
On the next day, a group of people was on their way to the White House for a tour. Lea received a call from a representative of the White House telling her that they were invited and wanted to get an exclusive tour of the White House. After getting the invite, she asked Ann and Jeff to stick around and join the party.

Ann thought that it would be fun. She also wanted to see Alexa once more before continuing with her honeymoon with Jeff. She convinced Jeff to stay for an extra day or two or until Lea resolved her issue. She also made an excuse that they did not get the chance to speak with the twins. Alexa had to leave. Wherever she went, the twins had to accompany her. Jeff had no choice but to agree, or he might get the 'Outside the Kulambo once again [be in the dog house].


The day before at the Oval Office inside the White House: