These are the rules and rewards (Part 2)

"Well then, everyone...

After observing the previous match, we've decided to make a change to the rules" Said Daishinkan, regaining the control of the meeting after Broly began to finish the homemade wool hat for his future son that didn't finish in the previous fight.

"So they're really going through with it…" Champa muttered, feeling guilty for creating this situation and also depressed, since his chances of winning were very limited

"Please, chose 10 contenders form each of your universes, excluding gods such of the gods of destruction

We are going to further simplify the rules

For the Tournament of power, to win, all you must do is knock your opponent out of the ring

The time limit for the match will be 10 taks" Said Daishinkan, who began to explain the tournament rules, which were obviously different from the original ones between Universe 6 and 7

And Broly, who hadn't been the center of attention for a few seconds and had already finished the hat and socks said "In the Earth time that would be 48 minutes ...

So this tournament will be a battle royale where all the universes will fight at the same time in the same ring?"

"That's right, it seems that Broly is quite intuitive ...

Everyone will fight during that time, and the time with the most members left at the end wins

Of course, if there's only one person left, even if time limit is still remaining, the challenger's team will win

Don't worry we will have a large ring prepared" Answered Daishinkan, somewhat annoyed that Broly was able to read his mind on more than one occasion

Therefore the gods began to speculate about the method to win this tournament "Y see…

Teamwork is going to be key in this…"

And another few feel somewhat more relieved after hearing that good strategies, combinations an preparation will be a crucial point in this match "This is good new!

The individual power of a few participants won't be the only determining factor to win"

"Just as with the tournament between the 6th an 7th Universes, the final winner of this tournament will receive the Super Dragon Balls to have any wish they desire granted…

I trust you've no problems with that, Champa.

In which case, please hand over the 3 you've already collected.

We shall collect the remaining ones ourselves" Said Daishinakan to all the gods, but above all to Champa, whom he extorted with a smile

And of course Champa, a dignified god of destruction answered to this OFFER that he could simply not turn down as if he were a child who had been caught red-handed stealing cookies "S… sure…"

"This bastard…

You collected them again!?

Aren't you tired of it!?" Shouted Beerus very upset that his brother had thought to enter his territory illegally for the third time in a row to steal the same thing

And while an endearing fraternal fight was taking place, the rest of the gods asked themselves a very obvious question ... in fact the same question from the beginning ... which they finally dared to ask "Excuse me… May I ask a question?"

"Go ahead" Said Daishinkan to Eyre, the Kaioshin nerd, which like every nerd wanted to be number one in the class either asking the questions or answering them

"Thank you…

The prize being given to the winner fighter is clear, but will the winning universe receive anything?" Asked Eyre who also wanted a piece of the cake in case of winning

Therefor Daishinkan with a slightly more sinister smile than usual aswered "Nothing"



I see… so just for honor" Answered Eyre after interpreting the answer with some disappointment, although for obvious reasons and without much success he tried to externalize his true thoughts

However, the brain that he was so proud of was unable to decipher Daishinkan's response this time, therefore Daishinkan kindly corrected him "You misunderstand

The prize for the winning will be that nothing is done to them"

And once again Daishinkan's explanation turned out to be quite confusing. So confusing that none of the local gods understood what he meant by nothing "What the…?"

However, some of the most experienced and pessimistic gods began to understand the context without needing to understand the message… and wasn't very hopeful [I don't like that nothing at all…

Something is not right...]

Moreover, as the proverbs usually say... think wrong and you will be right

"We will do nothing to the universe that wins…

But the Kings of All will erase the Universes that lose from existence" Said Daishinkan, conveying with great coldness and good humor one of the darkest and most despotic statements in the history of animation.

Such a terrifying statement that it short-circuited the brains of all the gods, nobody was able to believe what they just heard!

However, after a few seconds of total silence in which everyone forgot to even how to breathe, they began to process what they had just been told

"D… did he just say…" Some Hakaishin babbled with immense effort, proportional to what they were using to avoid shitting themselves

That's when the most brutal fear they have ever experienced in millions of yearse began to take over their minds and bodies


No… this can't be… happening…" Babbled some of the Kaioshin, who tried to deny reality as a defense mechanism, a defense mechanism for weak and pathetic people

At this point everyone was totally terrified to the point of pass out… anyone except the Teshins, who knew they were outside the law… Goku, who was still dreaming about eating, fighting and escaping from work..

And of course Broly, what he said to the short-circuited Beerus "Do you remember the conversation from before?

Here's what the Zenos wanted to say ...

