Walking Like A Real Model...

Alexa paid attention to Ms. Garcia. She watched how she gracefully did a catwalk. 'Hmm… that should be easy enough. I can do that. Otherwise, what is the use of all the practice I have done in the past?' she thought inwardly.

The problem was that she practiced barefoot. 'Here goes nothing!' Alexa thought then she made her first step... Then a second step... Third step... Alexa found confidence and continued to walk as she was shown...

"I did it! Hahaha! I did it!" she said with pride and excitement in her voice. 

She straightened her posture and did a catwalk with confidence and pride like a real beauty queen, showing her pearly white straight teeth behind her beautiful smile. "What do you think?" She asked Ms. Garcia, waiting to be praised for a well-done job.

Ms. Garcia did not disappoint her, "Good job! That was much better than before. The more confidence you have, the better you get. Now, let us see how well you will perform in front of a different audience." Ms. Garcia ordered her part-time assistant to prepare to leave.

Alexa was a little nervous when she heard what Ms. Garcia said about the audience. All kinds of thoughts started running through her mind as they walked out of the door.


Meanwhile, Lady Antella was comfortable and seated in the VIP section of a restaurant. She waited for her guests to arrive. She still had jet lag after the long flight from her country, but she was waiting in anticipation to meet with the illustrious Alexa Grant who had given Prince Alexander his many firsts.

After her conversation with Prince Alexander, she knew that she had to meet that girl. Alexa Grant might be the answer to their dilemma.

They were able to postpone the announcement of their engagement, but for how long? Prince Alex and Lady Antella needed to work very fast; otherwise, the marriage arrangement they were forced into would be a nightmare for both.

Lady Antella was in deep her thoughts when she heard the approaching voice, "This way please," the hostess was telling someone.

Lady Antella prepared herself to look dignified and ladylike. Only Prince Alexander and a few friends of hers knew that the real Lady Antella liked women and not men. [In other words, she is a lesbian.] 

This was why she needed to meet Miss Grant. She wanted to paint the Prince in a new light and try to convince her to be the Prince's girlfriend. 

Lady Antella was expecting Ms. Garcia and Alexa to come in. The most beautiful smile she could conjure was shining on her face. She sat with a straight back, like a lady that she was, waiting for the person to come in.

However, her smile turned into an angry scowl when she saw the person coming in. "WTF are you doing here?! Didn't I leave you at Stonasia?" she angrily asked the person who just walked in.

With a big grin on his handsome face, Prince Alex walked in, striding directly towards her. "You thought you left me there. Unfortunately, you were wrong, because I am here with you now, Ha Ha! Did you think I would let you meet my girl and steal her from me, do you? If you did, then you have another thing coming. By the way, she is not coming anymore. I diverted her somewhere else. So, you may as well pack your bags and go back home. I've already made sure of that." Prince Alex bantered to Lady Antella.

Lady Antella got up very fast and hit Prince Alex right on his handsome face. She hit him on his right cheek and then she hit him on his left cheek. But she was not done, she gave him an uppercut to his jaw which threw him off balance, and he fell flat on his butt.

"OUCH!!!" Prince Alex did not see that coming. Lady Antella had quick fighting skills. "What the heck is wrong with you! Why did you hit my face? You know it's going to leave a black bruise. God! If you were not a woman, I would have hit you back." Prince Alex was now irate. His hands were balled into fists, ready to hit back.

"Who's the woman, huh? What, you want to hit me!? Go ahead, hit me! Let us see if you can even get close, you a**hole!" Lady Antella yelled. 

If someone saw the way the two were arguing from the side, they would never be able to tell that they were royalty. Both of them were acting like gangsters, ready for a fight.

"Forget it. You know that I can never retaliate, even if I wanted to." Prince Alex sat down, trying to calm himself. He was still rubbing his jaw and cheek, hoping that it would not leave a black bruise. "You sure can throw a punch like someone I know." He mumbled to himself while rubbing his sore cheek.

Pierre, Prince Alex's assistant, came running with a piece of meat inside a plastic bag and a hard-boiled egg. "Your Highness let me use this on your face. We cannot let anything happen to this handsome face of yours. What would Ms. Grant think if we run-in to her." The assistant was more concerned about what Alexa would think rather than other people.

Lady Antella heard what the assistant said about running into Alexa. She was now curious as to how they were planning to do that. "You! Come here! Tell me where did you send Ms. Alexa? How are you planning on meeting her?" She asked while glaring at the assistant.

Pierre knew better than to mess with Lady Antella. He handed over the hard-boiled egg and the piece of meat to Prince Alex and rushed right out of the room without saying goodbye to any of them. Lady Antella was yelling at him as he was leaving.