
Whelp, I guess this is the end (for now at least). I remember back two months ago when I was writing my first work, the fanfic for Chojusen, I said something along the lines of "I want to be known as the dumb dumb Author who finishes his novels and doesn't quit just because he "fell off..." And as I reflect on the decision I'm making right flipping now, I'm just as disappointed in myself as you guys. It's just, I'm not quitting because I fell off, rather, my lack of taking off in the first place is what's destroying what little motivation I have for writing this novel.

I don't know if you can understand what it's like to watch as the days go by and your work never makes any progress. What it's like to see other novels take off while yours is abandoned. Now, hopefully I don't offend any other authors on the site with words like the ones I'm throwing around right now, if your novel has taken off its more likely than not that you are competent as a writer and your work is deserving of its attention. I'm probably just coming off as a whiny bitch for being unsuccessful in my first venture as an original writer and to an extent, even I agree with that sentiment. It's just, I what to express myself in as open a manner as can be and realizing my frustrations through writing like this is what I feel helps.

I'm pretty sure I contributed in a large part to why my novel is so unpopular. I mean I started off with a message to everyone that it wouldn't be updating for a while and even after coming back I had to take another stop to go to Cuba. I give my own novels sub par review scores and even admit that I have no confidence in them. To anyone with even a modicum of logic, these are red flags and I'm not surprised that many people have turned away from reading.

However, for the last two or so months I've released almost 200,000 words and 112 chapters. And for the better part of those two months It's felt like I've been writing for no one. Sure the view counts update by the everyday and my collections count increase as well. But it's truly depressing to see only three or four comments per chapter; even though they are extremely appreciated. Honestly, if it weren't for the two or three people a see coming back every day — even if it is just to say "thanks for the chapter" — I wouldn't have made it for this long.

Even back when I was writing the other novel, where I would get things about the canonical story wrong or when I made a decision that didn't sit right with some of the readers, getting mean/harsh comments would be infinitely better for my motivation — and I'm assuming other authors as well — than just silence.

Well, that's enough of that nonsense so here's what I've decided to do. Writing this novel, even before I began publishing, is grating as I feel no confidence in my skills as an author and that has only further declined with how little interest the novel has amassed over the two months. It's gotten to the point where I literally write to meet the quota I set up for myself of 1 chapter a day and for bonus opportunities like power stone incentives. (Wait this is still rambling! Sorry...)

Anyways, the problem with motivation is more impactful than you guys can imagine as I literally know what to write next and how the story should progress, but just sitting before my computer and trying to type for what I've already doomed to failure causes distractions to magically manifest; like when you have homework and just so happen to find a dozen videos you'd much rather watch than do your duty.

Thus, I'm deciding to not "drop" the novel and only put it on hiatus for now. Maybe if I become less whiny in the future and my career as an writer doesn't tank, I'll return to continue updating the story… But for now, I think I'll move on to enter in the webnovel weekly contests and write stories that gain an actual audience. If all else fails, I can somewhat confidently say that I'll return to this story eventually as I'm done with its outline and whatnot. The only thing I ask of you is to forgive me for wasting your time like so many other authors who don't finish their work and to remember that I'll eventually come back to finish what I started; maybe not now or in a year but eventually, I'll come to finish this story…

P.S. I'll be writing under another pseudonym for a while, else the bad reputation I just created might come to haunt me if I do get successful. So, if you're still a "fan" of either me or this story, sorry you won't be able to find what I'm working on for now… (The characters I write might be dense and stupid, but I think this shameless move is the most pragmatic.)

Don't forget to delete your old reviews and give this novel new 1 star reviews. Though I'm shameless and cowardly, I'd rather not waste other people's time; at least not now that I'm discontinuing production for this novel. But... have some fun with the 1 star reviews, like call me misogynistic and transphobic (you'd know why if you read all the chapters). If anything, we can make my action of quitting, a fun little game, and upvote the most satirically on point roast.