A very dangerous convention (Part 1)

In the strange planet of Beerus

"Let me guess ... do you want me to spy on Goku again?

Seriously ... for years you have been accusing me that I want to do something illegal, but at the same time you ask me to commit illegalities...

Your hypocrisy knows no limits ...

Have you thought about becoming politicians?" Said Broly to Beerus and Whis, as always maddening all the deities around him


There's not time for that!

Show us what that idiot is doing!" Shouted Beerus again, demanding that Broly violate Goku's right to privacy without even having a court order


It's not like you can do anything about it ...

But it will be fun to see your reactions again ...

Do you want popcorn?" Said Broly, whon't only tried to see the good side to this wasted time instead of refusing as always. He also offered appetizers to everyone, even Beerus even though he had yelled at him and had dared to give him orders

Something very strange in him…

"I see you very ... calm today ...

You haven't even hit, insulted or protested when Beerus has yelled at you and hasn't asked you a with a … please…" Asked Whis, really worried about Broly's mental state

"In a few hours I will be father again Whis...

I want that one of the first things that my son or daughter sees at birth is a father without a murderous aura

That's why I try not to get angry with anyone until he or she… well, he… is born

Do you want sweet or salty popcorn?" Broly said with impeccable Buddhist serenity, it was almost impossible to notice that was forcing his smile.

"Both please" Said Whis, happily accepting the popcorn

In this way Broly's home cinema was back in action, this time in the garden of Beerus

Once again illegally spying on Beerus and Whis's chieftain's palace

"Yo, Allys!" Said Goku, introducing himself to the two Zeno's, who were playing a strange futuristic board game

A simple hello that was enough to make Beerus jump out of the chair "That idiot ... speaking so rudely to the two Zeno-samas ...

He is still not aware of what Zeno-sama can do?


"Shhhhh !!!

Shut up, you screw us the movie!" Shouted Broly to silence Beerus with his fist… but instantly remembered that he shouldn't be angry, so he changed the subject "Do you want a soda Whis?"

"Yes thanks" Said Whis, happily accepting the soda

And obviously while Beerus, Whis and Broly stopped paying attention to the projection, the world kept spinning

And Goku's conversation with the Zeno's too



I'm no sure which ally I talked to before about it, but we mentioned having a Martial Arts Tournament among all the Universes, right?

Whatever happened to that? I'm getting kinda impatient!" Said Goku, asking for explanations and even claiming the two supreme beings.


I forgot" Zeno replied


I thought so" Said Goku, somewhat disappointed with Zeno's memory…but he forgave him, after all he also forgets many things

And when he remembered this promise, Zeno-sama realized a certain setback "If we get rid of them, then we won't be able to do that"

"That's right" Answered Future Zeno

A disturbing interaction between the two Zeno's that Goku didn't find anything worrisome

And although Goku wasn't able to relate the part in which Zeno said "get rid of them" and his tournament among all the universe… the spectators were able to understand it

"Oh, oh…

That's problematic" Said Whis, who suddenly stopped eating and drinking


GET RID OF WHAT!?" Shouted Beerus, who slipped from his chair due to all the cold sweat he was giving off… and due to the shock and fear too, of course

"From the context I think he is talking about the universes

If you paid more attention instead of yelling you would be able to understand the context of this film" Said Broly, still eating and drinking with total normality, like he's watching a fiction movie

"I ALREADY UNDERSTOOD!" Shouted Beerus, who was on the verge of suffering an anxiety attack for extremely obvious reasons ... and Broly's attitude wasn't helping him at all

"Then don't ask..." Broly replied taking a sip of his soda with the same Zen tranquillity as before


This has gotten totally out of control!

All or some of the universes can be vanished again!" Shouted Beerus, who walked in circles and scratched all over his body, leaving a trail of purple cat hair on the ground

If many more events related to Zeno and Goku kept happening, he would end up going bald.

nd of course Broly added more fuel to the boiler "Yes, just like millions of years ago, when Zeno summoned all the gods of destruction to play hide and seek ... and you fell asleep ...

Zeno almost destroyed all the universes because of you

At this rate everyone will hate Universe 7, your fault again..."


How do you know that?" Asked Beerus, with greater anxiety than before, although it seems impossible

"Whis told me

When he drinks he talks a lot" Answered Broly, pointing to Whis

"WHIIISSS!!!" Shouted Beerus, since he made him swear not to tell anyone about that event, especially Broly


Sorry" Said Whis somewhat embarrassed

The fact that he was reminded of this event had undoubtedly increased Beerus' anxiety exponentially. However, Broly's hint in which he made him responsible for this possible apocalypse accelerated even more overloaded Beerus heart"Wait!

And how is this supposed to be my fault!?"


Because of you and your twin brother that stupid tournament was held ...

Because that stupid tournament was held, Zeno came

Because of this Zeno became fond of Goku and gave him that damn button ...

Due to your family tournament, all the events related to Zamasu were triggered

Due to Zamasu and Goku's fault there are now two Zenos and surely for being together, both have come to the conclusion that the universes or at least some of them have to be destroyed for some reason...

