To the tournament we have to go (Part 1)

After the cordial and emotional meeting to organize the creation of a mortal game that urinated on Battle Royale, Squid Game, The Hunger Games and Truth or Dare with your girlfriend…

Broly, Beerus, Whys, Shin, and Goku met the entire team once again at Bulma's mansion.


Again cooking for everyone..." Said Broly, complaining about his almost habitual routine while preparing food for his family, friends, acquaintances, regular and sporadic freeloaders… and Vegeta

Moreover, while everyone waited for the food to arrive on their plates, Whys, Beerus and Shin explained the situation to everyone, including Goku.


WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU GOTTEN US INTO THIS TIME!?" Shouted Vegeta, angry with his favourite clown for extremely obvious reasons. This idiot had once again caused a situation that could kill them all

"Yeah, yeah… I know…

I've been getting chewed out nonstop… enough already…" Goku apologized, who got too used to doing it since he destroyed an entire time line.

"I can't believe you…

Just how much of fighting nut are you?" Said Bulma, complaining as usual and with good reason, almost all of their problems until today had been caused by Goku and his obsession with fighting


We need to hurry and decide on 10 people…" Said Shin, indicating that it would be better to stop blaming each other… especially him ... and instead focus on the solution

"Yes ...

However, let's finish eating before...

And after talking about the tournament I'll take a little nap..." Said Beerus, who was stretched out in a hammock with his eyes closed, while he drank some soda

Something that began to worry everyone

"I see you too relaxed Beerus ...

I imagined that by now you would be very nervous and breaking everything around you ... " Said Bulma, who didn't understand what she was seeing

"Yes, is not like him" Said Shin, who also began to worry

Not long ago, with everything that happened with Zamasu, everyone understood how Beerus behaved in the middle of a crisis that threatened everyone's life, including his own.

That's right, the God of Destruction of Universe 7 used to behave like a fucking paranoid and hyperactive madman

Without a doubt he's the typical carcinogenic idiot whose only mission in life is to make the most disastrous situations even worse with his negativity, his nervousness, his aggressiveness, his lack of cooperation and uselessness...

However, today that they were in a similar situation, he was very calm without making any kind of fuss ... without giving much importance to the subject of the tournament...

Fuck! He even seemed to be in a good mood!

"Beerus-sama are you ok?" Asked Whys, who was really beginning to worry about his cat's mental health.

Since they had returned from Zeno's palace, Beerus had calmed down in an excessive way, something he had never seen before.

His anger was practically eternal, even from the smallest thing. It didn't make sense that in a few minutes he would be in such a good mood

Had he gone completely mad?

"I'm perfectly weell

¿Why are you asking?" Answered Beerus, who got up from the hammock to talk to everyone at the table

"You are too calm despite the situation in which we find ourselves

You have us worried..." Said Krilin, who was really worried ... that Beerus would really go crazy and try to kill them ...

"Are you seriously not worried that so many universes ... including ours ... could disappear?

You should take this more seriously!" Bulma screamed, protesting energetically partly due to habitual belligerent personality and partly due to pregnancy hormones.

"Of course I'm worried

How could it not be?

I could ... we could die in a few hours...

I would be crazy if I weren't worried" Beerus said, trying to show with his tone of voice and body language that he was really worried, that he hadn't gone crazy. And at the same time explain why he was quiet than usual "But on the other hand I also have reason to be optimistic"

"Optimistic?! You!?

How!?" Aked Bulma, who had practically become the spokesperson for the group thanks to her character, intelligence, resources and untouchability as Broly's wife

And of course Beerus explained the reasons why one of the most catastrophic gods had reasons to think positively in the midst of a global extinction. "You may not know it ... I have never wanted to admit it to you ... but despite the fact that our universe has the second lowest score..."

"A 3.18" Said Broly from the kitchen



Yes... a 3.18…



However, despite that we have a spectacular fighting level!

Do you think that all the universes right now have six or seven fighters with divine scale power that would be able to become Hakaishin candidates?

Do you think that all the universes right now also have six or seven fighters that far surpass the power of Frieza or Dabura other than the divine level fighters I have named before?

And what's more...

Do you think they are all friends, live on the same planet and know how to fight as a team and even fuse?

I tell you...

I there are any, much less in the eight lower level universes

HUAHUAHUAHUA!" Sid Beerus with a wide smile and evil laugh. He could almost smell the sweet scent of victory and all thanks to a race that he ordered to extinguish and the inhabitants of a planet that he also planned to destroy… something that made him reflect about his genocide policy

And before the rest of the cast asked questions, surely questioning Beerus' claims, Whys verified that this information was true "That's right…

Putting all the eight universes together is possible to find one or three of each category or at least that they approach

However, it's unprecedented not even being able to count them with the fingers of both hands, much less counting only one universe.

And that helps us a lot considering the rules of this tournament...

Even if the other universes we face had one or two fighters stronger than the strongest of you...

Somewhat unlikely but possible...

