I Missed My Family

The day before, right after Alexa found out the DNA test result, she had been so excited that she could not contain herself from leaping and skipping; she wanted to announce it to her three confidants and bodyguards. Unfortunately, she couldn't say anything as they were walking the hallway of the White House towards her room, afraid that someone would overhear them and report it to "the witches." They had no choice but to wait until they arrived at her place.

However, once Alexa arrived at the door of her room, she grabbed the twin's arms and dragged them into following her inside the room. Alexa was grinning from ear to ear that she started to look like she had gone mad.

However, no matter how she acted like a crazy person, the trio would never voice it out loud, even if they thought so. It was part of their job description, and they would never hurt her intentionally.