
"Tingting?" Liu Feng watched the girl as she giggled in delight despite being drenched from head to toe in cold rainwater. He couldn't help but think that she was a little crazy.

"Uh-huh! What's your name? My mother never called you by your name when she mentioned you to me."

A dark glint crossed Liu Feng's eyes. 'Never called by my name huh...'

"My name is L-" Liu Feng paused. He had been disowned from the family. Why still use the name that place gave to him? He thought about the book with the main protagonist he hated so much yet longed to be. If he could recall, the name was-

"Lukas. My name is Lukas."

"Lukas...?" Tingting rolled Liu Feng's name around her tongue and laughed again.

"Lukas! Lukas!" She laughed with a chime-like voice again as she shouted his name as loud as she could.

Liu Feng rolled his eyes. 'This kid is way too loud... Need to find a way to ditch her.'

"Hey... Tingting."


"Shouldn't you go home now?"

Tingting pondered about something then flashed a grin.

"I suppose I should."

Liu Feng nodded his head in relief.

"Go on then, shoo shoo!"

Tingting took a strand of her wet hair and looped it around her pinky.

"Sure! Where are you staying? I hope there's a bath... a shower would be good too."

Liu Feng didn't like what she was insinuating. Narrowing his eyes, he growled in a low voice.

"What do you mean?"

Tingting cocked her head to the side and pretended that she didn't understand what he meant.

"But you are my family. Right?"

'You've got to be kidding me.'

Liu Feng gave up. Seeing this, Tingting secretly made a V with her fingers behind her back. Deciding that Liu Feng wouldn't mind a little skin contact, she grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the see-saw. Liu Feng's eyebrows furrowed slightly but he didn't shake her off.

Tingting patted one side of the see-saw and ordered him to sit down. Liu Feng rolled his eyes again but did as he was told. The squelchy feeling of water was unpleasant and the way his clothes stuck to him made him uncomfortable. Tingting sat on the other side lightly.

"Are you ready? Here we go!" She kicked off of the ground and soon, Liu Feng found himself high in the air. His eyes widened at the familiar scene. Except now, on the other side, was Tingting.

A warm feeling seeped through the depths of his being and tickled his heart. It was a pleasant feeling. One he didn't want to let go. His lips curved slightly and he let out a soft, almost inaudible chuckle.

Tingting didn't let this slip by her and she giggled once more in delight.

"You laughed!" She cried over the steady thrumming of the rain.

"You're hearing things!" Liu Feng shouted back in denial but could not stop his smile growing wider and wider by the moment.

All of a sudden, thunder rolled overhead, making her shriek. At this, no matter how much he bit the insides of his cheek, her wide-eyed look and shrill scream finally forced it out. He laughed. At first it was only suppressed chortling but at the sight of Tingting's stunned face, Liu Feng burst into hysterics, his husky voice sending a smooth melody into the air. As Liu Feng laughed, Tingting found herself bursting into laughter too. Their voices, both low and high, merged together to create a pleasing symphony.

And though the rain continued to pour, their laughter neverd ceased.