Get out of my house! (part 2)

Close to Saturn

The "combat" between Broly and Beerus continued...

Although it could not really be called combat, since a few minutes ago only one of the two sides was attacking… with murderous intentions...

While the other only dodged and teleported from one side to the other.


You would be unable to hunt a mouse even if it was trapped in your sandbox" Said Broly who constantly used his KIEN ability to enter and exit his Formless Realm to teleport from one side to the other, thus avoid all the attacks of Beerus

"Stop running away and hiding cockroach!

Fight like a man!" Berus yelled as he discriminatedly threw spheres of Hakai energy towards all places that disintegrated and exploded everything they touched.


"And that's what a cat says ...

By the way ... you just destroyed Lapetus, one of the strangest moons in the solar system

I hope you are satisfied, you vandal!" Shouted Broly with his strategy of upset his opponent by all possible means

A strategy that he has always been able to carry out with excellent results

And this time was no different

"Enough of the bullshit!

You are stronger than your student, there is no doubt about that, but ...

Are you really the Super Saiyan God?

You're starting to disappoint me, just like years ago when I screwed you up"

Yet for the first time someone had counterattacked him


And Beerus realized that…

He realized that that last sentence had managed to change Broly's aura, although that change was almost imperceptible and fleeting

"I'm sorry ... maybe I have offended you?" Beerus said sarcastically with an overreacted evil smile


And you? Don't you feel ashamed?

Does the God of Destruction of this universe take pride in defeating a toddler the first time he fights in his life?

Quite pathetic in my opinion" Broly replied, trying to counteract that same argument

But Beerus, who had lived for many years… although most of the time he slept… he did not fall into that obvious trap, he ignored that argument and continued to verbally attack the wound "Mmmm….

It seems that this has you self-conscious

Let me guess… Was that the first and only time you lost?

Is that why you've gotten so arrogant since the last time we met?


That thorn in your pride had to hurt a lot for many years, right?

Have you separated me from everyone because you want revenge and are afraid that they will see you lose again?"

"You ask too many questions ...

But no, although the matter of revenge is quite true ... the reason why I have separated you is to be able to fight without worrying that you will destroy any of my real estate investments

And since you are so curious about the Super Saiyan God ...

I'll tell you everything relevant about the Saiyans!

Before I send you to sleep again…" Said Broly, who changed his strategy drastically

The strategy of angering and ridiculing Beerus is over, it's time to crush him

"Ohhhh ..." Beerus said sarcastically

Quite satisfied to have won that first part of the battle


And said that Broly unleashed part of his power, giving off a greenish yellowish aura, turning his hair blonde and increasing his muscles and size at the same time.

Transforming in this way into Legendary Super Saiyan

"I will skip the standard transformations; those are not worth it, if you are interested ask Goku or Vegeta...

This is the Legendary Super Saiyan transformation, one that only I, the Legendary Super Saiyan, am capable of performing.

With this transformation I use my mutant S-Cells to multiply my power thousands and thousands of times until I push my body to the limit.

Normally this transformation turns its user into a berseker, increases little by little the power and madness

However I am able to control my mental state and get all the energy possible at once!"


You really have become much more powerful "Beerus said quite surprised, although not too much, although the explanation was quite solid

He had seen many transformations throughout his life and this was not even one of the most spectacular, although his increase in power was considerable.

"The legendary Super Saiyan push my body to the limit, but ...


The limits exists to be exceeded!" Shouted Broly as he transformed again

This time increasing his muscles and size to limits that seemed impossible and turning his hair green, just like the aura that he gave off through his pores.

"Wow, haven't you done the stretch yet?" Beerus said sarcastically again as he contemplated Broly's next transformation.

A much more intimidating transformation than the previous one, although he did not see it too practical

It was not necessary to have so much muscle and be a giant to fight

"This is the Legendary Super Saiyan Full Power

A transformation in which I overexert my body to use more of my inexhaustible sources of power

This would make any other Saiyan much slower

But thanks to my legendary body I can adapt incredibly well to this increased energy, losing nothing in the process.

Just getting bigger, more muscular, cooler, and above all…

POWERFULL!!" Broly said as he posed like a bodybuilder in front of the puny Beerus, trying to make him feel self-conscious

But he wasn't, he's a cat, they all think they are perfect and the rest are fucking scum "I thought you were just idiot monkeys ...

In the end you will turn out that saians can be quite funny"

But Broly did not care, he was in the middle of his monologue and wanted to continue demonstrating all his unique phases "But even my legendary body has its limits

I can't use all my infinite power in this container, so...


"There's still more?" Beerus said surprised as he watched as Broly's power increased, and not only his power, his hair also grew in an uncontrolled way until it became larger and voluminous than Broly's own body, which was already huge.

"I can use my hair to store all this excess power

This transformation, if used by another Saiyan, would gradually lose his energy and power in a few minutes.

But for me it is the opposite, just like my hair my power does not stop growing and my energy is inexhaustible!

I call this transformation Legendary Super Saiyan Full Power Beyond!" Said Broly as he touched up his hair with head shakes

As if he were in a shampoo ad

[To think that a mortal could have so much power ...