It would still be possible to win thanks our numbers and fighting as a team"

This was very good news that came from a reliable source that undoubtedly reassured all those concerned about being faded from the very existence "THAT'S GREAT NEWS!

Now I am much calmer"

Although there are some mentally retardeds like Goku, who was disappointed to hear that there would be few worthy rivals. "Seriously?

Are we that good?

It's a bit disappointing..."

"Yes, this is without a doubt a great anomaly.

This planet is a box of surprises, not only because of the food" Said Whys, confirming once again that the Universe that came up with the idea of organizing this tournament was also the one who had the most chances of winning it.

"It's comforting to hear that..." Said Videl, the one who knew the least about these matters, while she caressed Pan, who had been sleeping for a while after flying around the world six times

"And quite flattering ..." Said Yamcha, the person least suited to speak

"It's true...

We have the five Saiyans Gohan, Goku, Vegeta, Ginger and Yam

Also Piccolo, who has become almost as strong as Goku and the others

If we also add Krillin, Ten Shinhan, Yamcha, Chaoz, C-17, C-18 or myself ...

I don't know what the teams from the other universes will be like, but without a doubt I think that our team will be the most powerful..." Said Muten Roshi, pointing out which were the seven combatants who would indisputably participate and the and the other ones with less luck in the genetic lottery of which they would have to select three to fulfill the quota of ten participants

However, Roshi and almost all the other Z Warriors had forgotten something

"Kame-sennin, you seem to be getting senile..." Krillin said pointing towards the kitchen"You forgot to mention someone ..."

In the direction of the kitchen from which Broly finally emerged with the trays full of ramen, triple-decker hamburgers, soda and eighteen-flavored ice cream

It was then that almost everyone's stomach, brain and heart began to function at 100% capacity "IT'S TRUE! I ALMOST FORGOT!


It wasn't unreasonable that they hadn't thought of including Broly among the participants, after all the mysterious three eyed dude didn't use to fight and left these tasks to them, but above all

"I think we had subconsciously interpreted that this monster was forbidden to participate in a tournament in which mortals participate" Said Vegeta, stating everyone's opinion

Even Berus and Whys felt that releasing Broly to fight other mortals from the other universes in an official competition was immoral and even criminal.

It was the equivalent of performing a boxing match between a doped superhuman and a vegetative, legless pug. It wasn't a fair competition

Without a doubt, if Beerus and/or Shin organized a tournament between mortals or even between Gods of Destruction, they would never let Broly participate to keep the competition fair and avoid unnecessary humiliations

However… the tournament organizers hadn't put any rules against this obvious abusive practice due to either ignorance or negligence… and considering that their lives were at stake...

Is it morally wrong and hypocritical to let Broly participate?

Probably, but neither of them cared!


We don't just have a team full of monsters

We have the greatest of monsters on our side!


How many "mortals" do you think there are in the multiverse like Broly?


I refuse to believe that all the universes together have left or will allow something like him to be born more than once in history!


How do you want me not to be optimistic?

Broly will only need to pretend that he cannot beat them all with one tail blow to allow Zeno-sama enjoy this tournament and everything will be ok!


HUAHUAHUAHUAHUAHAUAHAUAHA!" Beerus screamed with an inordinate euphoria while eating the ramen and hamburger, alternating both flavors with pleasure

On the one hand he was extremely happy to know that he had a probability close to 100% of surviving and on the other hand he was somewhat sad to know that many of his co-workers, including his brother, would die so that he could survive.

A great tragedy that was quickly diluted with the intoxicating aroma of ramen and juicy burger, which tasted 100 times better than ever knowing that he had a 100% chance of winning and surviving

After many problems, his life was finally improving.

"Who said that I plan to participate?" Said Broly, who was finally able to sit with everyone else to eat

And Beerus, still euphoric, was still celebrating his imminent victory between bites


With him on our side we cannot lose!"

Until his brain processed something that he didn't think should be processed ... or rather ... should never have been processed in the first place


For a second Beerus thought he had misheard what Broly said, since it was totally absurd to say something like that in this situation. Surely he had wax in his ear or his age was beginning to play tricks on him


However… seeing everyone else's he realized something… everyone stopped eating and fell silent, as if something had short-circuited their brains

Exactly the same face that he was making at this moment! And not only that, everyone tried to confirm in the same way if they had heard correctly what Broly had said!

That confirmed something!

Whatever they had heard had left them in a similar state to him and what he had heard was something horrible

So ... most likely ... everyone has heard the same thing!!!



The surprise and panic spread like COVID 19 in a one-room nursing home where all inmates had the flu but any mask. This comment took everyone by surprise that many squeezed their plates, bowls and food with too much force, destroying them in one blow… others who sat incorrectly fell from their chairs… others who were swallowing at that precise moment choked… and a small minority got food out of their noses

Yet everyone wondered

"But ... but ...

WHY?" Shouted Beerus with a shattered heart and mind while oozing more cold sweat than ever and removing the noodles that were coming out of his nose

"The level seems very low ...

I am not motivated to participate

I prefer to design the room of my future Optimus Prime" Broly replied while stroking Bulma's belly