I'm Sticking to You Like Super Glue

Everyone had their mouths wide open, and eyes were bulging from the socket due to the shock they received. All their attention was on Alexa and Ramon. They were stunned when Alexa bolted so fast after seeing Ramon and suddenly rained him with kisses on his face.

Daniel was the first one to get his senses back and got up and pulled his sister away from Ramon. "Alexa... Sweetheart! " He pulled to his side first before telling her, "Look!" With sadness in his voice.

Alexa realized what she was doing and froze. She couldn't believe herself that due to her excitement of seeing Ramon, she forgot that they had company. She slowly turned around to see everyone's reaction while sheepishly, "I'm sorry! I got carried away and...and... she couldn't find the words, so she just continued apologizing. "Ahhh, I'm sorry! I'm shameless, and I forgot that... that..." Alexa covered her face with her two hands so she could hide her embarrassment from everyone and started sobbing.