Evelyn, a beautiful name.

He walked inside and walked to his regular place only to find that someone was sitting there. But in a matter of seconds and one look from him, the man scrambled away.

Salvatore took his seat and wait. He glanced at this wat—

"I suppose it would be coffee for you, sir?" The beautiful Voice flooded through his ears and he looked up not wanting to embarrass him as he didn't trust his voice, He just nodded.

She nodded politely and gave him a dimpled smile as she moved to the back of the kitchen.

He sighed in relief. With her, his heart seemed to beat faster than ever. He wanted to pay his chest but people were watching him. They knew of him or had heard the tales through someone.

The descriptions about him were exact and they knew better than to look him in the eye.

So they just stole a glance or two.

She came out of the kitchen with a tray in her hands that had his coffee or so he hoped.

"Here you go." She placed it in front of him and then said, "Can I help you with anything else? It's the time of my break now, so someone else will be able for you."

He opened his mouth but then hesitated. Fuck, if his father saw him, he'd be a laughing stock for generations to come.

"Would you like to have something with me?" He said Instead. "I'll pay, of course."

She rose a brow at him. "Pay for my company or my food?"

"For food, I mean your food." He corrected himself. "Please, order." He said as he pointed to the seat in Infront of him.

She looked at then shrugged. "Alright." A waiter came and took her order.

"So, you survive on coffee?" She pointed to his cup. "You only drunk that. I have never seen you order anything else."

He tapped his fingers on the branded pair of pants. "I like coffee for lunch. It keeps me awake." He lied straight through his teeth. Only his mother and Bells could see through them. His other would even now before he did so.

She knew a thing he did before lying.

"Ah," she groaned. "A corporate job then?"

He nodded. He was the owner but whatever. "What about you?"

"I'm in college, the second semester still because I have to drop out due to," she air quoted, "Money issues."

"You earn for yourself?"

She looked torn at that and he knew that he had touched a sore topic.

"You could say that." She came up with instead. "Like. . . Yes, something like that."

He nodded and realised something. He wanted to smack himself.

"I'm Salvatore." He introduced and held out his hand with her palm facing up.

She grinned. "Evelyn." She answered and placed hers in his. His warm hand had him blush.

He leaned forward and kissed her hand making it intensify. "Beautiful name." He praised.

"T-thank you." She stuttered feeling overwhelmed by the attention. The male was a specimen of a kind and his sole attention was on her.

Her food came and he frowned at it making her look down. Why was he so judgemental all of a sudden?

"Excuse me," he called the waiter respectfully who had just turned around after placing the food. "Please it back and bring a full lunch platter for the lady."

He did as told and she watched it happen.

"What?" She whispered. She had chosen a salad. A good dish to eat in front of a man.

Easy and clean.

"What do you mean, what?" He frowned and she couldn't help but admire it. "You have to work and then study, you have to eat more than a measly meal of leaves." The food, a full big platter, was kept in front of her along with a savoury cheesecake slice.

"Please," Salvatore pointed to it, "Finish it all for me."

"All?" She whispered and stared down at it.

The expression on her face was well recognised by him and enough to make a decision. But for her sake, he said instead, "As much as you can." Her eyes snapped to his, "The rest maybe you could have it packed up? I don't like the wastage." She shrugged and she nodded while finally starting to eat making his heart lighten.

Evelyn was hiding a lot from him.