You see, I was right and you owe me an apology"

And either because that irritating phrase out of place pissed Beerus even more or because it was time to get out of the trance either with or without Broly's intervention… Berus shouted more that all the other gods together "W...





"The Kings of All had been saying there were too many universes, so this is a perfect opportunity to clean house" Said Daishinkan without any empathy while looking at the two Zenos, who were proud of this decision

"NO WAY…!!!" Almost all the gods shouted, at least those who had some saliba in their throats and didn't have their mouths paralyzed to be able to gesticulate

"This has become much more serious than I had thought" Said Whys, who already foresaw before coming that something like this could be possible.

"Things are waaay worse than I could have ever imagined possible…" Answered Beerus to this sensei, who unlike him didn't come with such low expectations for personal interest

"So what you're saying then…

Is there will be only one universe left?

Don't be offended by my opinion, but I think that's not a good thing for anyone " Said Belmond trying to negotiate just like Broly did before, after all he didn't lose much trying, after all he could be deleted in a few hours

However, Daishinkan wasn't going to negotiate this stone-carved decision, also Belmond didn't understand the situation completely "Not just one

Universes 1, 12, 5 and 8 will remain as well"


But why?" Asked some of the gods that don't belong to the Universes 1, 12, 5 and 8, that for obvious reasons wanted to know the reason for such positive discrimination

"The average level of the mortals in those 4 universes is over 7…

So they are exempt from participating in this tournament" The spokesman Daishinkan replied once again, explaining why they don't punish the gods who take good care of the assets they have left in charge


We are saved!

It's a good thing we took our work seriously, right?" Celebrated with extreme joy minimally responsible gods of the universes who had been excluded from participating. Finally doing their job correctly had been at least unpunished

Meanwhile the most lazy, incompetent and stupid gods screamed with envy and frustration "SHIT!"

Ok, at this point everything was clear!

All the universes that lose in the damn tournament would be eliminated, an indescribable tragedy in which countless present, future and past lives would be wiped out without any resistance. Something that shattered the hearts and minds of all the gods, either Hakaishins or Kaioshins, just by thinking about it

However ... what really worried them was whether they too were included or not in the vanished universes, therefore the pink elephant Rumsshi asked "Err… if , by chance, our universes get erased…

Wh… what will happen to us…?"

"Don't worry…

All the Gods, apart from angels, will be erased together with their universe" Daishinkan responded, trying to convey positivity to those sentenced to death, of which none is his son or daughter

"That's quite reassuring

Right?" Broly said with a big smile to Beerus and Shin, who hoped they were as happy as him to know that Whys was safe.

However, neither they nor anyone else (except the Tenshins) shared Broly and Daishinkan optimism "THE WHAT!"

Why the hell should the Hakaishin and Kaioshink be relieved to hear that, you fucking cynical?

You just proved that you don't give a shit about everyone else's lives, not even the gods!

And still you expected us to feel relief because you wouldn't kill your own children!?


This is what everyone would have liked to say, however they weren't yet crazy enough to say that. They still have a few hours to live and a chance not to die, none were so stupid and impulsive to commit suicide right now

Even so the different gods, specifically the Hakaishins had too much frustration and hatred accumulated right now after knowing that they were about to be executed… and since they couldn't vent their frustration against their executioners they did it with Goku, who had indirectly caused this deadly tournament

And the one who led these protests was Beerus, who fought with all his might not to kill the drugged Goku "Damn Goku ...

All of this is your fault

I'm going to ..."

However, before the coalition of gods against Goku continued insulting, blaming and even trying to kill his favorite disciple, Whys intervened to save him "As for the exemptions…

That gives the impression that the true purpose of this tournament is to give the lower level universes, which were originally scheduled to be erased, a chance to be spared as a reward for winning this tournament…"

"As expected of you, Whys…

It's exactly as you suspect" Answered Daishinkan, proud that his son had explained how magnanimous they were being with those stinking gods

And now that the gods couldn't even pay for their frustration with Goku they had no choice but to accept the situation with all the positivity they could gather. They were screwed, no doubt, but at least they had a chance to live. Instead of using their neurons in unproductive activities such as cursing their luck, their incompetence, their superiors or looking for someone else to blame it was better to focus on their only chance

Unfortunately, not all gods condemned to death were able to look ahead in this situation.

[Shit, shit ...

This cannot be happening…

Our team has no way of winning ...] Thought Champa as he looked at his brother's platform, in which were the two mortals who had defeated the best fighters in their universe

If those monsters, especially Broly participated, his chances of survival were less than 0%

And despite that the dramatic of his brother seemed to be the most aggrieved by this situation

"H… hang on, Whys…

Is the level of our universe really that low…?" Asked Beerus, who unlike his co-workers was still looking for culprits and focusing on circumstances that right now had no solution

"Well, the average level of planets with mortals on them in our 7th universe is 3.18, which indeed is no very good.

