Your Teachers Will Be Sad

The moment the trucks were out of sight, Xiaozhi stood up with ease and clapped her hands.

"Everyone~ Your performance was amazing~"

The people wiped their tears and celebrated.

A frail old man laughed heartily and patted Xiaozhi on the shoulder.

"Haha, little miss, you flatter us. We just did as you told us to do."

"No~ That was really great!"

The man scratched his head and smiled in response to the praise.

Tingting ran up to Xiaozhi and questioned,

"Big sis, does it hurt a lot?"

Xiaozhi knew that she was talking about her nose.

"Not at all~ This isn't blood, you know?"

"Huh?" Tingting looked stunned at first but then broke into a grin. "Big sis is so smart!"

"Haha, you're so sweet."

As Xiaozhi stroked the head of the sweetly smiling Tingting, she looked on into the distance, past the dust that swirled and the glare of the sun.

'We'll be waiting for you, so don't get hurt.'

. . .

Though the journey was short, Lukas was able to grasp the amount of manpower of the officers. Riding inside the truck with the boys were three armed men. There were two others in the front as well.

Five officers in each truck. That meant twenty in total.

'For now, let's just keep my head down.'

It wasn't going to be easy.

. . .

"Agent Wu, officers spotted. Relatively fast speed. Prepare to head out."

"Got it." Wu Shen ended the call and turned round to the others.

"Let's just put our faith in everyone on the trucks. We do our bit and they'll do theirs."

"Yes, leader!"

"Let's go."

Wu Shen and his boys stepped out of the bushes and ran into the middle of the road. They pretended to be fighting and took advantage of this to spread themselves out.

Everyone was equipped with bats that were either wrapped in barbed wire or had sharp protruding nails hammered into it. These were all evidence of Yu Jing's hard work. Whenever the girls went out shopping, they'd come back with a few bats and nails as he requested. He'd gone out of his way to prepare all of this with the hope of giving his friends an extra layer of protection.

Wu Shen swung the bat around a bit. To be honest, when he was handed this bat an hour Lukas' group had left, he'd been stunned. He'd held a knife before. Hells, he had even handled a pistol once or twice too. But the bat looked much more horrifying compared to those weapons. Was he meant to swing it like a savage?

It was unbelievable.

As the first truck approached, the boys went wild and swung their bats around randomly. Seeing this, the driver stomped on his brakes. Any later and he could have run one of those brats over.

The trucks behind him stopped too.

The officer driving the truck behind the first spoke into the walkie talkie.

"What's the matter?"

"Some kids playing on the road." The first driver replied then looked closer and found that they all wore uniforms. "They seem to be high school brats. Let me deal with them."

The driver stuck his head out of the window and yelled at them.

"Brats! Move out of the way!"

Contrary to the drivers' desire, the boys didn't even spare him a glance and continued to yell at the top of their voices.

"F*ck!" Those brats actually refused to listen to him. No, it wasn't that they didn't listen to him, it was more like they hadn't noticed the trucks arriving at all!

Driver 1 told the officer seated in the passenger seat beside him to get out and deal with them. The officer sighed and complied. As he jumped out of the truck, he noticed a few others were doing the same in the vehicles behind them. Everyone seemed to think that this would need to be settled a bit roughly.

Four officers strode towards the boys. One took out their pistol and shot into the air, startling the boys. Finally, the boys stopped their fight and looked at the strangers in fear.

"What are you all doing here? Why aren't you in school?"

The officer already knew that these rowdy kids were probably delinquents who believed that they were the coolest bunch in the world. A tall boy with spiky hair and a mean look in his slanted eyes swaggered up to the officer.

"Sir, we had some private business to settle and decided that this place was the best for it."

The officer wanted to curse. Was that really a reason to skip school? Furthermore, their weapons looked deadly. Were teenagers always this vicious? In any case, the fact that they were annoying would never change.

"Get the f*ck out of our way and get your *sses back to school."

Not doubting for a second that the boys would refuse his order, he signalled to the other officers to get back in their trucks and he turned his back on them without hesitation. This left him defenceless and allowed Wu Shen to smash his head with the bat. Blood spurting from the punctured wounds, the officer staggered and fell to the ground.

The silence that followed seemed to last forever.

The atmosphere changed in an instant and the first noise to sound was Wu Shen's thunderous yell,


Attack. That was what the boys did. The boys rushed towards the three remaining officers with reckless abandon. Seeing this, the officers instinctively reached for their pistols, but it was too late. The boys hurled their bats at the men, catching them off guard and pounced on them. With a trace of excitement in their eyes, the boys rained punches upon the officers' bodies. There was no chance for the men to retaliate.

