Battle Approaches

Under the watchful eyes of the steward, Lord Kadun's troops wasted no time in taking down their hastily erected camp.

And while they loaded their tents and supplies back onto the carts as fast as they could, the steward — Payam — watched them anxiously, shouting abuse at any soldier who so much as dropped a tent peg.

It was obvious that the man was on the verge of panic. Even while urging his men to move faster, he kept casting worried looks at Lord Rannoc's troops, as if he expected them to attack at any moment.

Yet when Arran looked at the hundreds of soldiers in the distance, he saw no indication of an impending attack.

While they weren't setting up camp, there was no sign that they were in a hurry, either. Instead, they appeared to be resting and eating, with no more than a few sparing either the mercenaries or Lord Kadun's troops any attention. And those who did gave them no more than a passing glance.