In the Dead of Night

In the private hospital room, Liu Xing, looking considerably weathered and older, lay on the bed sleeping.

The sudden intrusion of two people startled him awake.

Liu Xing looked up to find that his second son had barged into the room unannounced with another person.

"Good evening, father."

Liu Xing's deep irises remained fixated on the unknown man.

"Who is he?" Liu Xing still felt a bit groggy and missed the slight smirk on his son's face.

"Just... a witness."

The stranger held a briefcase and bore a sharp look on his face. He was clearly here for some kind of business.

"...I understand. What do you want so late in the night?"

"Just to talk. We never really did before. I thought that this would be a good chance to have some family bonding."

"I see."

Liu Qing folded his arms and paced slowly around the room.

"You know, father, I wanted to be your actual son. Who wouldn't? But all your focus remained on Him."

Liu Xing frowned, wrinkling his face.

"I don't remember ever mistreating you. I gave you and your mother everything. So why? What were you so dissatisfied with?"

"You really don't know?" Liu Qing spat. "I never got the attention I deserved. Even at school. Everyone gushed over Him for losing his mother. Well what about me? I grew up without a father. I was poor, bullied, mother went out every night to raise me. When we were taken in, I thought that that was my chance." His gaze lowered. "But no." He raised his head once more.

"All this talk is upsetting me. Let's just make this quick." He shoved some documents into Liu Xing's hands and forced him to take a pen.

"Sign it. Stamp it. You can atone for everything you've done to us."

Liu Xing scrutinised the papers intently, his expression darkening by the second.

"What is this?"

"Your atonement. Now sign it."

"This... Will this make you happy?"

Xiu Qing's fists clenched as his eyes widened in anger.

"Do you really give a d*mn about that right now? Just sign it."

Liu Xing stared vacantly at the papers in front of him and then, one by one, he signed them.

They were snatched away from him immediately and Liu Qing thrust the documents into the stranger's briefcase, his strained expression dissipating as soon as the case snapped shut.

He clapped his hands.

"Right. Now that that's sorted..."

The stranger walked out of the room and another man replaced him.

"You are of no use to me. Goodbye."

He turned for the exit. As he passed the second stranger, he whispered something into his ear. The stranger nodded.

Without another glance, Liu Qing left and stepped out into the corridoor.

The corridoor lights blinked sharply. His steps echoed crisply on the white walls. He strode leisurely. All his concerns had been dealt with. The only thing left to deal with was 'that' person. However, there was no longer any need to rush. Now that he was in charge, he would make sure that that non-related brother of his had no power to do anything.

He arrived at the main reception. The receptionist looked up at him and smiled knowingly.

He bowed to the staff as he left.

The night sky was dark. A few stars dotted about the sky, twinkling dimly. The smell of cigarettes and ashes swirled around him, sending a barrage of attacks to his nose.

As the cool air hit his face, a shrill cry rang from the building.

He smirked and climbed into his car.

As he settled back into the seat, his eyes closed and he was finally at peace.

It was finally his.




…It was all his.