The Heart Beat's, Even If The Memory Was Gone

The club was jammed pack when Alexa and Eva arrived.  Ann had asked Jeff to call ahead and make sure that the girl will not have an issue going in.  When Jeff found out where the girl was heading... He wasn't too happy for that's where he had set Prince Alexander up for the night.

He was planning to transport Prince Alexander the next day when they all leave to fly to America.  Since their flight is around noon and the check-in time is at 3:00 p.m, there was no chance of them meeting.  However, now that Alexa decided to go to THG Hotel & Casino... He's not sure any longer.

When Jeff wasn't making a move to contact the hotel, Ann nudged him.  "Hey,' Aren't you going to reach the Manager?  If you're not, then I will!"  Ann said irritably.