
Mike was up first. His footsteps were light and he whistled a merry tune in the toilet. Yesterday night he couldn't sleep from curiosity as Lukas was not one to decide something like that. He had pestered and pestered him until he got his answer. They were going to the uppertown! Now, you might think 'why is he so excited when he had already been there?' but the truth was, he was always worried about being caught so he didn't have time to explore the place properly. This was his chance!


Lukas, who was outside the toilet, heard everything. Mike's inner monologue was in fact, not an inner monologue but an irritating series of muttering. He was seriously like a kid. It wasn't like he'd been holed up inside all his life had he?

If it was anyone else who he was indebted to, Lukas wouldn't go as far as to visit them at the hospital. The only reason he did this was because he quite liked the old lady. She took care of them, made them food and most importantly, bought him sweets.

He returned to the bedroom and waited for Mike to finish. Once Mike returned, Lukas clapped his hands loudly, startling Tingting into waking up. Now that all of them were awake and aware, he made an announcement.

"Today we shall be visiting a very special person. To get into the place with said person, we need to do a few things. Dress smartly. No sunglasses or caps or trainers. Wait, maybe trainers are ok. Secondly, Make sure you don't attract too much attention; I don't know if the police are on the lookout for us or not. Thirdly, Mike, don't cause trouble. That's all"


"Why was I singled out?..."

Appropriate preparations were being made and apart from a few grumblings or two, everything was going smoothly. They managed to leave the mansion very early in the morning at Mike's suggestion. He reasoned that most were asleep at this time and they'd meet less resistance on their way.

Lukas and Mike wore matching black collared shirts with short sleeves which revealed Mike's muscular form and Lukas's lean body. They matched the shirt with black jeans and trainers. Lukas decided to comb his hair back while Mike just tied his up in a bun. The boys, dressed in complete black, looked like little devils whereas Tingting, decked in a flowing white dress and sunglasses (with Lukas's permission) resembled a pure angel. Her hair was left down and tucked behind her ears highlighting her gentle facial features and soft doe eyes.

Tingting had commented on the boys' attire using the words 'dark' or 'gloomy'. This gained the simple comments of, 'There was nothing else' and 'this was the best we could do.' Tingting couldn't help but sigh. Being the only girl was really tough~


"Fresh, beautiful air! Clean streets! No gangsters! Happiness!"

Mike ran around like a kid who had never seen the light. It was needless to say that he attracted quite a lot of attention from the townspeople.

'Does he not understand the meaning of 'don't cause trouble'? Why do I even try...?'

Lukas held his hand to his head and tried his best to keep a distance from Mike. Tingting was even further back, looking at her fingernails as she walked, not daring to look at Mike for fear he'd call out to her. He did.

"Hey, you guys! Why're you walking so slowly? Let's go!"

At this moment, Lukas wished that he hadn't put a ban on caps for the day. He would have used it to shield his face from the embarrassment. For now, he just had to endure. After all, he wasn't a devil; he couldn't disturb Mike when he was having so much fun.

Lukas took this chance to plan what he was going to do. Buy some flowers, the brighter the better. Daisies should be fine. Next was to get the granny a card. Then some soft treats... perhaps marshmallows?... Yeah. Marshmallows were perfect. What else should he get? She enjoyed reading, so how about a book? That would do. Wait, what if she was still unconscious? What even happens after an old person has a heart attack? Lukas suddenly imagined the worst. What if she was... dead?! 'No, no, no. Let's not jump to conclusions.' Lukas increased his walking pace, desperate to get to her. He could only find out if he got to the hospital... The hospital?

"Hey, you two, where's the hospital?" Lukas turned around to find Tingting and Mike running after him. Lukas became alarmed and began to run too.

"Bro! Stop, stop!" Mike called out to Lukas desperately. Lukas stopped and waited for them to catch up with him. Mike walked right up to him and grabbed his shoulders, shaking him.

"Why. Did. You. Run. From. Us?!" In between the shakes, a furious Mike interrogated Lukas whose face had turned blank.

"Weren't you running from someone?" Lukas couldn't fathom why they'd be running.

"Dude, you've got to be joking. I was enjoying the sights and Tingting was doing... I don't know what she was doing, but when I looked to ask you a question, you were gone! I scanned the area and found you thanks to your sparkly hair! Do you know how shocked I was?! When did you even get that far?! Then just as we go to catch up with you, you start running! Are you kidding around?!"

"Ah... Sorry." Lukas apologised to the fuming Mike as he realised that he was in the wrong.

"Whatever man. It doesn't matter anymore. Anyway, where are we actually headed?" Mike let go of Lukas's shoulders and asked excitedly.

"That... Do you know where the hospital is?"

"Huh? The hospital? Is that special guy sick or something?" Mike looked crestfallen. It was clear that he had wanted to go somewhere more... thrilling.

"Yeah. Do you know the way?"

"Not really... How 'bout you li'l sis?" Mike turned to Tingting who had recovered from her sweaty state.

"First of all, I'm not your 'li'l sis'. Secondly, sorry Lukas, I don't know." Tingting smiled helplessly and spun around.

"Why don't we ask someone for directions? I think I know who we're going to visit now. She would've been taken to the closest hospital right?" Tingting beamed brightly, proud of her idea.

"Sure sis."

"We'll do that then."

There were many nice people walking around. It wouldn't be too hard to get the directions out of them would it?...