

Liu Feng sat under the the protection of trees in the park. Its branches protruded like vines and reached out towards the sky, hoping to finally be free. Droplets of rain would slide down the veins of the leaves and splash on the tip of his nose from time to time.

He'd already lost count of the many times he had to wipe the water off.


Puddles formed around him, reflecting the gloomy sky and the dark clouds that crowded it.

It had been a couple of hours since he had left the mansion. Since then, he had left he Capital and wondered down town, searching for a place to stay. Hotels were out of the question as they were expensive. Renting an apartment was even worse. All the money he had on him wouldn't be able to pay for both the rent and his other living expenses.

His long toil through the rain had caused his hair to stick to his eyes, irritating it.

"That stingy old man, only lending me $500."

Yawning, Liu Feng looked around him and smiled wryly. He remembered loving parks as a kid. He would sit on a swing by himself until late. This habit followed as he grew up. It was only recently that he was being pushed by...

Liu Feng sighed and looked up at the trees. That was a mistake. Another droplet rolled off and fell into his eye.

'Argh!' Liu Feng raised his hand to rub his eye and as he did so, a small but distinct chime of laughter could be heard.

Alarmed, he whipped his head around until he saw a girl, drenched from head to toe, sitting on one side of the see-saw. Once she realised her folly, she covered her mouth and widened her eyes as if to say 'it wasn't me'.

"Who are you?"

Liu Feng glared at the girl in suspicion. How did she appear so suddenly without him noticing? Furthermore, he kept having a feeling that somebody was tailing him ever since he left the mansion.

The girl let her dainty hands drop and walked closer towards him. She only stopped when they were at least 5cm apart. She stared at Liu Feng with twinkling brown eyes and reached up to touch his hair.


Her chime-like voice combined with the shocking words that came from her pink lips stunned Liu Feng and for a while, both of them just stared into each other's eyes. He soon recovered though. Scowling, Liu Feng slapped her hand away and repeated his question.

"Who are you?"

At this, the girl stepped backwards and ran into the open space. Tucking a lock of jet black hair behind her ear, the girl smiled cutely and explained her sudden appearance.

"I'm your family's servant's daughter. I'm here to make sure you don't get sick"

Liu Feng rolled his eyes at the obvious lie but his voice became considerably friendlier.

"Your name?"

The girl giggled and flicked her long black hair. Her lips curved into a wide grin.

"You can call me Tingting."