The drivers had a clear view of the madness that played out before them. They were stunned. Who would expect something like this to happen? What were they supposed to do? They couldn't shoot them. They weren't like the trash from the slums. How would they explain-

Driver no.1 sneered darkly. Who said that they'd be the ones taking responsibility? They could just write it off as it being a tragic act of terrorism. Yeah. That was perfect.

He relayed his ideas to his coworkers and made to climb out of truck. What he didn't realise was that a boy stood right beside him with his bat ready to smash his skull in.

This boy had rolled towards the truck to avoid being spotted and waited by the driver's side for the man to come out. It could be said that his plan went smoothly. The driver had not noticed anything and was knocked out cold.

The others weren't as lucky. The drivers took out their pistols and aimed at the boys with precision. Shrieks of pain rung out as bullets grazed the boys as they attempted to dodge. Some were hit in their arms while others in the legs.

It was unknown whether they'd be able to survive this.

The chaos ensued.

Meanwhile, inside the trucks, the officers were beginning to get anxious. They could hear what was going outside and wanted to join them. The only thing stopping them were the males they had to guard.

The boys on the trucks were not stupid. They could see that this was the right time to attack. Noticing that the officers no longer payed much attention to them the boys jumped up and sprung into action. They strangled the officers without mercy.

Whenever the opportunity arose, they'd steal the officers guns form them and shoot them. This allowed them to overpower the men with ease. Having done their part, the boys ran out of the trucks and saw the mess outside.

Many of their friends were groaning as they clutched onto limbs that were broken or wounds that oozed with blood.

Seeing this, Lukas took the lead and shot an officer in the head.

The rest followed his example and shot holes in the officers' bodies.

They found that, the more they shot, the easier it became. Like this, the officers fell and the remaining sounds were the groaning of the injured.

Mike walked over to Lukas with a pained expression.

"Bro, this is worse than I thought it'd be."


Lukas closed his eyes and reopened them when he heard the sound of angry footsteps heading towards him.

It was Wu Shen.

The usually spirited young man was fuming. His hair no longer stood up proudly and a flower of red blossomed on his arm.

Wu Shen poked Lukas' chest hard.

"You-" Wu Shen stopped and spat on the ground. His eyes widened and his rage became stronger.

Pointing at the red glob on the ground, he began again, "You! Look what you've done! I have never bled this much! Look! My f*cking spit is bleeding too! I've got crap stuck in my arm and my body's in so much f*cking pain! What are you going to do about this?!"

Lukas silently looked at Wu Shen. To be honest, he had no idea what to do. The best he could do was to send them all to the hospital. But that wouldn't appease Wu Shen's anger.


"...Huh?" Wu Shen looked at Lukas in shock.

"I'm sorry."

That was all Lukas could really say. It was up to Wu Shen if he wanted to stay. If he didn't he'd let him go.

"...Nobody died so I guess it's fine." Wu Shen mumbled something and stomped off. To think that that arrogant person would apologise. Wu Shen's mouth curved slightly at this thought.

To be honest, although he felt fear, Wu Shen had also felt this indescribable sense of excitement when he had faced the bullets and tried to take down the officers. *Sigh* Forget it. He'd deal with this later. For now, he had to get his men to the hospital.

Lukas saw that Wu Shen had no intention to talk to him and turned to the others instead.

"Everyone, all I can say is sorry. After you get treated, you can leave the mansion and return home. You don't have to remain with us anymore."

After saying this, Lukas addressed Zhifan, Xiaodong and Jin Wei.

"Help those who got shot to the hospital. Take the shortcut instead. Mike, you lead them."

The three nodded.

"...Got it." Mike hurriedly went away to help those who couldn't walk anymore.

Soon, the place that was rich with noise was empty except from Lukas and a trembling boy.

Lukas handed Wu Shen's phone over to a boy and instructed him to call Yu Jing over.

Seeing that the boy was carrying out the task, Lukas sat on the ground and buried his face in his hands.

He was going too far. He didn't intend for them to get hurt. In fact, he didn't expect the officers to actually shoot...

Lukas sighed and finally stood up. Picking up a pistol, he made his way to the officers and shot them in the head. Whenever he ran out of bullets, he'd rummage around the officers' bodies and find some more ammo.

Like this, Lukas made sure that all the officers were truly dead.

Finished doing this, Lukas ignored the boy's stunned expression and waited for Yu Jing's arrival.

They had to get rid of the evidence.