Chapter 205

President Grant's heart was breaking, looking at Alexa slumped at the floor sobbing at her grandmother's lap.  He bows to himself that he would do everything in his power to find the culprit and get his daughter's name cleared of any suspicion.

Daniel's face was unreadable as he looked at his sister.  His heart was also breaking, and there's nothing he could do to ease his baby sister's heartache.  If and when he does find out who that person that was trying to blame Alexa, he would make sure that person would regret being born.  He would make that person pay with his own life if needed.

Andrea and Chrissy both bent down to caress Alexa's back, trying their might to ease her pain.  Chrissy was in tears as well and crying silently with tears flowing down on her face. 

After a while, when Alexa seems to calm down.  Chrissy and Andrea help her up to a standing position.  Before all three of them embraced each other and bega weeping together...