A new stage begins

A year passed after the events of Zamasu and the other Zamasu

Trunks managed to collect the Super Dragon Balls thanks to his almighty alternate stepfather and the grumpy cats and thereby restore his timeline and return to the future.

Something that saddened Bra but relieved Vegeta Jr, Yam and Broly for some reason.

Still thanks to the communication device that Bulma built both timelines were able to communicate with Brolysoft Teams from which Gohan kept in contact with Trunks, both Bulmas shared knowledge about technological advances ... and Broly organized conferences to explain what are the advantages of marrying a Broly compared to a Vegeta… in which he only invited both Bulmas, Vegeta and Yam (nobody attended)

And apart from that nothing else changed ... except that Broly was about to be the father again!

"I cannot believe it!

In a few hours I will be a father again!

If he's a boy I'll call him Optimus Prime

And if she's born a girl I will call her ... Megan Fox" Said Broly, daydreaming about the birth of his second child with the same illusion as that of a new father


I think it would be better to leave the matter of the name to your wife" Everyone agreed without any condition

And he was highly unbearable, as usual, so much so that only his subordinates in the Desire Realm ... who had no escape ... were the only ones who could put up with him

"Today is undoubtedly going to be one of the most important days of all my lives

I's in the top 5 ...

And this week I will have to include another great moment to that top


Ho Ho Ho!

HUA! HUAHUAHUA! HUA HUA HUA!!!" Said Broly who transited from being an adorable father, in love with his current and future offspring… to be a psychopathic villain who laughed like crazy while thinking about his next plan to kill Batman

Nothing out of the ordinary for those who knew Broly, however a certain part of his dialogue aroused the curiosity of some of his lackeys

"Now that I think about it…

How were you before becoming Broly?

I've always been curious" Asked Orochimaru, a great authority on reincarnations and the like

Everyone knew what the current Broly was like, an unscrupulous narcissistic bipolar ambitious bastard with more power than he should have… but, was he just as bastard and dangerous when he was someone else?

"My other life?

Honestly ... I was nobody...

Just a random guy who worked on something more or less irrelevant 8 hours a day in front of a computer and that spent his free time consuming fiction with the same computer the rest of the hours of the day before going to sleep..." Broly replied without excessive enthusiasm as he talked again about his new favourite topic "As I was saying, Optimus Prime is a very manly and imposing name in my opinion, so I think..."


Nobody? You were nobody?

Were you nobody and yet you have achieved all this in this life?

What's the reason for this meteoric change?" Asked Obito, the least appropriate person to ask that question

But still this is a question that everyone asked

How can one go from being extremely normal man to a conqueror of entire realities that's all day working and scheming?


It's not like I was an incapable idiot in my previous life...

It's just that I lacked motivation" Aswered Broly who received the message, the topic about the possible names of his future descendant weren't very interesting

Although he wasn't offended, it was normal that his life was more exciting from their point of view

However, that answer didn't convince anyone. That seemed like the typical excuse mothers use to justify their children's poor grades in school and deceive themselves into not admitting that their children's are stupid's… and as a former headmaster of a college for geniuses, Najimi said on behalf of everyone "Motivation?

Is that your excuse?

Come on, if you had put in a little effort you could have gotten rich and..."

"So what?

What the hell would have changed with a few million in my account?" Asked Broly, Broly said, interrupting Najimi to prevent her from wasting saliva for nothing


"I don't understand you..." Asked almost everyone

They didn't understand his approach ... since when having a lot more money wasn't something that could change someone's life for the better?

Had he gone crazy or is distorting reality in his mind so as not to accept that in his previous life was a loser?

The typical excuse of ... I haven't fallen to the ground, I have thrown myself

"You're right

If I had put all my time, neurons and resources to generate money, surely I would have had an easier and more pleasant life after achieving a total economic freedom one day… which I could have dedicated to my vain cheap hobbies that I enjoyed previously without being rich… or to higher ends


How high would they have been?

