Only The Best and With Connection

Dr. Garcia arrived at the Manila Hotel only to find out that Chrissy was not in her room. He tried to get a key to her hotel room first and planned on waiting inside for her to surprise her, but the Front desk clerk was adamant and told him that she couldn't give him a spare key since he was not registered as a guest of Chrissy's and it was against the hotel's policy.

He had no choice but to try and contact Chrissy. However, when it rang, Chrissy saw his number and decided not to answer as she was not ready to speak to nor face him yet. Now that she had realized what he did, she needed to figure out first what to do, before meeting him.

When Dr. Garcia could not get a hold of Chrissy, he decided to get a room first, rest for a little and hopefully see her once she had free time on her hands, she would call him back. At least, that was what he hoped and thought.