Makeover [2]

She hopped onto the bed and laid down. Suddenly, it dawned on her that she needed to tap the door of the cubicle to let the attendant know that she was ready. "Oh, shit! I am naked. What should I do?"

She decided to call the attendant instead of tapping the cubicle. "Miss! Miss! Are you out there? I'm ready," Alexa yelled to get the attendant's attention.

The attendant heard her and came back to start the waxing procedure. Alexa was laying on her stomach with a white cotton sheet covering her whole body.

"Miss, I have to check your body first to determine how much wax. I would need to complete the job. I'm going to remove the sheet, OK?"

"OK!" Alexa mumbled inaudibly.

After carefully looking over Alexa's whole body, the attendant was happy to announce to her that she would not need a lot of waxing. Alexa felt relieved after hearing that.

"I'll start with your legs first, alright?" The attendant announced. Alexa just nodded in acknowledgment.

The attendant spread the hot wax on Alexa's legs and right after, put a strip of gauze on it. Everything was fine until the attendant pulled the piece of cheesecloth off. "Ouch! WTF!!! That f**king hurts!" Alexa loudly screamed and kicked her legs, almost hitting the attendant.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Alexa turned around and sat up to apologize to the attendant.

"It's alright! I knew that the first time it would sting. I was prepared. You did not hit me." The attendant was trying to calm Alexa and usher her to lay back down, so they could continue.

Ms. Garcia heard it all and started laughing. "Hahaha!" She decided to check on what happened to make her scream like that. "So, you could not handle it, huh? Do you want to stop here and go home? It's fine for me; I don't care either way." She threatened.

There was no way in hell; Alexa was going to give up this opportunity that only came once in a lifetime. 

"Alexa can endure it, and she would endure it, she must bear it." Alexa kept on chanting for Mrs. Garcia to hear. 

"I guess that's a no!" Ms. Garcia motioned to the attendant to continue then left.

Thirty minutes Alexa was screaming and yelling each time the Attendant pulled the piece of gauze, then it stopped. The waxing was over, and the whole room turned quiet.

Alexa came out with only a robe on, her skin all smooth and shiny. When she looked around, there was no Ms. Garcia. She started panicking.

Ms. Garcia was relaxing, drinking some tea on the balcony, looking over the view of the oceanfront. She was mumbling to herself, deep in her thoughts. "A couple of years of training, and she will be ready to be the next beauty queen for sure. But would she be able to endure the training? She is so naive and innocent. She needs a lot of polishing. Do I want to do this?"

Alexa heard everything that Ms. Garcia was mumbling to herself. "Ma'am, if you give me a chance, I promise you in the name of my Grandmother, who has raised me with all her love, that I will be the next beauty queen when the time comes," Alexa swore to Ms. Garcia.

Ms. Garcia looked at her for a minute, contemplating her reply. She sighed before replying.

"Alright! It is a deal. I will give you one chance. However, you must make sure that after I train and polish you, you will become a beauty queen. It does not matter which one, Miss World, Ms. Earth, or Ms. Universe. I don't care as long as you become one." 

Ms. Garcia stretched her hand towards Alexa for a handshake, "Deal?"

Alexa shook Ms. Garcia's hand before replying. "Deal!"

"Now go back in there and finish dressing. We have our dinner to attend," Ms. Garcia ordered Alexa sternly.

Alexa graciously complied and went back to get ready for the dinner date that she was going to have with Ms. Garcia...

Alexa was determined to keep her oath. She would do whatever it took to accomplish her dreams and goals that she had planned for herself. Her grandmother always said, "When opportunity knocks, keep the door open, and once it's in the door, make sure it stays for good."

The attendant, who was waiting for Alexa, came with her ringing cell phone in hand. "Miss, your phone was buzzing. I thought you might want to answer it in case it's an urgent matter."

The phone stopped buzzing just as the attendant was handing it over to her. Alexa checked the number of the caller to see if it was an urgent call. It was from her grandmother, "Let me make a quick call, it's my grandma, and it could be important." She informed the stylist waiting for her to finish getting dressed. 

The stylist smiled at her and motioned for her to carry on.

Alexa went out to find a more discreet place to make her call. "Hello! Grandma, what is up? Are you looking for me?" She could hear mah-jongg tiles being shuffled in the background.

"I just wanted to let you know that I am at Aunty Bering's house, playing Mah-jongg." Grandma Santos sounded like she was having fun.

"I know. I figured that out when I got home, and you were not there. Are you winning? You sound like you are. I can hear it from your voice. Hehe!" Alexa teased her grandmother.

"Yes, I am. I'm about to quit while I'm still ahead." Grandma Santos said it out loud, so the other players could hear her too.

"What do you mean you're quitting soon? I need to get some of my money back first." One of the players complained.

"Alexa, tell your grandmother that she cannot quite yet. She can't keep winning all our money and then suddenly stop!" One of the players yelled, and Alexa heard the banter.

"Hahaha! Grandma, you better give them a chance to win some of their money back. Otherwise, they would not let you play anymore. Hahaha!" Alexa warned her grandmother jokingly before saying goodbye.

"Grandma, I have to go. I am quite busy right now. If this pays off, I would be on my way to stardom. See you later at home, alright?" Alexa tried to sound as cheerful as she could. But what she really wanted to say was... She would have enough money to pay for all Grandma Santos's gambling death...