I'm telling you ... a fucking shit among fucking shits..." Said Broly, which tried to explain why he wasn't crazy or making excuses

He knew perfectly well what his successful subordinates were thinking without even needing to read their minds since he knew first-hand that they had never been in his situation

"That's stupid" Said almost everybody

Well almost not everybody was in Broly's shoes, even so they couldn't completely agree with him…

"At least you would be higher than you were at first" Said Dio, the man that began being a son of a low scum criminal and that almost became some kind of god if Jotaro hadn't intervened

"Certainly, you had room to do many things" Said Orochimaru, another character with great ambition that started from the bottom but that achieved many things in his life

Both of them, despite starting from the bottom of the pyramid, had the objective of being above that pyramid despite knowing that it was a practically impossible goal, but that didn't stop them from going as far as possible

That adversity didn't prevent them from fighting for their almost impossible dream ... that's why they couldn't fully agree with Broly

Although coincidentally both were ruthless villains who arrived where they were accumulating corpses of enemies, friends and innocent babies

But that wasn't the point!

"What could I have done to reach my goal are you asking?

To form a biogenetic laboratory to achieve eternal life?

With this also cloning myself as is done in Akumetsu to be able to do the millions of things that I need to do by myself at the same time?

Also improve my biological capacities above human ones but with a realistic margin according to the reality in which I lived?

Those should have been my main goals

Is really possible to achieve all that with a limited life of close to 100 years in my situation and with only one body and mind so limited?

Someone of you could say that's not 100% impossible but…

Would the scientific, material and technological development of my planet and time make it possible before I died? Could I obtain enough funds to pay all that investment? Could I have enough control over this project? Would the governments of the country I am in and those around allow it?

I'd have to pretty much dominate the world first before I could even start that project and that too would take a lot of time!

Result: Became an old millionaire about to die trying to find immortality ... something that has never been seen in history

But considering he got all that ...

What would be the next?

Advance my planet's technology to absurd levels to the space conquest age and leave the solar system before the Sun could shallow the Earth?

And after that?

Finding new races and intergalactic cultures ... keep improving technologically ... create a super powerful civilization that lives forever ... unravelalla the mysteries of the universe...

Oh yes, many chances...

And what's the probability of getting any of those things?

What's the probability of getting them all?

Close to absolute zero

Would you bet all the money you would win in your whole life in a lottery with a probability close to absolute zero?

No I don't think so...

And even if I win at the end ... that's still insignificant ...

After archiving all that I would just become as depressed and disappointed with everything as I was watching Netflix in my old house" Broly said while projecting a representation of his story through a movie from his third eye… lately this had become a habit

"Does all that seem insignificant to you?

Really?" The vast majority of those attending that meeting asked outraged, this was definitely a great story that they would like to see and an incredible accomplishment for any individual

"It seems quite impressive to me…

Although it's almost impossible to achieve..." Said Rin, maybe the most normal person in the group and therefore the one more impressed with this mortal fictional accomplishment

However, no matter what they said, that awesome power and position in the universes remained infinitely insignificant in for Broly "Impressive?

Tell me...

What are the chances of being able to bathe in the Sun with my naked body in my old reality?

What are the chances of being able to destroy a galaxy with my hands in my old reality?

What are the chances that I would have managed to alter reality with my mind in my old reality?"

"I think that's... zero?" Answered Rin after thinking only a few thousandths of a second

No matter how optimistic she might be, it was impossible to achieve that in a non-fantastic realty


Even if I had managed to become the most powerful being in that universe ... I would still be an insignificant being

Someone governed by the same laws as other mortals

Someone insignificant compared to all creation

Someone incapable of fulfilling absolutely everything he wants and how he want" Said Brol y with a melodramatic tone that disgusted all who heard him

That's your problem?

If you cannot be a supreme being on the fringes and above all in the omniverse, the life is meaningless?


Do you really expect us to feel sorry for you?!

