A vow

"You are ready already?" Alexis croaked out in a heavy morning voice. Her eyes were still filled with sleep and she would go back to bed anytime now.

He nodded, straightening his tie and pinning it to the shirt. "I have a banquet to attend. Gario is hosting it."

" Ah," she laughed, making him tighten his lips. She was laughing at him. "Angelo it doesn't matter who is hosting it. The thing is you miss working."

He felt his skin loosen. She was right and there was no sense in angry on himself. " I do."

"It was for your heart and Salvi was ready." She reminded him. " Take care."

He nodded in understanding and walked to where she was. Kissing her head and goodbye he watched as she went back to sleep and he walked out of the house into the car and was driven to the destination.

He nodded to the Don's he knew. Even though he was no longer in business it was pretty much stated that if anyone wanted to greet him the better come with the reason to do so. Even in his sixties Angelo's wrath was not forgotten and his sons actions only added to his fear.

"Alessandro," a pat came on his back and he huffed as a drink was placed in front of him.

"Bianchi," he nodded.

"I'm dying." The Man without waiting and beating around the bush told him straightforwardly. "And I'm dying in that sense right and I need a. I have no days left that I can count on."

Antelope felt a sudden grease hate him. A sadness that he felt no longer to be around for those other than his family. Friends in this world especially and his line of business were red. Associates were common but this man was more of a friend.

" When?"

" A year, give or take." He shrugged, taking a gulp of his own drink, " that is not my concern, you are a good friend and I would like you to take over my business because I have not yet decided what to do. The only favour I ask you is to take care of my daughter."

" Her?" Angelo frowned, " Bianchi, have a groom decided for and marry her off. That will be most safe for her."

"It will. I do know that. But her mother and I were married that way and no one benefited from it. He hated each other almost all of our lives and only good thing that came out of it was my child." He spoke without any riddles. It baffled Angelo to hear the man say clear words with no hidden meaning and underneath them. If anything Bianchi was a man that could spin words like a spider spinning its web.

"I want her to be able to choose who to marry. I feel that it would be better that way."

Angelo nodded, he was the father of a daughter himself. It was no surprise to him how happy Bella Rosa was when she had chosen her own groom for her. Even though he was not really in favour of her getting married, she was happy and he knew that both inside and out with the help of his spies.

"Alright, Bianchi," he held his hand out, "Ibvow you that."


Salvatore's entire body hummed with tiredness. Insomnia is a common occurrence now. He did not know what was occupied in his mind. Either it was a beautiful blonde or just the workload on him. All of this only made him think harder about shifting the workload to some extent to his consigliere as well.

He was after all paying hefty amounts to him.

The card near the venue and slowdown. He checked the weapons he had, slightly pushing back into the seat he felt his gun and rubbing his ankles together for a quick second he felt the gun and knife were there as well.

Any fucker could turn on him in a quick second which is why he knew that he had to be prepared for his own life.

His guard, driver, Luigi, opened the door for him and he stepped out. The velvet took the car keys from him and both of them moved in along with the rest of the man that had come along.

It was a banquet arranged by one of the most influential families and they were from his grandmother's side which is why he made sure to come here along with his father.

"My boy," Garioi; his uncle greeted him, "How are you?"

"Alive." He grunted out, giving him a nod.

Conversations began before his uncle had to excuse himself eventually and leave. He felt a hand on his arm and did not have to think twice before a disgusting smell of overpowering flowers water off his nose making him feel a headache coming his way immediately.

"Mr D'alessandro," she crooned, his eyes shifted to her, barely portraying his expressions to her, "I heard that you were coming. My father sends his regards."

"Your father is not even the senator yet," he muttered, " keep this up and I'll make sure that it does not even have the house he acquired for his recent mistress."

She called back immediately. Perhaps in disgust aur astonishment of the fact that her father had a mistress that they had no idea about. Or even that it was another mistress after the first one was found out.

Step away from her scent. It was disgusting to say the least. For the first time he appreciated the choices his mother and sister made in the department of perfumeries.

"Scotch, straight," even though his words were not loud enough to be heard above the crowd's voice but the bartender nodded.

Within seconds a glass was placed in front of him above a small piece of silk napkin.

"You look good."

Salvatore laughed, "Making fun of me?"

Angelo grinned, "I can only do that when your mother is not around. Women goes as protective as you as a mama bear."

His son shrugged, "Not my fault. I do prefer her over you."

"Get fucking married." Angelo spat out without a filter, "You're thirty, we need an heir."

"I could adopt."

"Lucas didn't make the Don." His father snapped, " Don't say that again." Only he knew the truth, no one else except his wife was aware of the reality.