A Ridiculous Start To One’s Challenge Career

Jam was lead by the Head of Body Refining to the Training Grounds. They walked side by side from the entrance of the Head's office, to the Training Grounds and all throughout the journey Jam was stared at by the countless disciples of the academy. Usually, he would just walk with everyone ignoring him as if he were air, but now he could feel a certain respect from everyone around him.

Jam wasn't the type to needlessly flaunt his power all the time, so while he moved around the academy, he would usually suppress all the energy in his body to that of a mortal. Only people with cultivation bases superior to his could detect his true cultivation and even then his image wasn't widespread across the academy, so he just became another random disciple.

Now that he was openly treated as equals with a Head, a grand majority of people stopped to momentarily look over his way. And while his normal self would have just ignored the extra attention, the demon incarnate let Jam savour in the envy and jealousy of others' respect.

Eventually, Jam was brought to the Training Ground's central hub, a place he had never been to before. Previously, he had only returned to the Training Grounds to test his aptitude and even then he was teleported around by elders of the academy so that his talent could be uncovered instantly. Jam had never made it to the central hub and the liveliness of the area very much reminded him of the densely packed cities of urban jungles like New York and Los Angeles back in the Mortal World.

This central hub provided much more than just intermediary for cultivators to look through the various challenges of the Training Grounds. There were stalls selling just about everything, many of them being owned by disciples of the sect and led by factions internally competing with each other.

Unfortunately, Jam couldn't instantly abandon his post and wander around the hub looking. The Head of Body Refining was a busy man and an important figurehead who had taken time out of his schedule to accompany Jam and train him. Granted, Jam had effectively voided the generosity he had been shown by cultivating by himself much more efficiently than the Head could ever hope to train him. But, the intent was still understood and Jam didn't want to come off as ungrateful.

He was taken through the central hub to the sector designated for Body Refinement before coming across a large field with various rings, artifacts, and formations that would test for body cultivation.

Because he was being accompanied by the highest ranking practitioner of body refining, Jam was once again allowed to skip whatever lines were present and test himself across the various activities that gauged his performance as a body refiner. That being the case, it's not like there were many lines formed around the challenge area as body refiners were a rare sight even in a sect as diverse as the Cultivation Academy.

Furthermore, unlike the impression given off by that burly figure of his, the Head of Body Refining was actually compassionate as could be seen by him putting Jam though the challenges that were unoccupied before inconveniencing others that had been at the Training Grounds before them.

The first challenge Jam faced, involved him throwing a ball through a formation to test the explosiveness of his strength. He was put within a formation and told to pick up a ball based on his energy cultivation rank before throwing it as hard as he possibly could. Jam didn't understand how this could help him understand anything about his strength, but he complied regardless of the fact.

He went over to a rack which held balls, which closely resembled the bowling balls of the mortal world, and thereafter picked up the ball highlighted under "Saint." Almost instantly, Jam felt the weight of the ball and cursed under his breath "What the fuck is this? Sootsteel?" A ball made entirely of worthless Sootsteel? One of the few spiritual ores that completely rejected synergy with outside energy sources?

Furthermore, this ball specifically had been ultra refined at least a couple hundred times to be so dense as to cause Jam to stagger just from holding it. It easily weighed over 100,000 kilograms and no energy could be used to help Jam support carrying it around. But, given that this was a challenge for Body Refining, Jam begrudgingly accepted having to toss this ball and promptly made his way over to the throwing area.

Even though it had been a pain for him to carry the ball over from the rack to the throwing area, the moment he actively fueled his body with energy to kickstart the horrifying potential of his refined body, the previously heavy Sootsteel ball became as light as a feather. Jam didn't have much experience using his body as a weapon as he usually relied on energy cultivation in the form of his singularity points and beams to deal with enemies at a close range. Thus, he himself was astonished by the power of his body when he ignored using energy and relied solely on physical strength to launch the ball literally out of the sight.

His "attempt" in this challenge caused what little spectators had gathered around to watch him break as they tried comparing themselves to him. The challenge Jam was taking was known as the Shuttle Strength Challenge and involved a cultivator using only their raw physical strength to "shuttle" a Sootsteel ball through a space condensing formation. Anyone who had previously partaken in the challenge knew that not only did the challenger not have the assistance of their energy cultivation when hurling the ultra dense balls of Sootsteel, even after launching the ball their shoddy attempts at throwing the ball would be all the more depressing as the compressed space of the formation hindered the ball's movement.

Where as most would fail to see their ball fly for more than a couple dozen kilometers, Jam had directly shattered logic and reason by having his ball fly through the entire region of compressed space, an area of 100 kilometers, and then still have enough energy backing it to shoot out of the Training Grounds and off into the distance… Luckily, towards the direction the ball travelled there was nothing but plains for thousands of kilometers.

And after a couple minutes of patiently waiting, the ball Jam threw reappeared back on the rack as a DING! DING! DING! noise shook the entirety of the training grounds and a message spread out across the Body Refinement sector.

"ATTENTION! Training Ground Sector 3B Shuttle Strenght Challenge's record has been shattered! The previous record of 88 kilometers by Killing Might was broken by *white noise* and the new record stands at 998 kilometers." In his haste to see Jam's body cultivation in action, the Head of Body Refinement had forgotten to swipe Jam's identification card and thus his record was put under literally "no name."

Now, the people outside of the Body Refining sector didn't have much of a reaction to the breaking news as they didn't have the details of the situation on hand. Just hearing that a record had been broken was nothing out of the ordinary as the cultivation academy had many challenges across several fields. Furthermore, the challenges refreshed every couple months, with only the most earth-shatteringly absurd records — like the one Jam just created — being added on to the hall of records at the center of the Training Grounds.

However, the people at the body refining sector of the Training Grounds, all of them, stopped what they were doing to see what legend had come out of hiding today. Even those that hadn't cared about Jam just because he was led through by the Head, now did, as he had for the most part proven himself to be worthy of their attention with such a ridiculous record.

Jam didn't seem to care too much about his "astonishing feat" as he just slowly returned to the Head of Body Refinement asking "So, where do we go next?"

"..." The Head of Body Refinement had expected Jam to break records and perform excellently, but even he had to take a step back when comparing the previous record to Jam's ridiculous 998 kilometer throw. Even in the hall of records, the previous record standing in first place was achieved a couple thousand years prior by a terrifying lass known as Westwood who had thrown a ridiculous 764 kilometer long pitch. Even his record for 3B — 3 designating the challenge ID and B designating the challenge level for Saints — only amounted to 499 kilometers in his absolute peak.

"Uh… you can just pick any test you'd like to try out. Look, everyone has stopped what their doing, probably to see what else you'll do… But, before you start, give me your identification card so I can update your achievements." Though he was still stunned, the Head of Body Refinement still remembered to input Jam's identification before continuing on with his challenges.