These are the rules and rewards (Part 1)

"Toppo has fallen out of the ring

Therefore, the winner of this match is Broly!" Said Daishinkan, announcing the result of the match, no matter how absurd the end may have been

A controversial ending, but that nobody dared to discuss. After all the rules had been followed, they weren't betting anything and the Zeno's were happy with the verdict.

"It was predictable ... although I didn't expected this end" Said Beerus, almost celebrating this victory as if it were his own

"You're cheering Broly a lot today ...

It is very disconcerting" Said Whys to Beerus, who was beginning to worry about Beerus's mental health… or if he really has talent as a politician as Broly said

"The interests of the Seventh Universe are above personal vendettas" Beerus solemnly replied, pretending to care about universe seven instead of his life, which was tied to universe seven. A life that he appreciated too much and that Broly could be his best defender

However, Broly did not care about Beerus' or that was taking advantage of his awesomeness to save his stupid life or gain prestige among his co-workers

He was trying to show sportsmanship with Toppo

"Make sure you don't let your guard down like that during the real tournament

Whenever you fight and talk to the enemy, make sure they are not up to something, in this case get you out of the ring" Said Broly to Toppo pretending to give him advice ... even though he was actually highlighting that he had won

"I will remember that lesson ..." Said Toppo, who pretended not to understand the context

"Well it was fun

I hope the other universes have fighters at your level

Otherwise my universe will win without a doubt" Said again Broly, pretending not to know who will be the participants from the other universes and what their level is

"I have news for you...

In the 11th Universe, I'm the second strongest

In fact, as far as his power level goes…

It's even higher than master Belmond's, a Hakaishin" Answered Toppo warning the arrogant Broly that he will not have it as easy as he thinks in the tournament. Not only did he have Jin, a monster superior to himself, all his other companions are also strong and know how to fight as a team.

And although Broly was not very interested in this matter, since he knew everything beforehand, he tried to feign interest "Oh, then it will be a little more fun.

Thanks for the info

He is not interested in being Hakaishin like me


"That's right


There's no much time left before the tournament

We'd better hurry and excuse ourselves" Said Toppo hinting to Broly that it was better to leave the ring as soon as possible. They had already fought to show what a fight is like and in his case he had won, so his moment of glory had ended, now was the time to take a back seat and let the gods talk about important matters

However… Broly refused to stop being the center of attention!

"Speak for yourself, I have never left my platform" Said Broly… but… his voice didn't come from the ring where everyone was watching him right now

His voice came from the platform of universe 7, from a point between Beerus and Whys where there was no one, but that nevertheless ...

"What the!" Shouted Beerus upon see that a wild Broly began appear next to him. His image began to be visible to everyone, starting with his hair and gradually spreading throughout his body, as if he were an old computer loading an image from the internet (the youngest will not understand it). In a matter of seconds everyone could see another Broly, sitting in a flying chair, crocheting and cross-legged arrogantly.

Seeing this act of bravado, the gods, even those of his own side, were about to condemn him and ask for explanations ... however they resisted the urge to do so, since they sensed that that sordid show had not finished yet

There was still a part of Broly's body that had not been made 100% visible…

HIT TAIL! Which extended out the platform in the direction of the Broly who was in the ring… and when the tail was 100% visible they could see that the tail of the Broly from the platform of the universe 7 was connected to the back of the Broly from the ring

Or rather ... the Broly in the ring was transformed into Broly's tail, which was retracted until it returned to a normal size on the Universe 7 platform to almost look like a normal tail stuck to Broly's back, who said "Although of course I was floating in my flying chair at all times so as not to be disqualified for flying or touching the ground"

"THE WHAT?" Shouted almost every deity after witnessing this bizarre event and those who did not shout were simply because they were too speechless or were trying to analyse the situation with all the neurons in their brains, preventing them from making sounds.

[What exactly had just happened?

Broly through his tail has absorbed another Broly?

Broly is an extension of his tail?

He has always been fighting with his tail, which he has disguised as Broly?

Broly put something weird in the popcorn and cola and we are hallucinating?


Everything becomes very confusing when that monster appears!] Champa thought, like the others who were trying to find a logical explanation about the tail issue

Although not everyone asked themselves about the strange possible metamorphic abilities of the Broly tail, some were more impressed by his uncanny ability to make himself invisible and undetectable by any mean

[Had he been there all this time?

Not even I had noticed it] All the angels, even Daishinkan thought while looking at Broly in a very different way than a few minutes ago

Others only cursed Broly and his obsession with being the center of attention.

[Hasn't he done the show enough already?

Why do you have this need to always be the protagonist?] Thought Beerus, mentally strangling Broly, who kept crocheting as if nothing was happening around him...

Others however ... had no need to think

"What happened?" Zeno asked with a complete expressionlessness.

"I don't understand?" Asked the future Zeno too, asking someone to explain it to him

"Broly, could you explain to His Majesty and everyone else what you have done?" Asked Daishinkan, who also wanted to know the truth behind those strange abilities

And Broly did not refuse, he loved to talk about himself, so he left the crochet hook and materialized his hologram powerpoint "Sure, without any problem, I love explaining my skills

My tail has certain special properties, which have evolved over time as I have become stronger and smarter"

"Like the transformations?!" Asked the two Zenos at the same time with great excitement, they liked the concept of transformations a lot

"Indeed, something very similar to transformations" Answered Broly, who launched his holographic projector to reinforce his explanation with 3D images. If Goku was able to learn the multiplication tables with this method Zeno could understand his explanation


"In its first stage, my tail could change its size almost without limits. From the size as tiny as an ant to an extremely large one, like a planet, for example...

