Mr. Boyfriend

Ria didn't push the issue any further as she knew that in due time, Alexa would open up to her when it was the right time. In the meantime, she would just stay by her side and do her best to guide her as President Grant tasked her to.

Lucas and Logan saw how sad Alexa was looking when she walked out of the parlor. However, what could they do was their task which had been to guard her and nothing more. All they could do was to follow her along the corridor as she dragged her feet all the way to the visitor's section.

The visitor sections had a two-way mirror where they could see the person on the other side, but they could not see them. Therefore, Alexa was able to take a look at the person that wanted to see her before actually meeting the person.

When they arrived, the person wanting to meet with her was busy looking at something on her cellphone. Therefore, they could not see her face at all.