Movie date

Her first day of college was not bad. It was as normal as it should be. Soojin got to sleep early as she was tired and didn't want to be late for college tomorrow.

Her schedule for a week was same. Getting up early, classes, bumping into Kim hae Jin as they were taking same lecture and bickering with Hyun bin.

Her week wasn't bad. She did miss her family and Kim family but she was happy here too. She was trying hard to make her family proud. She was fulfilling her dreams and trying not to make her family ashamed.

It was weekend. The day off of her college. Her roommate were busy. Sayona was busy with her boyfriend and Sam was busy with her project.

She was all alone in her room. She was bored but she didn't have any friends with whom she could stroll.

It was when xung called "You liar, cheater! Didn't you say that you would call me? And you would take to play? Where are you?"

Soojin was so sorry. She absolutely forgot about her. She apologized. "I'm sorry xung. I was so busy that I forgot. How about today? Let's go to watch movie. You and me. How about that?"

Xung pretend to be thinking. "OK. Let's go shopping after movie. You might also need to buy new clothes for fresh up party. "

Soojin almost forgot about It. Next month there was fresh up party and she didn't have clothes suitable for the party.

"OK" they talked about a minute before hanging up and then she called her parents to ask for money.

Her parents were not selfish about money but they had a strict rule. They did not give money to their children for unwanted purposes. Soojin and her brother had average pocket money that was enough for food and necessary things.

Soojin : "Hello Pa"

Father yong:"yes darling"

Soojin :"Can I buy a new dress for fresh up party."

Father yong:"Of course darling. How much do you need? I will transfer now."

Soojin smiled, " $2000 only."

Father yong "Is it enough?"

Soojin :"Dad it's more than enough. Thank you dad"

Her dad online transfer the money. Soojin thought that the money was so much that she could buy a dress and save half of it but in reality it wasn't even close amount to her dress that she worn at Kim hae Jin birthday. It cost half of million.

Till that date, Her mother and grandmother used to buy clothes for her and her brother. So she did not know she wear clothes of millions. The dress she normally wear cost thousands of dollars.

Soojin got ready and went outside her building where they decided to meet. From there they will be going together.

Soojin saw the car of xung and got inside.

Soojin:"Xung! Thank you for picking me." As she looks at the person who was sitting in the back. She was shocked and starled.

Soojin :"Mr. Kim? I mean Kim hae Jin." She looked at him than xung mumbling. 'What is he doing here'

Xung:"Brother was free. So, I asked him to company me."

She hypothetically nod and smiled. She was in state of distress and shocked when the driver turned over and said, "Little kiddos, Why are you so scared of Kim hae Jin? He won't eat you alive!"

Soojin again jumped out of shocked"You.. You when did you get in? "

Hyun bin laugh and said : " What do you mean by when? I was here from the beginning? You only have eyes for Kim hae Jin"

Soojin rooled her eyes and ask:"what do you mean?"

Hyun bin did not say anything. He drives car.

Soojin look at xung who was sitting in the copilot seat. She encouraged herself to ask.

"Where's Park Jae in? She should have come with you?" She asked questions but didn't indicate anyone.

It was Hyun bin who answered. "She is busy with her practice and didn't have time to stroll."

Soojin Humm as acknowledged. She was still thinking that it was unnecessary for them to come too. Hyun bin and Kim hae Jin.

Looking at bitter expression, Kim hae Jin slowly asked, "Are you thinking that we are unwanted guest? AND we shouldn't have come?"

Soojin was in deep thought that she answered without realizing. "Yeah"

When she realized it was too late. She looked at black expressions. "yes.. No I mean I was not expecting you two will be joining. I was just got afraid... I mean shock. Not like you are ghost... What I mean is..... Sorry."

Hearing her explanation, His face was got more dark. She thought that she was in big trouble and it was better to seal hear mouth.

People in the front sit were laughing out of the wit. They were enjoying the show of lion and cat.

Hyun bin tease them," Soojin why are so scared? Don't be afraid your uncle is here. He will protect you from evil."

After saying that both xung and Hyun bin laugh more.