News to the family - II

Evelyn felt her life flash in front of her eyes. Uncle Giuseppe pulled her hair from the roots and Evelyn cried out loudly. 

"Let go!" She screamed and clawed at his hand with her nails. It hurt. 

"Let go?" The man taunted. "I don't think so. I don't think you deserve that after being in the us all on the road especially for what your father has done!" He pulled on the roots harder and Evelyn cried again. 

"I don't understand," Marco whispered, shaking his head to himself, "what do we do with her that everything is in someone else's hands?" 

Evelyn's heart stopped. Her once brave friend no longer showed as she realised that they were talking of plotting her death in front of her. 

"Nothing," Giuseppe sneered in her ear. "We are to do nothing for her." 

They were going to kill her. 

Evelyn was on the verge of pissing her pants. This was not what she wanted right after her father's death. She did not want to beg. She was above that. But they were going to kill her and that was the harsh truth. 

"Stupid whore!" Natalia shouted and smacked the girl with all her might making Evelyn fall down. "How could you ruin everything. You knew this was coming to you, now take it!" She raised her feet to kick Evelyn's nose making the girl cry out. 

Aunt Natalia missed but she ended up hitting her cheekbone and it hurt like hell. 

"Her father entrusted the girl's safety in my hands," they all turned to the source of voice except for Evelyn who recognised it immediately, "and you will just put your hands on her." 

Evelyn started crying. 

Antonio walked in and so did a bunch of other men. Some of them went directly to her father's study while the other pushed back her family members. 

"Come dear child," she had Antonio say and he helped her up. She could work perfectly fine but Evelyn appreciated the support given to her by Antonio. 

She was helped by him to the car and the driver started driving. 

Before long she found Antonio causing himself under his breath. "I should have known that those people would have troubled you. I am sorry I could not come earlier." 

For the first time Evelyn had had the man apologize for something to someone else that did not her father. She nodded her head. "At least you came." 

Evelyn frowned when she did not see the way to her house. "Are we not going to my penthouse?" 

He shook his head. "I might have left out a few words. I am not the one who has been entrusted with your security, it is Mr Alessandro." 

Evelyn's eyes bulged out. " What?" She gasped. "What does that mean Antonio? Where does that leave me?" 

The man licked his lips. "Frankly speaking and putting it into the most simple words I can find it means that Mr Alessandro is responsible for your life just as your father would be. Since the man agreed to it he will treat you like he would treat his own daughter." 

Evelyn covered her entire face. This was not good. She had heard the rumours and stories about the man and what his family was capable of. This was not good at all. 

She hissed slightly when her cheek stretched and it ached. 

"Wait," she heard Antonio address the driver, "taken to an ice cream parlour." 

And the driver stopped at the gelato one. Evelyn squinted her eyes slightly at the man. "What are you upto?" 

He shrugged and went around the car to open her door. As they made their way inside the establishment he started to talk, "Your life is going to change because of who you are going to lift it now. Being the ward of Alessandro's family alone is going to drive people away from you, which is why I think that you can enjoy one normal night." 

She did not comment on that. Her mind was aware of what was going to happen which is why she just focused on selecting the pistachio flavour. 

"What's going to happen to you?" Evelyn asked the man who had selected orange after some time. "Where are you going to go?" 

He sighed loudly and all of a sudden seemed the most tired person in the world. "I . .. it depends on what the boss wants Now. Since I am quite elder it's his decision if he wants me to retire now rather than later. If not, I am fine working." He looked at her, "Worry about you kid. The family should accept you. That would be better, best in fact."

Oh, she worried alright. She sighed and leaned back in the chair. She worried.