Ergo, you unleashed the imminent destruction of the universes by agreeing to participate in that tournament and involving Goku.

Is it or is it not partly your fault?" Said Broly, giving a quick review of all the events that triggered this problem.

A summary obviously skewed to make Beerus look more guilty than he actually was.

That would be something he could have contested or at least protested under normal circumstances. However, fear, stress, anxiety and the fact that he was reminded that he already almost destroyed several universes due to his stupidity made Beerus accept the blame of all this new situation

Just like Broly wanted!


WHAIT... Whait...

OH NO! IT'S MY FAULT!" Shouted Beerus, who was holding his chest for fear that it might explode as he accepted that guilt as his own

He was sweating, his legs were shaking, his throat was dry, his eyes wouldn't stop spinning, he felt vertigo, his brain was unable to think normally, his stomach suddenly emptied but despite that wasn't hungry and felt as if a black hole had been created in his heart

Never, never had he felt so bad in his life!

The beating and torture session that Broly gave him on Bulma's anniversary seemed like paradise compared to the hell he was now undergoing.

And just as the popular saying goes, everything could be worse… and Broly took care of it

"It looks like it is…

Which means that after so much suspicion of me in the end, you and Goku were the culprits of that multiversal cataclysm

Beerus 0 - Broly 69


I win! As always!" Said Broly, who materialized balloons, streamers, Hawaiian necklaces, fireworks, a chocolate fondue and a personalized bookmark to commemorate this event



There has ... there has to be something we can do ...

Something to fix this ... or at least mitigate it ...

At the very least we have to save our universe!

Whis! You have to..." Beerus yelled looking from side to side for help.

They were undoubtedly in an extremely tricky situation, however this wasn't the first time that Universe 7 had been close to disappearing.

There was still hope! In the same way as on previous occasions!

Fortunately Beerus had great trusted minds around him like Whis or the omniscient Zuno ... some of them could have a solution to solve this problem.

They just needed some time

"Oh it seems we have an urgent call

Daishinkan wants all the Hakaishin, Kaioshin, and Tenshin from all the universes to quickly go to Zeno-sama's palace" Said Whis, who just received the message from his father

"OH NO!!!" Shouted Beerus, who lost fur from his body faster than ever

They didn't even have time!

This couldn't be happening!


"Well, I see you guys will be busy...

Good luck, I'm going to shave a cactus or something...

The fate of the multiverse is in your hands" Said Broly, who said goodbye to the duo of gods with total tranquillity, like he's not even part of the universe that could disappear

Beerus didn't know what to do!

This situation completely overwhelmed him and the fact a year ago saw a Zeno destroy an entire timeline made everything worse for him

This was undoubtedly the moment when he felt the greatest despair of his life

And as you all know… Desperate times call for desperate measures


BROLY COME WITH US!" Said Beerus, pulling Broly by the tail to prevent him from leaving with all his might.

"Eh for what?

You haven't heard that I'm busy

Also, let me go ... your hands are sweaty..." Said Broly, slapping Beerus's hands to get him to release him.

"I'm not going to let you go!

And I don't know what I want you to do!


You claim to have millions of strange abilities!

Use any of those to save our lives!

At the very least, make sure Goku doesn't make things worse!

If that idiot is still there, I'm afraid that at some point he will screw up everything!

DO IT FOR THIS UNIVERSE AT LEAST!" Shouted Beerus, who refused to let go of Broly even though he was hitting him with a rolled-up magazine on his nose

NEVER! NEVER EVER! Not even in his worst drunkenness he wouldn't have dared to invite such a dangerous, narcissistic and even evil being as Broly to Zeno-sama palace

It was the equivalent of giving a monkey… who probably wanted to take over the world… a grenade launcher and a flamethrower and leaving it unsupervised in an ammunition depot during a war.

Nothing good could come out of there!

However ... to win this war it was likely that he would need that dangerous monkey...

Beerus was willing to take such risks to save his lif... his universe ...


I've never been to Zeno's palace ...

And it won't be bad to see the stupid faces of the other Hakaishin and Kaioshin

when they see a higher being like me before them ...

Okay, I agree to save your ass again...

But only if you kneel down and ask me please" Said Broly pointing to the ground near his feet

But even Beerus's fractured self-esteem at this moment had limits "WHAT!?

No way!

I'm not so t ..."

"We are late Beerus-sama

And you already know your reputation among the Hakaishin..." Said Whis, insinuating that it wasn't wise to be the last to arrive.

"Grrr ...

Please Broly-sama..." Said Beerus, kneeling before Broly as if he were his servant ... losing all his pride in the process

"Mmm ...

Oh yes, bow down to your master, fucking cat" Said Broly, enjoying the small pleasures of life "This is being a great day


Now say it singing, on a fa scale"

[I hope your strange abilities and your ability to manipulate people have some use wherever we go ...] Beerus thought, who was already beginning to question whether he was paying a very high price for his services.