He Would Wait For Eternity

Prince Alexander felt like he's going to have a heart attack.  He kept on pumping his left chest above his heart that's beating so fast.  "Thud-thud-thud!"  'What the heck is wrong with me?' He thought while he keeps on pumping his chest.

Pierre saw through the rearview mirror what he was doing and got worried.  "Are you alright, your highness?  Is there something I can do for you?  Do you want me to stop and get your medicine?"  He asked, worriedly.

Instead of replying to Pierre's questions, Prince Alexander closed his eyes, forcing himself trying to remember Alexa Grant.  However, no matter how hard he works, nothing...  The more he tries, the more his in pain, "Ahhh!" He exclaimed in which had startled Pierre and put his foot on the break accidentally.

Prince Alexander was not wearing a seatbelt. Therefore he was thrown toward the front of the car and banged his head on one of the seats.