Chrissy is Alive

The girls arrived not expecting to see Sophia and Chrissy still in an embrace and crying their hearts out. When they saw this, all three ran as fast as their feet could take them. They were full of concern.

"Mom, what's going on? Why are both of you crying?" Ann was the first one to ask.

"Ms. Garcia, are you alright? What's going on? Please! Don't scare me, alright?" Alexa went and sat down next to her mother. Unknown to her that Ms. Garcia is the mother she had been longing for as long as she could remember.

Chrissy let go of Sophia and faced Alexa, she put her two palms on Alexa's face and began caressing it so gently. "Oh, my dear child...- we were so near, but yet so far...- Thank God, he bought you to me when I was looking for an assistant. It was written in our fate to meet and be connected. Hahaha! I can't believe it!" Chrissy was talking in riddles that made Alexa just stare at her in confusion.