Burn Baby Burn

Very soon, Lukas could make out a few figures in the distance.

It was Yu Jing, Tingting and Xiaozhi.

"Lukas!" Tingting called out to him.

They were carrying containers full of gasoline.

With sparkling eyes, Yu Jing walked up to Lukas and presented the containers to him with some pride.

"My Lord, I have brought the sacred water as you have asked."

Lukas nodded, "Well done."

Lukas pointed at the boy who stood awkwardly off to the side.

"The engines are still on. Go and wind down all the windows."

"Yes boss!"

The boy ran off to do as he was told.

Lukas turned back to Yu Jing and the girls.

"After he's done with the windows, we'll pour the stuff into the vehicles and set it alight. Simple."

""Ooh~" Xiaozhi clapped her hands with excitement.

Yu Jing scraped the ground with his feet and mumbled something under his breath.

"What's wrong?" Tingting noticed this behaviour and asked him with concern.

After taking in a large breath, Yu Jing voiced his misgivings. "...I've been thinking about this for a while, but setting the sacred water on fire is a bit dangerous."

"And?" Tingting looked at Yu Jing strangely.

'You mention this only now?'

"Well, I just want to know who will actually be lighting it on fire. The teacher once said that you could get set alight too."

"Surely that teacher was simply scaring you. It shouldn't be that difficult if we're careful, right?"


"Well then..."


Everybody was lost for words.

Who would want to take such a risk?

"...We make Mike do it?"

Lukas cold-heartedly threw his friend under the bus.

"Yeah, let's do that..."

Sounds of agreement were made.

* * *

After dropping the boys off at the hospital, Mike left those who could still move around to look after and protect them whilst he returned to help the others with burning the cars.

As one would expect, the nurses were thoroughly surprised that a bunch of highschoolers had bullet wounds and the like. Mike did his best to dodge most questions though and described it as getting roughed up by a bunch of thugs.

Soon, he could see the outlines of Lukas and the others.

Mike approached them at a jogging pace.

"Have you guys done it yet?" Mike called out to them in his usual bright voice, unaware of the strange atmosphere that surrounded them.

"...Can't you see for yourself?" Hearing Mike, Lukas replied without turning to look at him, his gaze fixed upon the stunning blue sky.

"Oh, yeah."

Mike looked at the 5 people who stood awkwardly around the gasoline containers.

"Why are none of you doing anything? What's taking you so long?"


Nobody was willing to answer that question.

Xiaozhi decided to pipe up.

"These little children are too scared to pour the gasoline in."

"..." Now Mike was at loss for words.


Tingting shook Mike as if he was crazy.

"What happens if the fire is so big- no. What happens if there's an explosion and my cute little face gets ruined from it?"

Mike steadied himself and saw that Lukas had no intention of helping him.

"First of all, they won't explode. Second of all, it shouldn't be that bad." Mike pushed Tingting away from himself and reassured her.

"Then won't you do it instead? Please~" Tingting held Mike's hand and pleaded.

"Hell no."

"But you said-"

"Hell no."


"What happens if the fire's so big or an explosion occurs that will ruin this good-looking face of mine? That would truly be a great tragedy."


Tingting slowly raised Mike's hand to her face.


Mike couldn't understand the actions of the girl in front of him.

"What are you- ARGH!"

Tingting bit hard into his hand and left her little teeth marks on his palm.

"Serves you right!"

"You crazy!-"

"Alright, alright. Why don't we all stop fighting and calm down~"

In the face of Xiaozhi's calmness, Mike had no choice but to put the throbbing on his hand to one side and address the current situation in a mature manner.

"What do you suggest we do then?"

Xiaozhi tilted her head and curled her lips, "Draw straws?" Mischief twinkled in her eyes as she proposed this idea.


The results were out after a few minutes.

Tingting drew the short straw.

"Oh shit."

"My Goddess!"

"That's some dogshit luck right there."

Lukas smiled inwardly.