However, despite feeling disgust and desperation (not everyone) upon understand Broly's radical life philosophy, some tried to reason with him, like Najimi, who one was at the peak in his universe "I think you are being an exaggerated...

In this life there's..."

A totally useless action


Does it seem exaggerated to you not be even a speck of dust in the great immensity?

Does it seem exaggerated to be unable to achieve what you imagine?

Does it seem exaggerated to live knowing that your own imagination is limited by your bare perception of reality?

Does it seem exaggerated that the reality in which you live could be a simple insignificant simulation and you an irrelevant a random character?


ANY EFFORT TO REACH THE ABSOLUTE TOP WOULD HAVE BEEN USELESS FROM THE BEGINNING!!!" Shouted Broly, destroying the ground and everything around him with his powerful and angry voice

The message was clear, there's no middle ground for Broly and that wasn't negotiable.


And after a few seconds of silence in which everyone finished understanding that no one would make him change his mind, Broly continued with his speech "My body was unable to achieve what my mind wanted and at the same time my mind was also limited by my body

Whatever I did, whatever I tried, I could never be above all

So I simply decided to follow the most nihilistic way of life possible ...

Being a lazy bastard, avoiding all possible suffering while building my ideal world in my head until the day I die

A death as irrelevant within the omniverse as that of the possible conqueror of my own shoddy universe that I had no chance of becoming

A fucking loser!"

"A life worthy of admiration ..." Almost all of them said with an evident sarcasm that they didn't even try to hide

"That's right, if everything I wanted was impossible and everything I could do to achieve that goal was useless, it was absurd to try ...

But, coincidentally one day when I died following my strategy... the destiny gave me the chance of a lifetime...

The opportunity to achieve what I had always wanted in a more or less possible way ...

So I decided to do my best and risk everything to achieve it

" Broly said, which ended proudly his brilliant speech at the same point where his adventure began.

"And that opportunity was your reincarnation and the advantages that you obtained by birth and the infinite wishes of the Dragon Balls

Basically all you archived it was thanks to luck" Said almost everyone with sarcasm again, implying his ascension had been a little bit undeserved

"Come one… everything in life is due to luck!

Do you really think any of you would be like this today if it weren't for having a practically infinite amount of luck?

An invaluable factor for success is being born in the right place at the right time.

Who's more likely to be successful or simply to survive? Someone born in the world, country and time of Kumagawa or someone born in the world, country and time of Madara?

An invaluable factor for success is being born in a good family

Who's more likely to be successful or simply to survive? Someone with a poor family full of execrable people like Dio or someone with a good family like Pucchi?

An invaluable factor for success is being born with good genes

Who's more likely to be successful or simply to survive? Someone with Uchiha genes like Obito or someone normal like Rin?

And that's just speaking of birth factors, pure luck also radically changes our destiny from there.

Dio would have achieved something if it hadn't been for being adopted by Jorege Joestar due to a misunderstanding in which he didn't even participate? Pucci would have managed to practically become a god had it not been for his trip to Egypt.


Do any of you really believe that you have achieved what you have achieved only with effort and intelligence?

If so, I have to tell you that you are arrogant bastards with excess of stupidity

No matter how strong and intelligent an ant born in my world in the year 60 BC in Sudan is, it won't even be able to be aware of itself or do something relevant except for being somewhat better than the other ants… and maybe survive some more days than the others ants" Broly said, revealing an uncomfortable truth about all the realities

Luck is the main factor by which everything is governed, a variation of that luck at birth or during your life changes absolutely everything

"Thank you for this amazing motivational speech

If we were born with this knowledge in our brain, we would probably all commit suicide" Said almost everyone with sarcasm again

nd Broly, who still couldn't finish his speech before his subordinates were offended for his criticism of personal merit he continued "It's about luck in this life, is a fucking lottery...

However, effort, intelligence and picaresque buy many tickets

I am a living example of that… and you too

If I hadn't chosen my cheats correctly when I was given the first opportunity, I wouldn't be here!

