First day of college

Time went slowly, Days in the Kim villa was good. Soojin got closer with Kim family.Finally the day she was waiting came. The day when she would start her college Grudges

She was so excited as well as relieved that she didn't have to stay in the Kim villa anymore. She really didn't want to be unwanted member in the house.

Soojin got up early that day and started to pack her suitcase. She got ready to go. She wear white floral dress and her makeup was simple that suits college students. Still she look stunning like a fairy.

Soojin picked her suitcase and get down to the hallway. She walked toward Mr and Mrs Kim who was sitting in the dining room with Kim hae Jin and Kim xung.

Mother kim smiled and said:"Dear come and have your food"

Soojin sit next to xung:"Thank you auntie and uncle for letting me stay here and treating me well." Soojin said what her heart felt.

Mother kim:"Dear that's nothing. You are like xung to us. And daughter aren't burden for parents."Mother Kim genuinely like soojin and she really treat her like her daughter. And she really hopes that she can be her daughter in law.

Soojin smiled:" Thank you "

It was so emotional. The atmosphere were like soojin was their daughter who was going to marry until when Kim hae Jin interrupt them.

Kim hae Jin look cold as well as he was:"You are going to stay at hostel or accommodation nearby the college?"

Soojin answer in a word:"Hostel" The got closer than before but not that close. For example 'from stanger to distant friend'

Xung was sad that her friend was leaving. She wish to go with her but she can't as she was in last year of high school as her two years got wasted because of accident that happened in the past.

Soojin whisper in xung ear "Don't worry I will contact you later and we will do fun together"

Kim hae Jin look at them. They indeed become close. He really wish that his sister could become closer to Park Jae in.

People keep staring at soojin even after Kim hae Jin left the hostel. Soojin ignored them and went to the reception room for registration.

Soojin:"Hello ma'am. I'm new student joining from first batch."

Receptionist:"Name please"

Soojin : "Yong soojin"

Receptionist :"Please wait a minute. Hm..... Room no. 241. Here is your keys. You are sharing room with 2 girls hope you will stay with peace"

Soojin :"I will. Thank you. Can I ask you about the time table of lecture."

Receptionist: "oh! I forgot to give you a time table. Here is it?"

Soojin :"thank you then i will be going."

Receptionist smile and bid farewell.

Soojin found after few stroll in the hostel. She opened the room and went inside. The room was like typical girl hostel. Three hostel bed, study table, cupboard and makeup counter.

Soojin choose a single bed near the window as she wasn't able to sleep in 2 store bed. She would have felt suffocate. She start to unpack her luggage as she had time before her first time lecture.

The door was opened. She looked at the door and see two girl. One of them was simple and cute while other was boyish and strong with both personality and physical.

Soojin:"Hello I'm yong soojin. Nice to meet you."

Cute one: "Hello. Nice to meet you too my name is Sayona"


Sayona :"I'm studying music art and you two?"

Soojin :"Business management and journalism "

Sam:"Human psychology"

Soojin :"I'm looking forward for a great time."

Sayona:"me too"

They choose bed as their preference and started to unpack too. After unpacking they went college together and part their way in the hallway as they have different course.

It was the time to leave Kim villa when father Kim order Kim hae Jin to drop her off at the college. Soojin insist of going on her own. She did not want to bother anyone especially Kim hae Jin.

However she could not deny the order of the highly majesty Kim. So by the end of the day she got drop by Kim hae Jin.

She bid a farewell with Kim family and open her arm for new journey.

Inside the car-

Soojin : "Thank you for dropping me"

Kim hae Jin : "It's OK"

After the simple conversation both of them shut their mouth and didn't speak for the whole time. It took 2 hours to get college.

He parked his car outside of hostel gate where soojin was supposed to stay. He even helped soojin to unload her luggage and ask her if she needed for his help to register.

Soojin thanked him and said that she can do it by herself and don't mind her at all. Soojin was really don't want to make him work and in addition she was ashamed of the stare that were given by the people around them.

They were staring at her as she was alien or something. Not because she was looking beautiful or coming by the millions car but because of the person she came with. Kim hae Jin.

Males were watching with suprise and appreciations as she look beautiful and warm and he looked handsome and cold.

While women were full of jealousy and evy as their long time crush and dream boy was coming with new chick. Every woman of them if soojin was them. Beautiful and able to catch eyes of Kim hae Jin on them.