Chapter 204

Airforce One landed at Washington DC International airport without delay.  Before their arrival, the press secretary made sure that no one would know about their appearance.  No one must see Alexa coming out of Airforce One. 

Until they know what's happening, there are still too many questions unanswered.  Why was Alexa held captive at one of the palace rooms, and it seems they are now pointing fingers at her.  For whatever reason, they need to be careful.

One by once, everyone descended from the plane onto the tarmac, where all the vehicles were lined up, waiting for them to take them back to the White House.  Daniel and Andrea were the first to descend. 

Once they were safely inside their vehicle, it was Chrissy, President Grant, and Alexa's turn.  Alexa was placed in between Chrissy at the front, Alexa next, then President Grant right behind them.