Meeting After A Year

Meanwhile, back at TGH Hotel & Casino inside the Penthouse.  Prince Alexander decided that he would go down and check out the Casino.   As per the General Manager Arman Gusman, there's a lot of things he could do to enjoy himself while he was staying there.  Therefore, he decided to take the offer and prepare to go down and have fun.

Since Prince Alexander had been coup-up for a year rehabilitating, he decided to enjoy life while he's there.  His playboy attitude resurfaces, and now he wanted actions.  Even though their primary purpose was to meet with Alexa face to face, that was only to see if he could get back the memory he lost.

Pierre had told him that he was so in love with Alexa Grant that he had changed his ways.  He was once a notorious playboy and never taken any woman seriously.  The funny thing was, he could remember those days of him playing around, but not the time he spent with Alexa Grant.  Which is odd, and that's what he's trying to solve now.