
"So, who wants to go first?"

The three had a short, mini conference to decide who should go up to a passerby first. Out of the three options they had, they came to a decision. The nicest, friendliest, easy-to-get-along-with person; Tingting.

"I'll go then."

As Tingting ran up to a passerby, the two boys fell back and loitered around, secretly listening to the conversation.

"Excuse me!"

Tingting called out to a young teen of about fourteen years old. He had a cute face which matched his short stature. Black-rimmed glasses sat on the bridge of his nose and his dark, messy hair ruffled with his every movement. At the sound of a girl calling out to him, he turned and gasped in shock.

At that moment, Tingting's hair caught the bright sunlight and sparkled like a thousand twinkling stars. The white dress seemed striking and made her glow. Coupled with her face, bare of cosmetics and blemishes, she truly resembled an-

"Angel" The teen blurted out a single world.




"I have been blessed."

"Wait, huh? Kyaaa!"

The teen knelt on the ground and reached for her hand. Tingting, still not being able to comprehend what was happening, could not react in time. The teen took her hand in his own and kissed it.

"I pledge to protect you for the rest of my life, my goddess."

The boy's lips curved into a delighted smile. Tingting, having no immunity to his charms, smiled back at him in defeat.


"Not only did you fail, you brought back more baggage for us to carry."

"Geh. Sorry..."

"It doesn't matter anymore. By the way, you can go now."

Lukas tried to shoo the teen away but he stood still on the spot. As Lukas watched on bemusedly, the teen bowed deeply and addressed Lukas.

"My king, for not knowing of your existence is my greatest shame. Please punish me for my blunder."


"Hahaha! Bro, this kid is hilarious! Let's keep him around. He'll leave eventually."

Mike's words turned the teen's focus on him. The teen scrutinized Mike from top to bottom before he grabbed his hands and shook it.

"It must be hard on you. Protecting the goddess and the king must be tiring. Please let me join you to ease your burden. Sir knight."

"Excuse me? Li'l sis is a goddess, bro is a king and I- I'm a bloody knight?!" Mike held his head in anger. He spun around and spoke to Lukas. "I take back what I said. Let's get rid of him. This brat is looking down on me!"

"Whatever. Let's continue asking people. I'll go next."

Lukas, at some unknown point, had put a lollipop in his mouth. One hand in a pocket, he walked up casually to a passing young lady and tapped her shoulder.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for the closest hospital."


"Do you know where it is?"






What Lukas did not know was that his appearance under the sunlight was stunning and his smart attire gave him a princely vibe. Especially his lustrous, golden hair which often featured in fairy tales. The lady was startled into silence from the irresistible young boy before her. Soon, she could take it no more and fainted on the spot.


"What happened bro? Did you frighten her?"

"I-I don't know."

Lukas was still shell-shocked from the lady suddenly fainting at his feet. After making sure she was okay, he had blankly made his way to the others. He really couldn't understand. Was his face the problem? Perhaps she though he was a yankee... Should he dye his hair?...

*Pat* *Pat*

"Don't worry bro, I'll definitely be able to get the directions."

Patting Lukas's back with a 'cheer up!' attitude, Mike locked onto his target and ran to them. It was a teenage girl this time. Her eyes widened at the sight of him. His muscles showed through the black shirt making her squeal inside with excitement.

"Hey sis, we're looking for a hospital. D'you think you could tell us where it is?"


"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Please marry me!"

"Eh?... Ehhhhhhhhh?!"


"Ok. This was a complete failure."

"I agree."

Lukas and Mike crouched on the ground, wondering what caused those strange reactions. Tingting and the teen watched them amusedly.

"My Lord and Knight, if I may. My name is Yu Jing and I have come to understand the root of your problems. The directions you seek is further ahead into the next town. It is a long journey so please let me hire a carriage for you to travel with."



Yu Jing ignored Lukas and Mike's frozen expressions and took out his phone and started to dial the number for the 'carriage' company. Meanwhile, Lukas sat there fuming whereas Mike curled into a ball to hide himself from the shame.

"Shall I hit him?"

"Bro, that's no good. We need to kill him."

"Hmm... Isn't that too light of a punishment? How about we cut his tongue, make him swallow it, then kill him?"

"Still not enough. Let's cut his tongue, force it down his throat, feed him his own eyeballs and then kill him."

"Sounds good."


Time passed and shortly after the boys finished their little discussion, the 'carriage' came. Yu Jing opened the doors for them and got in only after all of them were seated. There was no more space so he sat on Mike's lap as sitting on his Lord and Lady's would be unthinkable. He then gave the driver the destination to the hospital and in no time at all, they had finally arrived.