The same if I hadn't trained and studied as I have, as I have endeavored to manipulate everyone

Nor if I hadn't risked my life as I did by getting the Super Dragon Balls ahead of time or throwing myself to the limit of realities to reach the main reality and orchestrate my supreme plan from there with the risk of being found.

How many others were reincarnated in the same way before me? How many have achieved the same thing that I have achieved?

That's proof that my intelligence, effort, ambition and guts are superior to the others, but… I'll ask again…

Do you think any of that would have been possible without all that luck?"

"No… you are right…" Answered Aizen and Kars

They couldn't contradict his logic. It's evident that all of them had fought hard to achieve their goals, but...

If Aizen hadn't been born in the Seireitei with such enormous talent, spirit power and a good zanpakuto he couldn't have even thought of about his original plan

If Kars hadn't been born as a Pillar Men he would never have invented something like stone masks and began his crusade to conquer de sun

Certainly, everything was luck from the beginning

"The people say that where there's a will there's a way… but if the way not exist in first place for you… having the will will only make you lose

In the end the will and the way must be in harmony" Broly said, finishing his reflection


And if all you cared about is being the supreme being...

Where this congenital stupidity that you have acquired by imminently becoming a father again come from

In the previous life you didn't even want to be a father" Asked Kumagawa who thought found a script hole

"I have almost reached my main goal, it's obvious that I can also have others

I also want to enjoy what I have learned to appreciate in this life, even if they are technically insignificant things...

And unlike other parents in anime, I love my children and my wife!" Answered Broly again while kissing a family photo with Bulma, Bra and him

"Well ... at least you're trying to be normal in some way ...

It's something we have to celebrate" Said Rin representing the normal people in their reality and maybe all the others realities

"Yes, but reserve the celebration for ..." Sad Broly, when suddenly… "One minute…

Is the time!"


Bulma is in labor?" Asked the association of womens of the Desire Realm

"No, something else" Asnwered Broly while crossing my fingers sinisterly


At the same time in the reality of Dragon Ball, on the standard timeline, in universe7, on planet Earth

Broly was preparing the room for the baby with Bra when suddenly Bulma, visibly pregnant, walked through the door.


It's Whis, he seems to need something urgently" Said as she gave him the crystal ball they that some gods use to communicate with each other

"Mmm ...

What will they want?

Will they have finished my triple chocolate ice cream?

I hope it's not because of that, because right now I'm extremely busy" Said Broly while materializing a smart massage crib

Right now his body and soul were dedicated solely to his family and future family, there was no place for other matters

And of course much less for the stupidities of the two people with less problems in the whole universe

"No idea, but Beerus seemed worried" Said Bulma, who insisted her husband take a break and respond to his message

And considering that Bulma, who should be the centre of attention now and the most concerned in the world about her own condition wanted her husband to stop obsessing over the baby and the pregnant woman…

Broly had no choice but to answer, therefore he grabbed the communication crystal sphere and said "Hello, here's Broly

... I hope it's the end of the world ... if not ... "


YOU HAVE TO COME HERE ASAP!" Shouted Beerus, which occupied the entire sphere with its ugly face, a face that reflected great stress and fear

"Don't scream so much, there's a pregnant woman right here" Protested Broly, who was unable to disconnect for a second from his role as a paranoid father before childbirth

But Beerus didn't care, he was so nervous and in such a hurry that he didn't even argue with him and how unbearable he had become since Bulma was pregnant. "THERE'S NOT TIME FOR THAT!





You will have to be more specific..." Said Broly and Bulma at once, that could encompass many things

"Goku-san just used the button that shouldn't be used to go to Zeno-sama's palace.

Alone..." Said Whis, which was trying to calm Beerus before he had an anxiety attack ... or heart attack

"Hmm ... okay ... this can be a bit worrying.

I am coming right away..." Answered Broly, who stopped everything he was doing, gave a kiss to Bra, another to Bulma, another to Bulma's pregnant belly… and thought while teleporting [Bingo]