Who Is She?

A palace guard who was patrolling the ground found Prince Alexander and Prince Angelica splattered on the ground.  He quickly called for back-up, asking what to do?  He knew right away that the man lying in the pool of blood is none other than their Crown Prince Alexander.

He made sure to inform the higher about his findings.  While he was speaking on the radio, he came and checked for a pulse to see if they are still breathing...  When he felt a heartbeat from Prince Alexander... He let out a sigh of relief.

He then checked Princess Angelica's...  The contour of his face changed, and it shows how scared he was, for there was no heartbeat found.  He knew right there and then that she's dead...  He immediately informs his superior over the radio.  "Sir!  Sir!  Must come right away, it seems that the lady with the Prince had perished.  What should I do?" He was shouting over the radio.