First day of college 1

She was looking for class when she bump into Hyun bin and Park Jae in.

Hyun bin :"Soojin you're here"

Soojin :"Hello hyun bin and park Jae in"

Park Jae in :"hello soojin. You must be searching for the class?"

Soojin: "Yes do you have any idea where's the lecture happening of business."

Park Jae in :"First right second turn."

Soojin :"First right second turn. Thank you."

Park Jae in : "it's OK let's meet for lunch sometime."


Soojin was walking as Park Jae in instructions that she did not notice the man was walking behind her.

"Bawh....." The man starled soojin. So much that made her jump in the suprise. She looked behind and saw Hyun bin.

Soojin :"You.. You trying to scare me to death?why are you following me? "

Hyun bin laughed: "who was following you? I'm attending my class."

Soojin was so scared and angry that she forgot that she was speaking informally :"Then go."

Hyun bin : "Little kiddo. Don't you think you are speaking too informally to your senor. By the way we are going to attend same lecture"

Soojin bit he lips annoyingly: "oh. Sorry."

Hyun bin smile and walk away:"Kiddo let's go."

They went to the class. All these bickering was watch by two people. First Park Jae in who was their from the beginning and second a girl who was capturing the whole thing in her phone.

Inside the lecturing hall.

Hyun bin:"Hey bro"

Kim hae Jin look at them and sneered at Hyun bin :"You are here to attend the lecture?"

Hyun bin bicker back:"Then I am here to swim?"

Soojin laugh softly enough to get noticed by them. She composed herself and said "Sorry. Please continue"

After saying that she went to sit back seat which was three seats behind Kim hae Jin and Hyun bin.

Professor was there. Everybody got pin drops silent.

"Good morning pals. Welcome to the SNU. We are going to start a new semester. All the best."

Afterward the lecture continues for an hour which bore Hyun bin. He thinks that it was really a mistake to attend and curse soojin for making him to attend the lecture.

When the lecture ends, Hyun bin sigh of relief and look at soojin who was being ready to go.

Hyun bin called her. "Little kiddo let's eat something before next Lecture."

Soojin evilly smiled: "Brother I'm not available. I have to attend another class In five minutes and I have already eaten my breakfast. Go and grab your biscuit." She cautionuly nod to Kim hae Jin and left.

Hyun bin was shock and didn't know what she really meant. He looked at Kim hae Jin for answer.

Kim hae Jin laugh and said "puppy go and eat biscuit as madam said." He left after bombing. Hyun bin understood what they meant and curse under the breath.

Soojin indeed had class as she attending two course together. She got so busy that she forget to eat her lunch and she was able to eat some snacks.

As for dinner she went to the canteen. The quality of the food was good but not better than homely cooked food. As she was eating she missed her mother and called her mother afterwards.

Soojin :"Ma How are you?"

Mother yong :"I'm fine. How are you dear? Did you get to the college? How is your day? Do you like the room that your dad prepared? If not we can arrange single room for you alone?"

Mother yong splash a bucket of questions to soojin. She smiled and answered her all questions "Maa I'm fine. I got here in the morning and got too busy that I forgot to tell you. I really like the room and no need to arrange another room as I like my roommate. They are nice and and friendly. Don't worry about me I'm your daughter and I'm sure that I can handle this myself. "

Mother yong was relieved. They talked a while before hanging up.