She's Invited To His Table

However, just as Prince Alexander was ready to make his move towards the dancing floor.  The music stopped, and Alexa and Eva stopped dancing and left the dance floor to go to the ladies.  They had poorly sweated and wanted to freshen up.

Prince Alexander has no choice but to sit back down and think of the next step.  "Pierre, go to the restroom and wait by the ladies' room, and when the two ladies come out, invite them to our table." He ordered anxiousness showing on his face.

"Your H- Alex! Do I have to wait for them by the ladies' room?  How about we wait until they come back and see where they are seated, and I will go and invite them?"  Said Pierre with a sad-looking face, for it's embarrassing for him to stand and wait by the ladies' room.

"No!  Go and wait over there, or they might leave without us knowing.  I want to meet her, and she's... she's...  I don't know what to say, just go!"  Prince Alexander urged Pierre with urgency.