Beauty and Brain

Alexa turned around to see where the voice was coming from, and if it isn't Ms. Jane Si... 'Not again...!' She thought to herself. Alexa could smell troubles from miles away. Just her name alone spells trouble...- Unfortunately, she cannot ignore her, so she quickly told Prince Alexander where she's at.

"Let's talk when you get here, alright?! Love you!" Alexa ended the call with a kiss on the screen of her cellphone, right in front of Jane Si to witness. Jane Si rolled her eyes when she saw what Alexa has done. "I wonder who the unlucky man that had fallen from your scam. I hope he wakes up soon or he might one day find out that all his assets were gone." She mumbles loud enough for Prince Alexander to hear, and his face turned sour.

After hearing that, Prince Alexander replied with a smack and a loud one at that. Before saying, "I LOVE YOU, MORE!!!" To make sure that whoever it was heard what he had said loud and clear.