Heart To Heart Talk

Alexa was in total shock to see the person sitting with a big smile on his handsome face, was the same man she had been pinning for over a year.  The man that supposed to be bedridden, unable to see, and lost his memory of her. 

'What is this?  Is this some kind of joke?' Alexa couldn't comprehend what going on, and she was unable to move forward after seeing that face...  Prince Alexander, the only man she ever loved...

Pierre realizes that Alexa was not behind him when he was about to introduce her to Prince Alexander.  He turned to look and saw that she was standing there looking straight at Prince Alexander like she just saw a ghost or something.

That irritated Pierre more, he thought that the girl had recognized Prince Alexander and was so stunned that it's a Royalty that invited her.  He went back to where Alexa was.  "Are you coming or not?"  He said disgustingly.