Learning How To Do A Catwalk...

After hanging up, she rushed back to where the stylist was patiently waiting for her return. "I'm sorry! It was my grandmother." Alexa explained.

"It's alright, no big deal. Anyway, there is not much left to do. Here put this on, so we can see how it looks on you." The stylist handed her a knee-length evening dress. It was beautifully designed, but she could not find any label on it at all.

"Ms. Garcia has designed this dress. It has not been released yet. It's going to be a part of her collection for her next fashion show." The stylist proudly informed Alexa after noticing the way she kept studying the dress.

"Wow! Are you for real? Are you saying that this is an exclusive design that has not been seen by anyone yet?" Alexa was stunned and rooted to the ground, hearing what the stylist told her.

"Why are you still standing there? We don't have all day!" Ms. Garcia scolded Alexa, who was still unable to move.

"I'm sorry! I am coming... I am going... I'm changing right now." She put the dress on in a rush. She was amazed at the one of a kind exclusive evening dress that would change her life forever.

A couple of minutes later, Alexa came out of the cubicle wearing a beautiful evening dress. When Ms. Garcia saw Alexa come out in her exclusive design, she was happy that it fit perfectly. Someone would think, it was designed just for Alexa. Ms. Garcia was in awe and loved the way it fitted Alexa like a glove. It was beautiful.

"Give her the matching stilettos. Let us see if she can rock the dress while wearing high-heeled shoes." Ms. Garcia ordered the attendant that was helping the stylist.

Alexa was handed a pair of rock-studded t-strap stilettos by Valentino Gardabani, which probably cost almost a whole year of her salary. Her hands were shaking with nervousness when she put on the shoes. In her mind, she was stressed and worried that she would mess up the dress and break the shoes. She would not be able to afford to pay for it if something happened.

After putting the shoes on, she stood up straight. With her height, that was 5'11, and the heels elevated her by 4 inches", she looked so tall and beautiful. 

Ms. Garcia could not stop herself from smiling. She liked what she saw. 

Alexa was tall, slim, had long legs like a gazelle, with black, long curly hair that strolled down her back and beautiful straight pearly white teeth. She had dimples when she smiled. She was picture-perfect. The perfect candidate for the title of a beauty queen…

Alexa was in trouble because she had never worn high heels in her entire life. A few years ago, she went to the mall and tried on high heels shoes, but never stilettos. She never thought she would need to since she is already tall for a woman.

Ms. Garcia asked her to walk forward, but she hesitated and froze. She was afraid that she would fall flat on her face and embarrass herself.

"What are you doing?" Ms. Garcia motioned for her to walk towards her, but Alexa just stood like a statue.

Alexa was unable to move, her legs were shaking, and she was afraid to take even a step forward. However, Ms. Garcia started getting agitated, and her brows almost touched each other while looking at her, waiting for Alexa to make her first step.

Alexa had no choice. She started to pray to all the gods that she knew about. She was praying to anyone who could hear her, to let her walk in these stilettos without falling flat on her face.

Unfortunately, it seemed that all the gods were currently asleep, and no one was listening to her prayer. 

Therefore, Alexa took her first step on her unsteady foot, tripped on the rug, and she fell forward flat on her face with a big thud.

"WTF???" Were the only words that came out of Ms. Garcia's mouth…

The sight in front of Ms. Garcia was embarrassing. Alexa stayed sprawled on the ground without moving or trying to get up. She was so embarrassed that she could not face them, and she did not have the guts get up and run away.

She just stayed there on the ground facing the carpet and not bothering to look up to see Ms. Garcia's reaction.

Suddenly, Alexa heard lots of laughter. It was Ms. Garcia. She was laughing hard and loud. When Alexa heard the laughter, she found the courage to raise her head and look at their reaction.

 She saw Ms. Garcia laughing so hard she was holding her stomach. "I can't… believe… this!" She said in between laughs "I thought I had found a polished gem from a bunch of pebbles. Only to find out that the gem… I discovered… needs a whole lot of polishing!" She told Alexa while still laughing.

"Okay! Get up and take those shoes off! It is no big deal if you cannot wear stilettos. You will need to learn soon enough." Ms. Garcia motioned to the assistant stylist to help Alexa, and then ordered the Assistant to give her a pair of shoes with lower heels.

"Can you, at least walk with that height?" She kindly asked Alexa as she pointed to the shorter heal, with a sympathetic look on her face.

Alexa took the shoes from the assistant and put them on. She straightened her posture and took a couple of breaths. With an inward prayer, she stepped towards Ms. Garcia, Alexa was proud that she did not fall this time.

"How am I doing?" she asked while walking like a stiff board.

Ms. Garcia shook her head, with a wide grin plastered on her face. "You need to relax a little. You are too stiff. Watch me... this is how you should walk."

She demonstrated a perfect catwalk to Alexa. "Is it possible for you to walk like this?" she asked while doing the catwalk.