
Entering the large hospital, Lukas asked the rest of the group to wait for him as he went to check whether the granny had really been sent to this place or not.

The hospital was large and spacious. The white walls made Lukas feel giddy and his eyes darkened at the sight of it. As he made his way towards the reception counter, he observed the great many people around him. Patients on crutches, in wheelchairs, wrapped securely in bandages or merely having plasters from blood-tests and the like either strolled around leisurely or sat on chairs in the hospital. All bore smiles on their faces and the atmosphere was neither tense nor cold. It was warm.

Lukas approached the reception lady. Noticing him straight away, she put on a standard smile and asked him whether he wanted her assistance. Lukas told her politely that he was looking for an old lady who had a heart attack and was sent to hospital a few days ago. Luckily for him, she knew exactly who he was talking about and asked for his relationship with the old lady. After reassuring the reception lady that he was a tenant in the old woman's apartment, the lady smiled softly and told him the directions and room number.

Lukas strode over to the others loitering at the entrance and told them that the old lady was here. Each individual walked silently through the long corridoors smelling of disinfectant, lost in their own thoughts.

Tingting: 'I wonder if she'll be conscious? Maybe she'll blame us for all this happening to her...'

Mike: 'This old lady tried to fight for them right? Interesting. Very interesting. Very, very interesting. Very, very, very interesting. Very, very, very, very interesting...'

Yu Jing: 'An old lady... Old? Lady? My Lord's godmother?! I must pay my respects.'

Lukas: 'I forgot the flowers. And the card. And the present... Let's come back tomorrow.'

Lukas spun on his heel and hastily walked back the other way. That is, until, a certain long leg tripped him over.

Managing to avoid crushing his face, Lukas steadied himself and glared at the perpetrator.

"What was that for?"

"Huh?" Mike looked at Lukas with an innocent look. "I didn't do anything though?"

"Haha... Fine."

Lukas once again walked the other way only to be impeded by a muscular arm around his neck.

"...Explain to me why your arm is currently choking the air out of me."

"No dude. I'm just helping you. You seem a little lost; you're heading the wrong way. Oh, did you say I was choking you? Sorry about that."

Mike loosened his grip on Lukas who then pulled away from him.

"...It was nothing. Let's just continue."


The four of them continued to walk in silence until they arrived at the door. Lukas pushed it open unreservedly and searched for the old lady. There were two other elderly patients sharing the ward with her.

"Old Lady Xiu."

Lukas called out to the woman laying in the corner. Her head moved a little and she sat up immediately as she saw two familiar faces. Crinkling the sides of her eyes, Old Lady Xiu smiled deeply and teared up in relief. Tingting and Lukas were like family to her. She had cherished the peaceful days they had spent with each other and she had prayed for their safety ever since she was put into the hospital.

Tingting ran over to her and embraced her carefully, making sure she didn't put any pressure on the old lady's body.

Old Lady Xiu picked up a notepad and pen from her bedside table and scribbled a few words onto it.

'How have you been? Have you eaten properly?'

Tingting nodded her head enthusiastically and made up stories of how they had so much to eat, she had put on weight. The old lady chuckled and looked at the two other figures standing awkwardly at the door.

'Who are they? Your friends?'

Tingting nodded once more and beckoned for Mike and Yu Jing to come over. While Mike was hesitant, Yu Jing immediately walked over, knelt down and grasped the old lady's hands.

"I am Yu Jing. I hope you become healthy quickly. Your pale face makes my heart ache dreadfully."

The old lady laughed once more. 'How lovely.'

Mike shuffled over slowly and introduced himself. The old lady raised her hand and gestured for him to bend down. When Mike was at her hand's level, she stroked his head softly and a warm feeling spread through his body. It was as if he had somehow consumed a ray of light from the sun outside. It was neither scorching or cold. It was just right.

'What a nice boy.'

At those words written on the notepad, Mike grinned brightly and no longer held himself back from talking to her animatedly.

Lukas stood to the side and watched them happily. It seemed that although the old lady's condition wasn't too bad, it would be better for her to stay in the ward where she could be attended to immediately in case of a sudden relapse.

The sun dipped in the distance and after a long tiring day, it was time to go. After waving goodbye to the old lady, the four children walked out of the hospital, tired and hungry.

Yu Jing perceptively noticed the low growls and suggested that they all go to a restaurant to eat something. Nobody thought twice about his offer and he found himself paying a hefty sum after they had finished.

The three had eaten like ravaged savages that hadn't touched a proper meal for years.

'Just how bad is their living conditions?...'

Yu Jing head home with a lighter pocket and promised that he'd visit from time to time. Though he was shocked that they were living in the Downtowns, he didn't question them and accepted the fact readily.

After he had gone, the three made their way back home quickly and collapsed on the floor. Full, comfortable and happy. Though they were poor, these days were the happiest they ever had.