'Glad it wasn't me'

"Well then, lil sis," Mike patted her on the back heavily. "Just know that you will always be remembered."

Tingting kicked him in the shins and turned resolutely. She strode to the nearest vehicle and calmed her trembling nerves.

Tingting sloshed the gasoline all over the car. Once the container was emptied, she lit a match and threw it.

The gasoline set alight immediately and the fire roared with energy as it engulfed the car in flames.

Tingting's hands shook as she leapt back in fear.

Not too far behind her was Mike. He clapped in encouragement in the face of Tingting's bravery.

"Come on li'l sis! You can do it!" Though his voice remained cheery, his stance was tense and his eyes never looked away from the flames and Tingting. Should anything happen, he was prepared to act immediately.

Tingting bit her lip as she moved to yet another car and continued to pour the liquid until another container was used up.

Clear beads of sweat rolled down her flushed face. The intensity of the blaze was one of such that Tingting found herself having difficulty breathing.

Another match was lit and arched through the air into the puddle of gasoline. Her vision was filled with crimson and she muffled her scream.

'How did I get here?'

The fact that she was currently setting something ablaze was baffling. Only a few months ago, she was attending school, helping her mother out with chores and staying up late to study for subjects that she had no interest in. Her life had completely changed since the day she'd followed Lukas. At school, though she was not bullied, she had nobody to rely on. But now, far from being lonely, she was surrounded with a bunch of people who cared for her.

Tingting's legs finally gave way and she collapsed to the ground. A low chuckle sounded behind her as Mike grabbed her under her armpits and dragged her away from the heat.

"You did well, li'l sis. You did very well."

Mike patted her on the shoulder and praised her.

Tingting could feel a surge of warmth flow through her.

"My Goddess!"

With tears pooling in his eyes, Yu Jing flung himself at Tingting and cried,

"Wahhh! My Goddess! Forgive this lowly one for being such a coward!"

Speechless, Tingting could only pat his head and hug him back.

'Why didn't you go instead?'

Lukas coughed and looked meaningfully at the other military trucks that had yet to be fully burnt. Tingting noticed it almost immediately

"You've got to be kidding me!"

Tingting looked at the two remaining trucks and screamed.

Yu Jing suddenly jumped away from Tingting and flashed her a brilliant smile.

"I know you'll be able to do it, my Goddess!"

Tingting immediately flew into a rage. This child who had clung to her asking for forgiveness was going to betray her once again?!

"Get over here."

Sensing danger, Yu Jing scampered away from her and hid behind Mike as Tingting darted towards him. Caught unawares, Mike was tackled to the ground and given a good beating.

"Ah! My Goddess has been tainted by the devil!" Yu Jing almost couldn't believe what he was seeing. No, everyone was surprised. The sweet girl they were used to was nowhere in sight. With the flames acting as the backdrop to this tragedy, it truly did seem like the devil had made an appearance.

* * *

At the end of the day, Lukas and the rest sat on the road watching the vehicles being smothered to death by the relentless fire.

In the end, after taking out her pent up anger, Tingting had finished her job off splendidly with not one trace of fear in her actions.

After warding off the shameless scum who showered her in praise and awe, she took Xiaozhi with her and went home.

Lukas, Mike and Wu Shen's lackey stayed back whilst Yu Jing had to go back home too.

"Bro." Mike disrupted the silence and addressed Lukas.


"Doesn't this scene remind you of something?"

Lukas froze. That was a memory stamped with the label 'Entry Forbidden' on the front of it.


"You sure? You know, in the libra-"

"Nope." Lukas' denial was accompanied by a dark glare.

"Ah, hmm- Yeah. Must have been my imagination." Mike shivered and continued to watch the spectacle.

Flickers of red and orange danced wildly, trapping its prey with no escape in sight. In the darkened night sky, such a scene appeared mesmerizing and the boys were only able to peel their eyes off such a scene after sirens sliced through the silence.