Don't tell me that Whis has trained him to become my successor?] Beerus thought, who was no longer able to joke after seeing this.

Broly was without a doubt a fucking monster and very surely Whis had been training him up to now to make him fight against him

Either to replace him as God of Destruction or to force him to do something at the end of the day other than sleep and eat

"But this is not what you came for ...

You came to see this!

The Super Saiyan God!

Although in my case it is the Legendary Super Saiyan God!

The aura of divine energy in the Super Saiyan God is red, just like their hair, but due to the influence of my green S-Cells it turns a bit brownish" Said Broly, undoing his transformation to transform into less cool but more aesthetically form since it diminishing his beloved musculature

But unlike Broly, Beerus loved this transformation, for more than one reason


This is…

This is what I saw in my dream!

Finally some fun… " Beerus said as he felt his blood burn with emotion upon see that image of his dream and what he was contemplating right now overlapped

He could finally fight against the warrior he prophesied, the one who would make things difficult for him.

But this was not all…

"And did you see this too ?!

AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Broly yelled as he unleashed even more power to ...


"What the hell ..." Beerus yelled upon see Broly's new transfromation… and without a doubt the most shocking of all.

His body had completely transformed, as if he were a humanoid ape, just like the boy he saw on earth, but unlike him his fur wasn't brown and his hair wasn't black

Broly's were a bluish-green color, a bluish-green color that covered all of his huge, rocky muscles, which seemed even bigger than when he transformed into Legendary Super Saiyan Full Power ...

And his hair ...

His greenish and bluish hair, as in the Legendary Super Saiyan Full Power transformation, Beyon had become bigger than his gigantic body ...

And it kept growing!

"I present to you my most powerful transformation

The True Legendary Super Saiyan God Full Power Beyond!

In which I unite all my transformations!

The transformations coming from my S-Cells!

The one that comes from my divine energy!

And the one that comes from my power Oozaru!

All in one…

What do you think of Beerus?

Impressed?" Broly said as he slowly advanced towards Beerus…

Walking on space, which seemed to have solidified from being in his presence… as his hair grew at the same time as he advanced in a Jojo way

However, Broly's appearance was not what impressed Beerus.

"[What the hell is this guy?

His divine power keeps increasing with every second ...

Does he have no limit?

His raw power is ...


Much superior to mine ...

But ... if you think that will give you victory, you are very wrong]

If I'm quite impressed...

I mean your hair, keeps changing colour

I've never seen someone with this stupid ability before" Beerus said trying not to look intimidated by this new transformation as he let Broly slowly approach him.

"The roles have been reversed Beerus

Almost forty years ago you were the one who looked down on me

For a year I wondered what you thought of me when you saw me from above

But now when I see how you saw me that day I think I have found the answer...

You surely thought...

This creature is...

Insignificant!" Broly said once he got a few centimeters from him, lowering his body to be able to speak face to face, but still from a much higher position

A provocation and insult that irritated Beerus who attacked him again with a punch loaded with his Hakai energy "Cocky Bastard!"


However, that punch passed through Broly's body, as if he were some kind of ghost, something that took even someone like Beerus by surprise

Even wen he faced millions of enemies with strange abilities.

But Broly didn't stop to explain what he had done, instead he scolded him "Bad cat!"






It crashed into a relatively large planetary body, which was shattered by the impact of Beerus falling into it, scattering debris throughout the area.

"For years there has been a great debate

Pluto is or is not a planet?

Well, thanks to us that debate is over "Said Broly, teleporting himself near the remains of Pluto, the former ex-planet that Berrus had just destroyed with his back (Beerus is the only one at fault)

And among the rubble, right behind Broly ...


Beerus flew at full speed, whit his hand covered in Hakai energy and the intention to decapitate Broly from behind.




Broly managed to block that attack using the same technique as Beerus, but instead of using Hakai energy he used his KIEN to repel it.

And with the shock wave of that exchange of blows, every trace of Pluto was disintegrated

"You are fast" Broly said as he continued like Beerus with the previous attack, increasing the strength of his arms to reach the neck of his enemy

"If you wanted to get on my nerves… you have succeeded

If you wanted me to lose my cool ... you failed

But thanks to that right now I consider you a threat to this universe that must be eliminated

Consider yourself lucky, you will be my first destruction in four decades "Beerus said with the greatest seriousness and hostility possible, but without a hint of arrogance, pity or disdain as before.

Now he was looking at Broly not as a mere mortal whose life or death only depends on his state of mind, just like a simple ant who had the misfortune to pass where he shouldn't when he shouldn't in his presence.

Now he was aware that he was facing a predator like him ... he was not a prey to feed on, not a vermin with which to have fun tormenting

Broly was a threat that he had to fight and drive out of his territory for his own survival ...

Therefore, he had to prove to that arrogant would-be alpha predator why he and no one else was the only one who deserved that title.

The title of "The strongest in his universe"

"Not for nothing are you the god of destruction

But don't worry, you won't have a chance for that to happen "Said Broly thus ending this week's chapter, as always with a cliffhanger.