A death man's family - III

She had heard of him and he was someone who she shouldn't mess with. It was common knowledge. 

Everyone knew it. Yet, her path had to cross with his after her father had died! It was the worst situation that she can go through. 

"We shall take this to the office then," Antonio stepped in and for the first time she was grateful to have this stoic man on her side. 

Angelo nodded. 

Antonio led the way and Evelyn was in the middle. Angelo followed them at a small distance. Evelyn neared the area which could be called her father's sanctuary. He had grown up hair just like she had in the house. If her father was nowhere to be found and this was the one place where he would be. 

This time only when she opened the door and it was empty. Only his scent was in the air along with the smell of cigar. 

He was gone and only this remained. 

She moved to the couch but a clearing of throat made her stop. She turned around from their sister and saw that both of the men were looking at her pointedly. Antonio behind her father's chair and she glanced at it. She could not do that. 

It would be too much. 

"My son sits in the chair I did one day," Angelo's soothing voice took her by surprise. The man looked sympathetic. "It is what they call legacy. The choice is yours." He held up the papers once in the air before taking a seat in front, where the visiting seats were. 

Both of them were expecting him to do something that she had never done; she just could not take the place of her father. She was never meant to do it. He had never trained her for this. 

Antonio's eyes bore into her. She could say that she was ticking the anger of the man which is why she slowly moved and sat in the chair of the man that she had only sat in the lap of when she was little. 

Her father's death. And she was in her chair. 

"What can we do for you, Mr D'alessandro?" Antonio asked from behind her and she was thankful to not being given the chance to talk. She did not want to talk in front of this man anyway. 

"Bianchi came to talk to me about a week ago. We had an agreement signed. I think you are aware of it." Angelo did not address instead he talked with Antonio and Evelyn did not appreciate being ignored but she could do anything else as well because she had no idea what they're talking about. 

"You don't mean?" Antonio's voice came out a little shocked and Evelyn's eyes snapped to him. What? 

What was he being so suspicious about? 

"I do." Angelo said as he kept the papers down on the table and slid it towards them. "Here, see for yourself." 

Antonio did. Evelyn did not even bother moving. She watched as his eyes moved over every word and his fingers slightly tightened over the file. 

It was not nice, she could say that. 

He closed it shut. 

Well, she concluded, it might be worse. 

"I have to make sure that you knew this before the funeral. I did not want any unnecessary arrangements or problems. Now that my work is done I shall leave." He stood up and fixed the buttons of his jacket. "You," he said to Antonio, "know me well enough to know that I am not exactly," he looked at the innocent woman in the room who was looking at him with dear eyes, ". . . merciful. However, Bianchi was a friend and I am going to be lenient with all of this. I shall wait for the funeral invite."  

The man walked out without looking back leaving Evelyn and Antonio in the room alone.

She turned to the man, turning her chair with it as well, "What's up?"

"Up?" The man repeated with the scoff, "Everything is about to go down."