In fact, it's second from last" Answered Whys

"SECOND FROM LAST?!" Shouted Beerus upon knowing that he's one of the dumbest in the class… and obviously blamed others for his uselessness, this case on Shin "TH-THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!

Always going on and with that…

It's meaningless unless a planet attains higher levels on their own…


"WH… what about you?!

You spend most of you time sleeping!

Do you keep track of how many times the Supreme Kaioshin have been close to death doing your job because you slept?" Shin protested just like Beerus, blaming others for his worthlessness as well

Both were partly right and that made them defend their argument tooth and nail, to the point of physically attacking each other. A situation as comical as dangerous, since if Beerus hit him with more force than necessary due to anger he could kill Shin and in the process kill himself, since both lives were interconnected.

"Guys, guys, don't fight ..." Said Broly, standing between Beerus and Shin to stop this fight of morons with probability of murder and suicide "You are both unparalleled worthless ...

Why do you think I'm always bothering you unlike Whys?

I hate your uselessness..."

"The tournament will take place in a special ring created in the void world,

I will transport you there myself, so choose a place to gather in each of you universes

Be warned, anyone late will left behind

Also, just in case, let me stat hat the use of any weapons or medicine are forbidden.

If you are found, your entire team will be disqualified

And with that…

I shall return you all home.

There's not much time, so please make your preparations quickly" Said Daishinkan, ending his speech and teleporting everyone to their respective universe


It was only when all the gods and guests were evicted from the palace that Daishinkan had no choice but to acknowledge "So that's the mortal that brings Whis headlong ...

He's without a doubt unique…"


Universe 7, Planet Beerus

"Very good Goku, you already have your long-awaited tournament

You are already happy?" Beerus asked with extreme sarcasm to Goku, who had already recovered thanks to a healing slap from Broly

"Yes a lot!" Answered Goku, who didn't understand Beerus' sarcasm "OUCHHHH!!"

More than enough reason for Beerus to slap him on the back of the head "STUPID!"



WHAT WAS THAT FOR, BEERUS!?" Shouted Goku, who didn't understand the reason for that physical punishment, although it wasn't entirely his fault, he had been K.O almost during the entire meeting

However, that didn't matter to Berrus he was still one of those responsible for that situation and the only one he could hit without mortal consequences "I TOLD YOU, DIDN'T I!?




What's happening?" Asked Goku, still don't understanding anything

"Hang on, Lord Beerus…

Based on what the Grand Priest said, we were originally set to be erased anyways

But now, thanks to Goku we've been given a chance to live…" Said Whys, saving Goku again


Damn you Whys ...

Of course you are calm ...

YOU WILL BE OK WHATEVER HAPPENS!!!" Said Beerus, letting Goku go to yell at the person he envied the most right now

"Beerus-sama, please calm down ...

We are all in the same situation" Said Shin, trying to avoid necessary internal problems at the worst possible time

"Yes, yes… whatever you say subnormals with a 3.18 IQ...

I'm going home, I have a family to feed

And I think that you want to gather participants for the stupid tournament, discuss strategies, practice ... all that shit..." Said Broly, excusing himself and inviting everyone to go to his house, since they would come anyway, whether he invited them or not. After all, his wife's mansion had become the meeting point for all the important affairs of this universe.

So Whys cordially accepted the invitation, with a clear goal in mind "Speaking of food ...

What's today's menu?"

"Ramen and burger...


Yeah, I know...

Due to pregnancy Bulma has very strange cravings" Replied Broly, explaining why he had prepared such a strange and unbalanced menu today

Even so that wasn't a problem for a cat god like Beerus, who said after calming down a little bit "Grrjjj ...


Can I join?"

"Since it could be one of your last meals I'll let you

Although I shouldn't…

When Bra gets a score as pathetic as a 3.18 I don't reward her" Broly said, using his new favourite resource to look down on the gods of Universe 7.

A resource with barely three minutes of existence that was already exhausting Beerus' patience, which he asked Shin "He will remind us of this throughout our lives?" Asked Beerus to Shin,

"Fortunately or unfortunately it may not be for a long time ..." Answered Shin trying to use humor to cover up his depression

"Can someone explain to me what happened?" Asked Goku, who didn't know why he had fainted, what had been said about the tournament, why Beerus and Shin were so nervous or why had Beerus attacked him and blamed him for something

He had never been so confused since the day he fucked with Chi-chi for first time