And not only that it can also modify its shape, such as a sword, a record player or a Renaissance statue with a considerably small penis (David of Michelangelo)

And last but not least, it can copy the properties of what it touches...

If it has had contact with fire I can make my tail have the properties of fire, if it has touched steel the properties of steel, if Beerus has touched the properties a bum who spends the day sleeping and eating

As you can see the possibilities are endless... to the point where with some practice and artistic training I can copy whatever it is perfectly by obtaining all its properties and imitating its shape" Broly said explaining the powers of his tail through the holographic projection and his own tail, representing all his examples

The last example being a full-scale imitation of Beerus, who began to dance the Russian polka



It's fun" Shouted the Zeno's at once, Broly's tail was also funny to them… although Beerus was unable to laugh

"He is like a puppeteer" Said Belmod, who as a professional clown appreciated Broly's skill

"And not only that, his puppets are very powerful ...

Are the copies of himself weaker than himself?" Said Marcarita, the Harley Queen of the franchise Dragon Ball and also the angel and teacher of Belmod, that after many years of working with the clown learned about his profession

"Another good point is that with my True Saiyan transformation all the abilities of my tail also affect my entire body.

As you can see, I can do the same with my hands, legs, eyes, head ... well, with my whole body" Said Broly, exemplifying once again his powers. Making their legs have the properties of the platform they were stepping on, his hands the fur of Beerus, changing the size of his eyes and head as if he were a Looney Tunes...

"Pretty impressive, but what does this have to do with your perfect invisibility?" Asked Camparri, the angel of the universe 3, which despite being impressed by the practical combat capabilities of this skill was only interested in knowing the way in which Broly had been able to ignore the practically perfect senses of his family

And of course Broly answered with pleasure "I was about to explain this matter

After practicing a lot my skill evolved, and what happened was that...

I became able to copy the properties and shape of everything around me at the same time...

In other words, I become everything around me, the space, the time, the energy, the matter, the void… everything

I am not making myself invisible, I am not hiding my presence, I have not dematerialized my body, I am not hiding in another dimension... you simply cannot detect me because I am all that exists ... at least what I can encompass with the dimensions of my body..."

And once again Broly and once again Broly demonstrated how his ability worked appearing and disappearing all over the room without anyone being able to detect him

"What an incredible ability" Shouted almost all the Tenshins at the same time upon realizing the level of this skill

Conceptually it was at an extremely advanced level, so much so that it could be on par with the Divine Doctrines, become everything in the existence whenever you want and still being yourself, something unheard until now

When put into practice, it not only makes its user undetectable, but also makes it totally unattainable and invulnerable.

Even Daishinkan found it impossible to believe that a mortal born in one of his universes could have obtained such a fucking broken ability.


Isn't he practically invincible with this skill?" Shouted some of the Kaioshins and Hakaishins, as if they were MMOO players complaining about class balancing in PVP

"Not at all...

There are quite a few limitations when it comes to using it

Parts that have this ability activated cannot affect reality, you can't do anything to me and I can't do anything to you

Nothing is perfect ... although I can partially use this ability as you have seen before

Part of my tail was fighting and the other was hidden

Although if I take some damage the ability is easily cancelled, since requires a lot of concentration...

Fortunately I was able to avoid being damaged in this fight" Answered Broly, complaining that his broken skill is not 100% broken, thus minimally reassuring everyone, but not too much… this was still a broken ability if someone can use it well

However, evaluating that ability was not the important thing now, but whether the Zenos were satisfied with the explanation

"I think I have understood what it is" Said Future Zeno, approving that explanation that even an idiot could understand

"Me too" Said Zeno too although he indicated to Daishinkan to come closer to tell him something "Shshs… zzsssshhsss… sashsiaajj…"

And when Zeno finally finished speaking with his butler and prime minister, the latter spread his word among the populace, but this time only to Broly "An impressive ability, but His Majesty thinks it should be banned from the tournament ...

If you only hide until the end to fight against the last opponent will be very boring"

"It's a fair rule ...

Makes sense, well seen Zeno

HAHAHA!" Answered Broly, without showing any kind of frustration at being nerfed, attitude that Zeno and Daishinkan valued positively

That said, the match and the post-match interview officially ended.

"What have I done? Well?

Was the popcorn good?" Asked Broly to Whys, the only person he respected within the universe 7 platform

"Too good, as always!

By the way, my brothers and the other gods of destruction would be interested in the recipe" Answered Whys, who was quite happy, since his brothers and sisters had promised to do him many favours if he got the recipe or supplies for them

And Broly was also happy to know that more deities would become junkies addicted to his food and therefore at his mercy "Hehehe ...

My clients keep increasing ...

I hope these ones pay ...

Or else..."

"You only think about food ..." Said Shin, which was still babysitting Goku, who had not yet recovered

However, the moment of the talk between students was over

Class started and it was Professor Daishinkan's turn to speak

"Well then, everyone...

After observing the previous match, we've decided to make a change to the rules"