A Taste Of Battle

Arran tensed up as he heard the sounds of battle in the distance. Even if he wasn't expected to fight, he knew enough of battle to understand that the situation could change in an instant.

Yet to his astonishment, he saw that Captain Kaleesh stepped away from the column and casually walked over to a small knoll on the side of the road. Seemingly unconcerned, the captain gestured at his commanders.

"Get over here!" he called out. "Arran, you too!"

Arran gave Ervin a dumbfounded look, but the old sergeant merely shrugged. "Better do as the captain says."

After a moment's hesitation, Arran hurried toward Captain Kaleesh, arriving a few moments after the other three commanders.

"Look," the captain said, pointing toward the front of the column. "The first blow has been struck."