
Since that day, Lukas, Mike and Tingting visited the uppertowns more frequently which obviously meant that Yu Jing would tag along with them too. For the convenience of communication, Yu Jing took them to a phone shop and payed for half the cost while Lukas payed for the other.

"You're pretty useful aren't you?"

"It is my honour to be of use to you, Sir Knight."

"Sure, sure dude. Hey, do you think that you could take us to a restaurant again?" Mike licked his lips hungrily, remembering the filling meal he had before.

"I am afraid that my monthly expense has all run out." Yu Jing looked ashamed of himself.

"That's a shame. It doesn't really matter though."

"Hmm, perhaps I could purchase some desserts for you to enjoy instead?"

"Good idea. Where should we go?"

"I have a place in mind."


As the four of them walked down the streets enjoying the last of their ice-creams, a group of tall, lanky boys came into their view and started pointing at them. Or, to be precise, pointed at Yu Jing.

"Ugh! It's that disgusting kid Yu Jing. Fancy bumping into you here."

What seemed to be the leader, a mean-looking boy with oily hair and a wicked glint in his eyes, made the first move to insult Yu Jing. The other boys followed his lead and unleashed a torrent of foul, hurtful words directed at Yu Jing, completely disregarding the presence of the other three. No. Maybe they had never taken into consideration that the other three were with Yu Jing. Perhaps they had thought that they were simply strangers who would pass by at any moment and only happened to be walking in step with Yu Jing due to there being nowhere else to walk.

Yu Jing turned to the other three by his side and smiled apologetically.

"I'm sorry you had to witness such a scene. Your eyes have been tainted by the enemy forces. Do not worry, they should leave us be once I offer them my head. It has been fun serving under you."

He braced himself for the next onslaught of curses and the inevitable damage he would take to his body.

"You little sh*t. Don't ignore me. Always clinging onto us like a fly. How 'bout I squash this pest for good?!"


"Do it!"

The leader aimed a powerful kick at Yu Jing's abdomen but was ultimately blocked by something. Before he knew it, his neck was held in a tight chokehold and a cold hand held his leg upright, causing a tingling sensation. His lackeys had already frozen in fear at the sight.

"Hahahahaha. Hilarious. What an interesting show you've put on for this 'Lord'."

"Try that one more time buddy. Go on. I may not have a sword but I can assure you that my arms are good enough for the likes of you."

A sinister aura seeped out of Lukas and Mike. Their eyes shone with unconcealed killing intent and both bore ominous grins; it was clear the leader wasn't going to get out of this unharmed.

Tingting hugged Yu Jing tightly from behind and comforted him with her healing presence. Her eyes shot daggers at the group of idiots and her usually amiable expression was replaced with a condescending scowl.

"Hey fool." Lukas's voice came out as a low growl. "You look older than him. That means you just tried to hit a kid much younger than you? I guess I have to make you learn some manners." Lukas sent a perfect kick at the boy's crown jewels.

"Aaaaaah!!!" A blood-curdling scream escaped the boy's throat.

"Shut up. This is nothing compared to what you've been doing to him so far. Oi 'knight', keep him in place."

"Yes, my Lord." Mike grinned devilishly.

"You guys. Get me a knife. I want it in ten seconds. This Lord does not like to wait."

"Ye- Yes!!!" The boys scrambled through their pockets desecperately to search for a pocket knife, not caring that it was probably going to be used to harm their leader.

"Here!" A short boy thrust a knife into Lukas's hand and ran back into the group.

"Good. Now, tell me your name." Lukas focused on the leader once more. He placed the tip of the blade on the surface of the leader's skin, drawing blood almost immediately.

"It's- it's..." He seemed hesitant. He could tell that something bad was about to happen.

"Speak." The knife bit a little deeper into the boy's leg.

"Wu Shen!" The boy could only spit his name after experiencing that stinging pain once more.

"Good. Very good. I like it when people are obedient. Now, here's your punishment."

"What are- Aaaaaaaargh!!!" The boy had no time to finish his sentence before an excruciating pain took over all his senses and the only thing he could feel was pain. With his airway still being restrained and his leg experiencing a slow, ripping sensation, Wu Shen nearly blacked out.

The knife had carved a full sentence on the boy's leg.

'Wu Shen is a little sh*t.'


The boy looked dazedly at his own leg and blanched in horror.

"Aaaaaaargh!!! What have you done to me?!"

"It's just a few shallow cuts. If you really aren't a little sh*t, God will take pity on you and those wounds will heal up in no time. Just think of it as getting a tattoo... From an unprofessional tattoo artist."

Lukas walked away casually and Mike followed, leaving Wu Shen to be dragged back by his lackeys to their hangout area.

"Bro, that was pure genius. Where did you get that idea from?"

"Hahaha... You don't need to know."

Yu Jing ran out of Tingting's embrace and approached Mike and Lukas.

"You two... You- you stood up for me?" Yu Jing felt lost. They had known each other only for a small amount of time, so why? Why did they...

Mike looked up looking thoroughly confused while Lukas ran his fingers through his hair, tidying himself up after that little exercise.

"What d'you mean little bro? Isn't it the obvious thing to do?"

"You're one of us now. Ignoring something like that, it's just something I cannot do."

These words reverberated in Yu Jing's mind.

The things he had read about in books and comics. The things he had seen on T.V. Those things that he had always yearned for but could never quite obtain. He had tried so hard in the past. 'Serving' people, 'helping' the boys with miscellaneous things, 'sacrificing' himself for their sake. He had thought that eventually, they would accept him. Who knew that it would make them feel disgust. Make them feel that he was 'clingy', that he was 'dirty', that he was 'trash'. Just as he had thought of giving up, one gentle shout, devoid of ill will, changed his entire life.

A soft hand held onto his lightly. Its owner smiled at him softly and pinched his cheeks.

"You're our cute little brother now. You can count on us, okay?"

Yu Jing beamed brilliantly as he squeezed her hand in return.

As he thought. Having people who understood you, accepted you, liked you... Having friends, was fun.