quickly and naturally with the natives of that planet.

But that lack of attention, lack of respect, contempt and even underestimation ... completely filled Beerus' patience, who released his Hakai energy, destroying part of the garden that was around him in that rage burst.


And grabbing Broly's shoulder tightly with the intention of causing pain, he said with great fury "You!

Do not turn away from me!

You know perfectly well what I have come here for!

I have come to fight with..."

"I don't give a shit what you've come to, since you're leaving right now

I won't repeat it twice" Said Broly, interrupting Beerus for the umpteenth time that day

However, this interruption and lack of respect did not anger Beerus, rather it made him laugh


It made him laugh at how absurd and empty that pathetic warning or threat was "HA!

Or else?"

"If not I will throw you out myself" Broly replied, still not turning or taking Beerus paw off his shoulder in defiance, showing that his stupid attempts to make him feel intimidated or inflict pain on him were useless

And once again Beerus laughed at the extreme and empty arrogance of the stupid mortal in front of him, who seemed not to understand he was talking to "HA HA HA !!!


I would like to see that"



"Aich ...

That punch caught me off guard ...

It seems that I am the one who underestimated him

I really can't relax…" Beerus said as he hovered in the air and patted his cheek, which was savagely beaten and almost without warning by Broly

The Hakaishin had a very sore face, he had not been hit like this in a long time ... and not because he had slept for decades ... in thousands of years the only one who had been able to cause him such damage had been Whis and before that only others Hakaishin from the other universes

He did not know how many tenths of a second it was, but he was totally sure that for a very short time he had been knocked out by that blow

However, when he opened his eyes and looked around, he doubted his own judgment and perception "Where the hell am I?

This doesn't look like planet Earth"

Of course he was not on Earth, he was in the middle of space, outside the atmosphere of a planet

However, that planet he was contemplating was not even Earth.

The planet Earth was not that big nor did it have that asteroid belt around it ...

Where the hell had Broly sent him with that punch?

"You're close to Saturn, far from my home

Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on you

Someone has to watch over you so you don't do anything irresponsible until Whis comes to pick you up

And it will take a long time for him to digest everything he is eating" Said Broly, who teleported in front of Beerus, this time with his combat clothes and no shirt

He was basically saying that he would be in charge of taking care of the cat while his master had a good time eating out with other people.

"I will destroy you before that happens" Beerus said wrapped in Hakai energy

Hakai energy so dense, immense, and powerful that seemed to tear apart the space around him


In the meantime

In the dining room of Bulma's house on planet Earth

"Delicious! Amazing! Magnificent! Sensational! Apotheosic! Divine!

Was all the food that I had eaten so far rotten?!

Broly-chan! You are evil!

You have not only hidden from me that you have a wife and a daughter, you have also hidden from me these delicacies that not even angels can dream of!

Don't you have any kind of affection for your sensei?!" Said Whis, who cried with joy while eating and even venerated the food that was in front of him, but above all he resented Broly for having hidden this from him for so long

Although he was willing to forgive him if he let him eat things like this everyday

The taste and effects of that food were shocking, but nothing had as much impact as a certain word


Everyone screamed in amazement upon hearing how that effeminate man referred to himself to the terrible Broly.


Does that almighty monster have a teacher?



The shock and surprise was so shocking that some even fell from their chairs, choked on what they ate or the water they drank came out of their noses.

This revelation was too shocking and terrifying!

"I didn't tell you anything because I knew you'd be scrounging here every day.

And as for the fact that you call yourself my sensei…

That is quite debatable, we have only trained from time to time in the use of divine techniques and on all those occasions it was you who asked me to come ... always with food ... obviously..." Broly answered slightly denying that Whis was his sensei, he was just a colleague who was obsessed with his food

Train with him was only a poor excuse to eat very well for free

"W ... wait ...


Broly ... Who are these guys?" Asked Bulma, she wanted to be aware of what kind of people were attending her party.

"He is Whis, the angel in charge of caring for, training, advising and watching over the God of Destruction of this universe ...

And yes, that rude, megalomaniac and violent cat (a cat) that my dear Bulma has given a deserved slap is the God of Destruction

Do not compare him with a Kaioshin, he is a really strong guy, even among the other gods of the destruction of the other universes

Although of course not as strong as me" Broly answered, introducing them properly ... at the same time he critiqued and ridiculed their divine figures

"O… Ok…

And where is this God of Destruction right now?" Some asked after assimilating all that information

"One of my bodies is playing with it near Saturn while we eat

You have to keep him entertained so he doesn't bother

Don't worry and keep eating, the next dish is coming soon" Broly answered again, downplaying the whole issue of his fight with Beerus.

This was the time to eat not to watch or talk about fights

But not everyone thought the same as Broly, especially among fight otakus... and especially among fight otakus who hoped to see Broly lose "WHAT ?!

And who is winning"

If Whis is Broly's "sensei" and at the same time Whis was also Beerus sensei... does that mean they have similar powers?

Did that mean they could finally see Broly in trouble?

They needed to witness that match


"Oh, it's true, I had forgotten about Beerus

Let's see… it's… ah… here… "Whis said, suddenly remembering his obligations, so he searched for Beerus with his magic scepter.

"Oh, we can see from here what is happening!" Shouted those close to him, at least close enough to see in the sphere that crowned Whis's scepter Broly and Beerus fighting in space.

"Can you expand or project it, Daddy's weird friend?" Asked Bra, who still couldn't remember Whis's name.

"Yes, of course little one" Whis replied, not caring about his new nickname

"Guys, using cell phones or similar devices at lunchtime is rude…


Do you have 3D image on that Whis thing?" Asked Broly, who was willing to make exceptions if the projected combat was combat.